# cSpell:ignore LASTEXITCODE # cSpell:ignore errrrrorrrrr # cSpell:ignore sepleing <# .SYNOPSIS Uses cspell (from NPM) to check spelling of recently changed files .DESCRIPTION This script checks files that have changed relative to a base branch (default branch) for spelling errors. Dictionaries and spelling configurations reside in a configurable `cspell.json` location. This script uses `npx` and assumes that NodeJS (and by extension `npm` and `npx`) are installed on the machine. If it does not detect `npx` it will warn the user and exit with an error. The entire file is scanned, not just changed sections. Spelling errors in parts of the file not touched will still be shown. This script copies the config file supplied in CspellConfigPath to a temporary location, mutates the config file to include only the files that have changed, and then uses the mutated config file to call cspell. In the case of success the temporary file is deleted. In the case of failure the temporary file, whose location was logged to the console, remains on disk. .PARAMETER SpellCheckRoot Root folder from which to generate relative paths for spell checking. Mostly used in testing. .PARAMETER CspellConfigPath Optional location to use for cspell.json path. Default value is `./.vscode/cspell.json` .PARAMETER ExitWithError Exit with error code 1 if spelling errors are detected. .PARAMETER Test Run test functions against the script logic .EXAMPLE ./eng/common/scripts/check-spelling-in-changed-files.ps1 This will run spell check with changes in the current branch with respect to `target_branch_name` #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter()] [string] $CspellConfigPath = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot/../../../.vscode/cspell.json"), [Parameter()] [string] $SpellCheckRoot = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot/../../../"), [Parameter()] [switch] $ExitWithError, [Parameter()] [switch] $Test ) Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 function TestSpellChecker() { Test-Exit0WhenAllFilesExcluded ResetTest Test-Exit1WhenIncludedFileHasSpellingError ResetTest Test-Exit0WhenIncludedFileHasNoSpellingError ResetTest Test-Exit1WhenChangedFileAlreadyHasSpellingError ResetTest Test-Exit0WhenUnalteredFileHasSpellingError ResetTest Test-Exit0WhenSpellingErrorsAndNoExitWithError } function Test-Exit0WhenAllFilesExcluded() { # Arrange "sepleing errrrrorrrrr" > ./excluded/excluded-file.txt git add -A git commit -m "One change" # Act &"$PSScriptRoot/check-spelling-in-changed-files.ps1" ` -CspellConfigPath "./.vscode/cspell.json" ` -SpellCheckRoot "./" ` -ExitWithError # Assert if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "`$LASTEXITCODE != 0" } } function Test-Exit1WhenIncludedFileHasSpellingError() { # Arrange "sepleing errrrrorrrrr" > ./included/included-file.txt git add -A git commit -m "One change" # Act &"$PSScriptRoot/check-spelling-in-changed-files.ps1" ` -CspellConfigPath "./.vscode/cspell.json" ` -SpellCheckRoot "./" ` -ExitWithError # Assert if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 1) { throw "`$LASTEXITCODE != 1" } } function Test-Exit0WhenIncludedFileHasNoSpellingError() { # Arrange "correct spelling" > ./included/included-file.txt git add -A git commit -m "One change" # Act &"$PSScriptRoot/check-spelling-in-changed-files.ps1" ` -CspellConfigPath "./.vscode/cspell.json" ` -SpellCheckRoot "./" ` -ExitWithError # Assert if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "`$LASTEXITCODE != 0" } } function Test-Exit1WhenChangedFileAlreadyHasSpellingError() { # Arrange "sepleing errrrrorrrrr" > ./included/included-file.txt git add -A git commit -m "First change" "A statement without spelling errors" >> ./included/included-file.txt git add -A git commit -m "Second change" # Act &"$PSScriptRoot/check-spelling-in-changed-files.ps1" ` -CspellConfigPath "./.vscode/cspell.json" ` -SpellCheckRoot "./" ` -ExitWithError # Assert if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 