
Text file src/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/sparse-checkout.yml

Documentation: github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps

     2  - name: Paths
     3    type: object
     4    default: []
     5  - name: Repositories
     6    type: object
     7    default:
     8      - Name: $(Build.Repository.Name)
     9        Commitish: $(Build.SourceVersion)
    10        WorkingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
    11  - name: SkipDefaultCheckout
    12    type: boolean
    13    default: false
    16  - ${{ if not(parameters.SkipDefaultCheckout) }}:
    17    - checkout: none
    19  - task: PowerShell@2
    20    displayName: 'Sparse checkout repositories'
    21    inputs:
    22      targetType: inline
    23      # Define this inline, because of the chicken/egg problem with loading a script when nothing
    24      # has been checked out yet.
    25      script: |
    26        function SparseCheckout([Array]$paths, [Hashtable]$repository)
    27        {
    28            $dir = $repository.WorkingDirectory
    29            if (!$dir) {
    30              $dir = "./$($repository.Name)"
    31            }
    32            New-Item $dir -ItemType Directory -Force
    33            Push-Location $dir
    35            if (Test-Path .git/info/sparse-checkout) {
    36              $hasInitialized = $true
    37              Write-Host "Repository $($repository.Name) has already been initialized. Skipping this step."
    38            } else {
    39              Write-Host "Repository $($repository.Name) is being initialized."
    41              Write-Host "git clone --no-checkout --filter=tree:0 https://github.com/$($repository.Name) ."
    42              git clone --no-checkout --filter=tree:0 https://github.com/$($repository.Name) .
    44              Write-Host "git sparse-checkout init"
    45              git sparse-checkout init
    47              Write-Host "git sparse-checkout set '/*' '!/*/' '/eng'"
    48              git sparse-checkout set '/*' '!/*/' '/eng'
    49            }
    51            # Prevent wildcard expansion in Invoke-Expression (e.g. for checkout path '/*')
    52            $quotedPaths = $paths | ForEach-Object { "'$_'" }
    53            $gitsparsecmd = "git sparse-checkout add $quotedPaths"
    54            Write-Host $gitsparsecmd
    55            Invoke-Expression -Command $gitsparsecmd
    57            Write-Host "Set sparse checkout paths to:"
    58            Get-Content .git/info/sparse-checkout
    60            # sparse-checkout commands after initial checkout will auto-checkout again
    61            if (!$hasInitialized) {
    62              Write-Host "git checkout $($repository.Commitish)"
    63              git checkout $($repository.Commitish)  # this will use the default branch if repo.Commitish is empty
    64            } else {
    65              Write-Host "Skipping checkout as repo has already been initialized"
    66            }
    68            Pop-Location
    69        }
    71        # Paths may be sourced as a yaml object literal OR a dynamically generated variable json string.
    72        # If the latter, convertToJson will wrap the 'string' in quotes, so remove them.
    73        $paths = '${{ convertToJson(parameters.Paths) }}'.Trim('"') | ConvertFrom-Json
    74        # Replace windows backslash paths, as Azure Pipelines default directories are sometimes formatted like 'D:\a\1\s'
    75        $repositories = '${{ convertToJson(parameters.Repositories) }}' -replace '\\', '/' | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
    76        foreach ($repo in $Repositories) {
    77          SparseCheckout $paths $repo
    78        }
    79      pwsh: true
    80      workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)

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