$ReleaseDevOpsOrgParameters = @("--organization", "https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk") $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParameters = $ReleaseDevOpsOrgParameters + @("--output", "json") $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParametersWithProject = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParameters + @("--project", "Release") function Get-DevOpsRestHeaders() { $headers = $null if (Get-Variable -Name "devops_pat" -ValueOnly -ErrorAction "Ignore") { $encodedToken = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes([string]::Format("{0}:{1}", "", $devops_pat))) $headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $encodedToken" } } else { # Get a temp access token from the logged in az cli user for azure devops resource $jwt_accessToken = (az account get-access-token --resource "499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798" --query "accessToken" --output tsv) $headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $jwt_accessToken" } } return $headers } function CheckDevOpsAccess() { # Dummy test query to validate permissions $query = "SELECT [System.ID] FROM WorkItems WHERE [Work Item Type] = 'Package' AND [Package] = 'azure-sdk-template'" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST ` -Uri "https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/Release/_apis/wit/wiql/?api-version=6.0" ` -Headers (Get-DevOpsRestHeaders) -Body "{ ""query"": ""$query"" }" -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable if ($response -isnot [HashTable] -or !$response.ContainsKey("workItems")) { throw "Failed to run test query against Azure DevOps. Please ensure you are logged into the public azure cloud. Consider running 'az logout' and then 'az login'." } } function Invoke-AzBoardsCmd($subCmd, $parameters, $output = $true) { $azCmdStr = "az boards ${subCmd} $($parameters -join ' ')" if ($output) { Write-Host $azCmdStr } return Invoke-Expression "$azCmdStr" | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable } function Invoke-Query($fields, $wiql, $output = $true) { #POST https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/{team}/_apis/wit/wiql?timePrecision={timePrecision}&$top={$top}&api-version=6.1-preview.2 $body = @" { "query": "$wiql" } "@ if ($output) { Write-Host "Executing query $wiql" } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST ` -Uri "https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/Release/_apis/wit/wiql/?`$top=10000&api-version=6.0" ` -Headers (Get-DevOpsRestHeaders) -Body $body -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable if ($response -isnot [HashTable] -or !$response.ContainsKey("workItems") -or $response.workItems.Count -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Query returned no items. $wiql" return ,@() } $workItems = @() $i = 0 do { $idBatch = @() while ($idBatch.Count -lt 200 -and $i -lt $response.workItems.Count) { $idBatch += $response.workItems[$i].id $i++ } $uri = "https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/Release/_apis/wit/workitems?ids=$($idBatch -join ',')&fields=$($fields -join ',')&api-version=6.0" Write-Verbose "Pulling work items $uri " $batchResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri ` -Headers (Get-DevOpsRestHeaders) -ContentType "application/json" -MaximumRetryCount 3 | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable if ($batchResponse.value) { $batchResponse.value | ForEach-Object { $workItems += $_ } } else { Write-Warning "Batch return no items from $uri" } } while ($i -lt $response.workItems.Count) if ($output) { Write-Host "Query return $($workItems.Count) items" } return $workItems } function LoginToAzureDevops([string]$devops_pat) { if (!$devops_pat) { return } $azCmdStr = "'$devops_pat' | az devops login $($ReleaseDevOpsOrgParameters -join ' ')" Invoke-Expression $azCmdStr } function BuildHashKeyNoNull() { $filterNulls = $args | Where-Object { $_ } # if we had any nulls then return null if (!$filterNulls -or $args.Count -ne $filterNulls.Count) { return $null } return BuildHashKey $args } function BuildHashKey() { # if no args or the first arg is null return null if ($args.Count -lt 1 -or !