1) { throw "`$LASTEXITCODE != 1" } } function Test-Exit0WhenUnalteredFileHasSpellingError() { # Arrange "sepleing errrrrorrrrr" > ./included/included-file-1.txt git add -A git commit -m "One change" "A statement without spelling errors" > ./included/included-file-2.txt git add -A git commit -m "Second change" # Act &"$PSScriptRoot/check-spelling-in-changed-files.ps1" ` -CspellConfigPath "./.vscode/cspell.json" ` -SpellCheckRoot "./" ` -ExitWithError # Assert if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "`$LASTEXITCODE != 0" } } function Test-Exit0WhenSpellingErrorsAndNoExitWithError() { # Arrange "sepleing errrrrorrrrr" > ./included/included-file-1.txt git add -A git commit -m "One change" # Act &"$PSScriptRoot/check-spelling-in-changed-files.ps1" ` -CspellConfigPath "./.vscode/cspell.json" ` -SpellCheckRoot "./" # Assert if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "`$LASTEXITCODE != 0" } } function SetupTest($workingDirectory) { Write-Host "Create test temp dir: $workingDirectory" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $workingDirectory | Out-Null Push-Location $workingDirectory | Out-Null git init New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "./excluded" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "./included" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "./.vscode" "Placeholder" > "./excluded/placeholder.txt" "Placeholder" > "./included/placeholder.txt" $configJsonContent = @" { "version": "0.1", "language": "en", "ignorePaths": [ ".vscode/cspell.json", "excluded/**" ] } "@ $configJsonContent > "./.vscode/cspell.json" git add -A git commit -m "Init" } function ResetTest() { # Empty out the working tree git checkout . git clean -xdf $revCount = git rev-list --count HEAD if ($revCount -gt 1) { # Reset N-1 changes so there is only the initial commit $revisionsToReset = $revCount - 1 git reset --hard HEAD~$revisionsToReset } } function TeardownTest($workingDirectory) { Pop-Location | Out-Null Write-Host "Remove test temp dir: $workingDirectory" Remove-Item -Path $workingDirectory -Recurse -Force | Out-Null } if ($Test) { $workingDirectory = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) SetupTest $workingDirectory TestSpellChecker TeardownTest $workingDirectory Write-Host "Test complete" exit 0 } $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" . $PSScriptRoot/common.ps1 if ((Get-Command git | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { LogError "Could not locate git. Install git https://git-scm.com/downloads" exit 1 } if (!(Test-Path $CspellConfigPath)) { LogError "Could not locate config file $CspellConfigPath" exit 1 } # Lists names of files that were in some way changed between the # current branch and default target branch. Excludes files that were deleted to # prevent errors in Resolve-Path $changedFilesList = Get-ChangedFiles $changedFiles = @() foreach ($file in $changedFilesList) { $changedFiles += Resolve-Path $file } $changedFilesCount = ($changedFiles | Measure-Object).Count Write-Host "Git Detected $changedFilesCount changed file(s). Files checked by cspell may exclude files according to cspell.json" if ($changedFilesCount -eq 0) { Write-Host "No changes detected" exit 0 } $changedFilePaths = @() foreach ($file in $changedFiles) { $changedFilePaths += $file.Path } $spellingErrors = &"$PSScriptRoot/../spelling/Invoke-Cspell.ps1" ` -CspellConfigPath $CspellConfigPath ` -SpellCheckRoot $SpellCheckRoot ` -ScanGlobs $changedFilePaths if ($spellingErrors) { $errorLoggingFunction = Get-Item 'Function:LogWarning' if ($ExitWithError) { $errorLoggingFunction = Get-Item 'Function:LogError' } foreach ($spellingError in $spellingErrors) { &$errorLoggingFunction $spellingError } &$errorLoggingFunction "Spelling errors detected. To correct false positives or learn about spell checking see: https://aka.ms/azsdk/engsys/spellcheck" if ($ExitWithError) { exit 1 } } else { Write-Host "No spelling errors detected" } exit 0