
Text file src/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/eng/common/scripts/Helpers/git-helpers.ps1

Documentation: github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/eng/common/scripts/Helpers

     1# cSpell:ignore Committish
     2# cSpell:ignore PULLREQUEST
     3# cSpell:ignore TARGETBRANCH
     4# cSpell:ignore SOURCECOMMITID
     5function Get-ChangedFiles {
     6  param (
     7    [string]$SourceCommittish= "${env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCECOMMITID}",
     8    [string]$TargetCommittish = ("origin/${env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH}" -replace "refs/heads/"),
     9    [string]$DiffPath,
    10    [string]$DiffFilterType = "d"
    11  )
    12  # If ${env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH} is empty, then return empty.
    13  if (!$TargetCommittish -or ($TargetCommittish -eq "origin/")) {
    14    Write-Host "There is no target branch passed in. "
    15    return ""
    16  }
    18  # Add config to disable the quote and encoding on file name. 
    19  # Ref: https://github.com/msysgit/msysgit/wiki/Git-for-Windows-Unicode-Support#disable-quoted-file-names
    20  # Ref: https://github.com/msysgit/msysgit/wiki/Git-for-Windows-Unicode-Support#disable-commit-message-transcoding
    21  # Git PR diff: https://docs.github.com/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-comparing-branches-in-pull-requests#three-dot-and-two-dot-git-diff-comparisons
    22  $command = "git -c core.quotepath=off -c i18n.logoutputencoding=utf-8 diff `"$TargetCommittish...$SourceCommittish`" --name-only --diff-filter=$DiffFilterType"
    23  if ($DiffPath) {
    24  $command = $command + " -- `'$DiffPath`'"
    25  }
    26  Write-Host $command
    27  $changedFiles = Invoke-Expression -Command $command
    28  if(!$changedFiles) {
    29    Write-Host "No changed files in git diff between $TargetCommittish and $SourceCommittish"
    30  }
    31  else {
    32  Write-Host "Here are the diff files:"
    33  foreach ($file in $changedFiles) {
    34      Write-Host "    $file"
    35  }
    36  }
    37  return $changedFiles

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