$args[0]) { return $null } # exclude null values $keys = $args | Where-Object { $_ } return $keys -join "|" } $parentWorkItems = @{} function FindParentWorkItem($serviceName, $packageDisplayName, $outputCommand = $false) { $key = BuildHashKey $serviceName $packageDisplayName if ($key -and $parentWorkItems.ContainsKey($key)) { return $parentWorkItems[$key] } if ($serviceName) { $serviceCondition = "[ServiceName] = '${serviceName}'" if ($packageDisplayName) { $serviceCondition += " AND [PackageDisplayName] = '${packageDisplayName}'" } else { $serviceCondition += " AND [PackageDisplayName] = ''" } } else { $serviceCondition = "[ServiceName] <> ''" } $query = "SELECT [ID], [ServiceName], [PackageDisplayName], [Parent] FROM WorkItems WHERE [Work Item Type] = 'Epic' AND ${serviceCondition}" $fields = @("System.Id", "Custom.ServiceName", "Custom.PackageDisplayName", "System.Parent") $workItems = Invoke-Query $fields $query $outputCommand foreach ($wi in $workItems) { $localKey = BuildHashKey $wi.fields["Custom.ServiceName"] $wi.fields["Custom.PackageDisplayName"] if (!$localKey) { continue } if ($parentWorkItems.ContainsKey($localKey) -and $parentWorkItems[$localKey].id -ne $wi.id) { Write-Warning "Already found parent [$($parentWorkItems[$localKey].id)] with key [$localKey], using that one instead of [$($wi.id)]." } else { Write-Verbose "[$($wi.id)]$localKey - Cached" $parentWorkItems[$localKey] = $wi } } if ($key -and $parentWorkItems.ContainsKey($key)) { return $parentWorkItems[$key] } return $null } $packageWorkItems = @{} $packageWorkItemWithoutKeyFields = @{} function FindLatestPackageWorkItem($lang, $packageName, $outputCommand = $true) { # Cache all the versions of this package and language work items $null = FindPackageWorkItem $lang $packageName -includeClosed $true -outputCommand $outputCommand $latestWI = $null foreach ($wi in $packageWorkItems.Values) { if ($wi.fields["Custom.Language"] -ne $lang) { continue } if ($wi.fields["Custom.Package"] -ne $packageName) { continue } if (!$latestWI) { $latestWI = $wi continue } if (($wi.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"] -as [Version]) -gt ($latestWI.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"] -as [Version])) { $latestWI = $wi } } return $latestWI } function FindPackageWorkItem($lang, $packageName, $version, $outputCommand = $true, $includeClosed = $false) { $key = BuildHashKeyNoNull $lang $packageName $version if ($key -and $packageWorkItems.ContainsKey($key)) { return $packageWorkItems[$key] } $fields = @() $fields += "System.ID" $fields += "System.State" $fields += "System.AssignedTo" $fields += "System.Parent" $fields += "Custom.Language" $fields += "Custom.Package" $fields += "Custom.PackageDisplayName" $fields += "System.Title" $fields += "Custom.PackageType" $fields += "Custom.PackageTypeNewLibrary" $fields += "Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor" $fields += "Custom.PackageRepoPath" $fields += "Custom.ServiceName" $fields += "Custom.PlannedPackages" $fields += "Custom.ShippedPackages" $fields += "Custom.PackageBetaVersions" $fields += "Custom.PackageGAVersion" $fields += "Custom.PackagePatchVersions" $fields += "Custom.Generated" $fields += "Custom.RoadmapState" $fieldList = ($fields | ForEach-Object { "[$_]"}) -join ", " $query = "SELECT ${fieldList} FROM WorkItems WHERE [Work Item Type] = 'Package'" if (!$includeClosed -and !$lang) { $query += " AND [State] <> 'No Active Development' AND [PackageTypeNewLibrary] = true" } if ($lang) { $query += " AND [Language] = '${lang}'" } if ($packageName) { $query += " AND [Package] = '${packageName}'" } if ($version) { $query += " AND [PackageVersionMajorMinor] = '${version}'" } $workItems = Invoke-Query $fields $query $outputCommand foreach ($wi in $workItems) { $localKey = BuildHashKeyNoNull $wi.fields["Custom.Language"] $wi.fields["Custom.Package"] $wi.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"] if (!$localKey) { $packageWorkItemWithoutKeyFields[$wi.id] = $wi Write-Host "Skipping package [$($wi.id)]$($wi.fields['System.Title']) which is missing required fields language, package, or version." continue } if ($packageWorkItems.ContainsKey($localKey) -and $packageWorkItems[$localKey].id -ne $wi.id) { Write-Warning "Already found package [$($packageWorkItems[$localKey].id)] with key [$localKey], using that one instead of [$($wi.id)]." } else { Write-Verbose "Caching package [$($wi.id)] for [$localKey]" $packageWorkItems[$localKey] = $wi } } if ($key -and $packageWorkItems.ContainsKey($key)) { return $packageWorkItems[$key] } return $null } function InitializeWorkItemCache($outputCommand = $true, $includeClosed = $false) { # Pass null to cache all service parents $null = FindParentWorkItem -serviceName $null -packageDisplayName $null -outputCommand $outputCommand # Pass null to cache all the package items $null = FindPackageWorkItem -lang $null -packageName $null -version $null -outputCommand $outputCommand -includeClosed $includeClosed } function GetCachedPackageWorkItems() { return $packageWorkItems.Values } function UpdateWorkItemParent($childWorkItem, $parentWorkItem, $outputCommand = $true) { $childId = $childWorkItem.id $existingParentId = $childWorkItem.fields["System.Parent"] $newParentId = $parentWorkItem.id if ($existingParentId -eq $newParentId) { return } CreateWorkItemParent $childId $newParentId $existingParentId -outputCommand $outputCommand $childWorkItem.fields["System.Parent"] = $newParentId } function CreateWorkItemParent($id, $parentId, $oldParentId, $outputCommand = $true) { # Have to remove old parent first if you want to add a new parent. if ($oldParentId) { $parameters = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParameters $parameters += "--yes" $parameters += "--id", $id $parameters += "--relation-type", "parent" $parameters += "--target-id", $oldParentId Invoke-AzBoardsCmd "work-item relation remove" $parameters $outputCommand | Out-Null } $parameters = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParameters $parameters += "--id", $id $parameters += "--relation-type", "parent" $parameters += "--target-id", $parentId Invoke-AzBoardsCmd "work-item relation add" $parameters $outputCommand | Out-Null } function CreateWorkItem($title, $type, $iteration, $area, $fields, $assignedTo, $parentId, $outputCommand = $true) { $parameters = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParametersWithProject $parameters += "--title", "`"${title}`"" $parameters += "--type", "`"${type}`"" $parameters += "--iteration", "`"${iteration}`"" $parameters += "--area", "`"${area}`"" if ($assignedTo) { $parameters += "--assigned-to", "`"${assignedTo}`"" } if ($fields) { $parameters += "--fields" $parameters += $fields } $workItem = Invoke-AzBoardsCmd "work-item create" $parameters $outputCommand if ($parentId) { $parameters = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParameters $parameters += "--id", $workItem.id $parameters += "--relation-type", "parent" $parameters += "--target-id", $parentId Invoke-AzBoardsCmd "work-item relation add" $parameters $outputCommand | Out-Null } return $workItem } function UpdateWorkItem($id, $fields, $title, $state, $assignedTo, $outputCommand = $true) { $parameters = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParameters $parameters += "--id", $id if ($title) { $parameters += "--title", "`"${title}`"" } if ($state) { $parameters += "--state", "`"${state}`"" } if ($assignedTo) { $parameters += "--assigned-to", "`"${assignedTo}`"" } if ($fields) { $parameters += "--fields" $parameters += $fields } return Invoke-AzBoardsCmd "work-item update" $parameters $outputCommand } function UpdatePackageWorkItemReleaseState($id, $state, $releaseType, $outputCommand = $true) { $fields = "`"Custom.ReleaseType=${releaseType}`"" return UpdateWorkItem -id $id -state $state -fields $fields -outputCommand $outputCommand } function FindOrCreateClonePackageWorkItem($lang, $pkg, $verMajorMinor, $allowPrompt = $false, $outputCommand = $false) { $workItem = FindPackageWorkItem -lang $lang -packageName $pkg.Package -version $verMajorMinor -includeClosed $true -outputCommand $outputCommand if (!$workItem) { $latestVersionItem = FindLatestPackageWorkItem -lang $lang -packageName $pkg.Package -outputCommand $outputCommand $assignedTo = "me" $extraFields = @() if ($latestVersionItem) { Write-Verbose "Copying data from latest matching [$($latestVersionItem.id)] with version $($latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"])" if ($latestVersionItem.fields["System.AssignedTo"]) { $assignedTo = $latestVersionItem.fields["System.AssignedTo"]["uniqueName"] } $pkg.DisplayName = $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.PackageDisplayName"] $pkg.ServiceName = $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.ServiceName"] if (!$pkg.RepoPath -and $pkg.RepoPath -ne "NA" -and $pkg.fields["Custom.PackageRepoPath"]) { $pkg.RepoPath = $pkg.fields["Custom.PackageRepoPath"] } if ($latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.Generated"]) { $extraFields += "`"Generated=" + $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.Generated"] + "`"" } if ($latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.RoadmapState"]) { $extraFields += "`"RoadmapState=" + $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.RoadmapState"] + "`"" } } if ($allowPrompt) { if (!$pkg.DisplayName) { Write-Host "Display name is used to identify this package across languages and is usually the friendly name (i.e. For 'Azure Anomaly Detector' it would be 'Anomaly Detector'. For 'Azure Cognitive Search' it would be 'Search'.). See https://aka.ms/azsdk/mark-release-status for more info." while (($readInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the display name") -eq "") { } $packageInfo.DisplayName = $readInput } if (!$pkg.ServiceName) { Write-Host "This is the friendly service name for this package that is used to align it with other packages and languages (i.e., no need to include 'Azure' or 'Microsoft' in the title). The service name is sometimes the same as the `Package Display Name` if there is only one package for a service. (i.e. For 'Azure Anomaly Detector' it would be 'Anomaly Detector'). For services that ship multiple packages be sure to list the service only. (i.e. For 'Schema Registry Avro', the service name is just 'Schema Registry'; For 'Key Vault Certificates', the service name is simply Key Vault.). See https://aka.ms/azsdk/mark-release-status for more info." while (($readInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the service name") -eq "") { } $packageInfo.ServiceName = $readInput } } $workItem = CreateOrUpdatePackageWorkItem $lang $pkg $verMajorMinor -existingItem $null -assignedTo $assignedTo -extraFields $extraFields -outputCommand $outputCommand } return $workItem } function CreateOrUpdatePackageWorkItem($lang, $pkg, $verMajorMinor, $existingItem, $assignedTo = $null, $extraFields = $null, $outputCommand = $true) { if (!$lang -or !$pkg -or !$verMajorMinor) { Write-Host "Cannot create or update because one of lang, pkg or verMajorMinor aren't set. [$lang|$($pkg.Package)|$verMajorMinor]" return } $pkgName = $pkg.Package $pkgDisplayName = $pkg.DisplayName $pkgType = $pkg.Type $pkgNewLibrary = $pkg.New $pkgRepoPath = $pkg.RepoPath $serviceName = $pkg.ServiceName $title = $lang + " - " + $pkg.DisplayName + " - " + $verMajorMinor $fields = @() $fields += "`"Language=${lang}`"" $fields += "`"Package=${pkgName}`"" $fields += "`"PackageDisplayName=${pkgDisplayName}`"" $fields += "`"PackageType=${pkgType}`"" $fields += "`"PackageTypeNewLibrary=${pkgNewLibrary}`"" $fields += "`"PackageVersionMajorMinor=${verMajorMinor}`"" $fields += "`"ServiceName=${serviceName}`"" $fields += "`"PackageRepoPath=${pkgRepoPath}`"" if ($extraFields) { $fields += $extraFields } if ($existingItem) { $changedField = $null if ($lang -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.Language"]) { $changedField = "Custom.Language" } if ($pkgName -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.Package"]) { $changedField = "Custom.Package" } if ($verMajorMinor -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"]) { $changedField = "Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor" } if ($pkgDisplayName -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.PackageDisplayName"]) { $changedField = "Custom.PackageDisplayName" } if ($pkgType -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.PackageType"]) { $changedField = "Custom.PackageType" } if ($pkgNewLibrary -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.PackageTypeNewLibrary"]) { $changedField = "Custom.PackageTypeNewLibrary" } if ($pkgRepoPath -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.PackageRepoPath"]) { $changedField = "Custom.PackageRepoPath" } if ($serviceName -ne $existingItem.fields["Custom.ServiceName"]) { $changedField = "Custom.ServiceName" } if ($title -ne $existingItem.fields["System.Title"]) { $changedField = "System.Title" } if ($changedField) { Write-Host "At least field $changedField ($($existingItem.fields[$changedField])) changed so updating." } if ($changedField) { $beforeState = $existingItem.fields["System.State"] # Need to set to New to be able to update $existingItem = UpdateWorkItem -id $existingItem.id -fields $fields -title $title -state "New" -assignedTo $assignedTo -outputCommand $outputCommand Write-Host "[$($existingItem.id)]$lang - $pkgName($verMajorMinor) - Updated" if ($beforeState -ne $existingItem.fields['System.State']) { Write-Verbose "Resetting state for [$($existingItem.id)] from '$($existingItem.fields['System.State'])' to '$beforeState'" $existingItem = UpdateWorkItem $existingItem.id -state $beforeState -outputCommand $outputCommand } } $newparentItem = FindOrCreatePackageGroupParent $serviceName $pkgDisplayName -outputCommand $false UpdateWorkItemParent $existingItem $newParentItem -outputCommand $outputCommand return $existingItem } $parentItem = FindOrCreatePackageGroupParent $serviceName $pkgDisplayName -outputCommand $false $workItem = CreateWorkItem $title "Package" "Release" "Release" $fields $assignedTo $parentItem.id -outputCommand $outputCommand Write-Host "[$($workItem.id)]$lang - $pkgName($verMajorMinor) - Created" return $workItem } function FindOrCreatePackageGroupParent($serviceName, $packageDisplayName, $outputCommand = $true) { $existingItem = FindParentWorkItem $serviceName $packageDisplayName -outputCommand $outputCommand if ($existingItem) { $newparentItem = FindOrCreateServiceParent $serviceName -outputCommand $outputCommand UpdateWorkItemParent $existingItem $newParentItem return $existingItem } $fields = @() $fields += "`"PackageDisplayName=${packageDisplayName}`"" $fields += "`"ServiceName=${serviceName}`"" $serviceParentItem = FindOrCreateServiceParent $serviceName -outputCommand $outputCommand $workItem = CreateWorkItem $packageDisplayName "Epic" "Release" "Release" $fields $null $serviceParentItem.id $localKey = BuildHashKey $serviceName $packageDisplayName Write-Host "[$($workItem.id)]$localKey - Created Parent" $parentWorkItems[$localKey] = $workItem return $workItem } function FindOrCreateServiceParent($serviceName, $outputCommand = $true) { $serviceParent = FindParentWorkItem $serviceName -outputCommand $outputCommand if ($serviceParent) { return $serviceParent } $fields = @() $fields += "`"PackageDisplayName=`"" $fields += "`"ServiceName=${serviceName}`"" $parentId = $null $workItem = CreateWorkItem $serviceName "Epic" "Release" "Release" $fields $null $parentId -outputCommand $outputCommand $localKey = BuildHashKey $serviceName Write-Host "[$($workItem.id)]$localKey - Created" $parentWorkItems[$localKey] = $workItem return $workItem } function ParseVersionSetFromMDField([string]$field) { $MDTableRegex = "\|\s*(?\S*)\s*\|\s*(?\S*)\s*\|\s*(?\S*)\s*\|" $versionSet = @{} $tableMatches = [Regex]::Matches($field, $MDTableRegex) foreach ($match in $tableMatches) { if ($match.Groups["t"].Value -eq "Type" -or $match.Groups["t"].Value -eq "-") { continue } $version = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Type = $match.Groups["t"].Value Version = $match.Groups["v"].Value Date = $match.Groups["d"].Value } if (!$versionSet.ContainsKey($version.Version)) { $versionSet[$version.Version] = $version } } return $versionSet } function GetTextVersionFields($versionList, $pkgWorkItem) { $betaVersions = $gaVersions = $patchVersions = "" foreach ($v in $versionList) { $vstr = "$($v.Version),$($v.Date)" if ($v.Type -eq "Beta") { if ($betaVersions.Length + $vstr.Length -lt 255) { if ($betaVersions.Length -gt 0) { $betaVersions += "|" } $betaVersions += $vstr } } elseif ($v.Type -eq "GA") { if ($gaVersions.Length + $vstr.Length -lt 255) { if ($gaVersions.Length -gt 0) { $gaVersions += "|" } $gaVersions += $vstr } } elseif ($v.Type -eq "Patch") { if ($patchVersions.Length + $vstr.Length -lt 255) { if ($patchVersions.Length -gt 0) { $patchVersions += "|" } $patchVersions += $vstr } } } $fieldUpdates = @() if ("$($pkgWorkItem.fields["Custom.PackageBetaVersions"])" -ne $betaVersions) { $fieldUpdates += @" { "op": "replace", "path": "/fields/PackageBetaVersions", "value": "$betaVersions" } "@ } if ("$($pkgWorkItem.fields["Custom.PackageGAVersion"])" -ne $gaVersions) { $fieldUpdates += @" { "op": "replace", "path": "/fields/PackageGAVersion", "value": "$gaVersions" } "@ } if ("$($pkgWorkItem.fields["Custom.PackagePatchVersions"])" -ne $patchVersions) { $fieldUpdates += @" { "op": "replace", "path": "/fields/PackagePatchVersions", "value": "$patchVersions" } "@ } return ,$fieldUpdates } function GetMDVersionValue($versionlist) { $mdVersions = "" $mdFormat = "| {0} | {1} | {2} |`n" $htmlVersions = "" $htmlFormat = @" {0} {1} {2} "@ foreach ($version in $versionList) { $mdVersions += ($mdFormat -f $version.Type, $version.Version, $version.Date) $htmlVersions += ($htmlFormat -f $version.Type, $version.Version, $version.Date) } $htmlTemplate = @"
Type Version Date
"@ -replace "'", '\"' return $htmlTemplate.Replace("mdVersions", $mdVersions).Replace("htmlVersions", "`n$htmlVersions"); } function UpdatePackageVersions($pkgWorkItem, $plannedVersions, $shippedVersions) { # Create the planned and shipped versions, adding the new ones if any $updatePlanned = $false $plannedVersionSet = ParseVersionSetFromMDField $pkgWorkItem.fields["Custom.PlannedPackages"] foreach ($version in $plannedVersions) { if (!$plannedVersionSet.ContainsKey($version.Version)) { $plannedVersionSet[$version.Version] = $version $updatePlanned = $true } else { # Lets check to see if someone wanted to update a date $existingVersion = $plannedVersionSet[$version.Version] if ($existingVersion.Date -ne $version.Date) { $existingVersion.Date = $version.Date $updatePlanned = $true } } } $updateShipped = $false $shippedVersionSet = ParseVersionSetFromMDField $pkgWorkItem.fields["Custom.ShippedPackages"] foreach ($version in $shippedVersions) { if (!$shippedVersionSet.ContainsKey($version.Version)) { $shippedVersionSet[$version.Version] = $version $updateShipped = $true } } $versionSet = @{} foreach ($version in $shippedVersionSet.Keys) { if (!$versionSet.ContainsKey($version)) { $versionSet[$version] = $shippedVersionSet[$version] } } foreach ($version in @($plannedVersionSet.Keys)) { if (!$versionSet.ContainsKey($version)) { $versionSet[$version] = $plannedVersionSet[$version] } else { # Looks like we shipped this version so remove it from the planned set $plannedVersionSet.Remove($version) $updatePlanned = $true } } $fieldUpdates = @() if ($updatePlanned) { $plannedPackages = GetMDVersionValue ($plannedVersionSet.Values | Sort-Object {$_.Date -as [DateTime]}, Version -Descending) $fieldUpdates += @" { "op": "replace", "path": "/fields/Planned Packages", "value": "$plannedPackages" } "@ } if ($updateShipped) { $newShippedVersions = $shippedVersionSet.Values | Sort-Object {$_.Date -as [DateTime]}, Version -Descending $shippedPackages = GetMDVersionValue $newShippedVersions $fieldUpdates += @" { "op": "replace", "path": "/fields/Shipped Packages", "value": "$shippedPackages" } "@ } # Full merged version set $versionList = $versionSet.Values | Sort-Object {$_.Date -as [DateTime]}, Version -Descending $versionFieldUpdates = GetTextVersionFields $versionList $pkgWorkItem if ($versionFieldUpdates.Count -gt 0) { $fieldUpdates += $versionFieldUpdates } # If no version files to update do nothing if ($fieldUpdates.Count -eq 0) { return $pkgWorkItem } $versionsForDebug = ($versionList | Foreach-Object { $_.Version }) -join "," $id = $pkgWorkItem.id $loggingString = "[$($pkgWorkItem.id)]" $loggingString += "$($pkgWorkItem.fields['Custom.Language'])" $loggingString += " - $($pkgWorkItem.fields['Custom.Package'])" $loggingString += "($($pkgWorkItem.fields['Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor']))" $loggingString += " - Updating versions $versionsForDebug" Write-Host $loggingString $body = "[" + ($fieldUpdates -join ',') + "]" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH ` -Uri "https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/_apis/wit/workitems/${id}?api-version=6.0" ` -Headers (Get-DevOpsRestHeaders) -Body $body -ContentType "application/json-patch+json" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable return $response }