1# Generates an index page for cataloging different versions of the Docs
3Param (
4 $DocFx,
5 $RepoRoot,
6 $DocGenDir,
7 $DocOutDir = "${RepoRoot}/docfx_project",
8 $DocfxJsonPath = "${PSScriptRoot}\docfx.json",
9 $MainJsPath = "${PSScriptRoot}\templates\matthews\styles\main.js"
11. "${PSScriptRoot}\..\scripts\common.ps1"
13# Given the github io blob storage url and language regex,
14# the helper function will return a list of artifact names.
15function Get-BlobStorage-Artifacts($blobStorageUrl, $blobDirectoryRegex, $blobArtifactsReplacement) {
16 LogDebug "Reading artifact from storage blob ..."
17 $returnedArtifacts = @()
18 $pageToken = ""
19 Do {
20 $resp = ""
21 if (!$pageToken) {
22 # First page call.
23 $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $blobStorageUrl
24 }
25 else {
26 # Next page call
27 $blobStorageUrlPageToken = $blobStorageUrl + "&marker=$pageToken"
28 $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $blobStorageUrlPageToken
29 }
30 # Convert to xml documents.
31 $xmlDoc = [xml](removeBomFromString $resp)
32 foreach ($elem in $xmlDoc.EnumerationResults.Blobs.BlobPrefix) {
33 # What service return like "dotnet/Azure.AI.Anomalydetector/", needs to fetch out "Azure.AI.Anomalydetector"
34 $artifact = $elem.Name -replace $blobDirectoryRegex, $blobArtifactsReplacement
35 $returnedArtifacts += $artifact
36 }
37 # Fetch page token
38 $pageToken = $xmlDoc.EnumerationResults.NextMarker
39 } while ($pageToken)
40 return $returnedArtifacts
41 }
43# The sequence of Bom bytes differs by different encoding.
44# The helper function here is only to strip the utf-8 encoding system as it is used by blob storage list api.
45# Return the original string if not in BOM utf-8 sequence.
46function RemoveBomFromString([string]$bomAwareString) {
47 if ($bomAwareString.length -le 3) {
48 return $bomAwareString
49 }
50 $bomPatternByteArray = [byte[]] (0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf)
51 # The default encoding for powershell is ISO-8859-1, so converting bytes with the encoding.
52 $bomAwareBytes = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes($bomAwareString.Substring(0, 3))
53 if (@(Compare-Object $bomPatternByteArray $bomAwareBytes -SyncWindow 0).Length -eq 0) {
54 return $bomAwareString.Substring(3)
55 }
56 return $bomAwareString
59function Get-TocMapping {
60 Param (
61 [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Object[]] $metadata,
62 [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String[]] $artifacts
63 )
64 # Used for sorting the toc display order
65 $orderServiceMapping = @{}
67 foreach ($artifact in $artifacts) {
68 $packageInfo = $metadata | ? { $_.Package -eq $artifact -and $_.Hide -ne "true" }
70 $serviceName = ""
71 if (!$packageInfo) {
72 LogDebug "There is no service name for artifact $artifact or it is marked as hidden. Please check csv of Azure/azure-sdk/_data/release/latest repo if this is intended. "
73 continue
74 }
75 elseif (!$packageInfo[0].ServiceName) {
76 LogWarning "There is no service name for artifact $artifact. Please check csv of Azure/azure-sdk/_data/release/latest repo if this is intended. "
77 # If no service name retrieved, print out warning message, and put it into Other page.
78 $serviceName = "Other"
79 }
80 else {
81 if ($packageInfo.Length -gt 1) {
82 LogWarning "There are more than 1 packages fetched out for artifact $artifact. Please check csv of Azure/azure-sdk/_data/release/latest repo if this is intended. "
83 }
84 $serviceName = $packageInfo[0].ServiceName.Trim()
85 }
87 # Define the order of "New", "Type", if not match, return the length of the array.
88 $CustomOrder_New = "true", "false", ""
89 $newIndex = $CustomOrder_New.IndexOf($packageInfo[0].New.ToLower())
90 $newIndex = $newIndex -eq -1 ? $CustomOrder_New.Count : $newIndex
91 $CustomOrder_Type = "client", "mgmt", "compat", "spring", ""
92 $typeIndex = $CustomOrder_Type.IndexOf($packageInfo[0].Type.ToLower())
93 $typeIndex = $typeIndex -eq -1 ? $CustomOrder_Type.Count : $typeIndex
94 $orderServiceMapping[$artifact] = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
95 NewIndex = $newIndex
96 TypeIndex = $typeIndex
97 ServiceName = $serviceName
98 DisplayName = $packageInfo[0].DisplayName.Trim()
99 Artifact = $artifact
100 }
101 }
102 return $orderServiceMapping
105function GenerateDocfxTocContent([Hashtable]$tocContent, [String]$lang, [String]$campaignId = "UA-62780441-46") {
106 LogDebug "Start generating the docfx toc and build docfx site..."
108 LogDebug "Initializing Default DocFx Site..."
109 & $($DocFx) init -q -o "${DocOutDir}"
110 # The line below is used for testing in local
111 #docfx init -q -o "${DocOutDir}"
112 LogDebug "Copying template and configuration..."
113 New-Item -Path "${DocOutDir}" -Name "templates" -ItemType "directory" -Force
114 Copy-Item "${DocGenDir}/templates/*" -Destination "${DocOutDir}/templates" -Force -Recurse
116 $headerTemplateLocation = "${DocOutDir}/templates/matthews/partials/head.tmpl.partial"
118 if ($campaignId -and (Test-Path $headerTemplateLocation)){
119 $headerTemplateContent = Get-Content -Path $headerTemplateLocation -Raw
120 $headerTemplateContent = $headerTemplateContent -replace "GA_CAMPAIGN_ID", $campaignId
121 Set-Content -Path $headerTemplateLocation -Value $headerTemplateContent -NoNewline
122 }
124 Copy-Item "${DocGenDir}/docfx.json" -Destination "${DocOutDir}/" -Force
125 $YmlPath = "${DocOutDir}/api"
126 New-Item -Path $YmlPath -Name "toc.yml" -Force
127 $visitedService = @{}
128 # Sort and display toc service name by alphabetical order, and then sort artifact by order.
129 $sortedToc = $tocContent.Values | Sort-Object ServiceName, NewIndex, TypeIndex, DisplayName, Artifact
130 foreach ($serviceMapping in $sortedToc) {
131 $artifact = $serviceMapping.Artifact
132 $serviceName = $serviceMapping.ServiceName
133 $displayName = $serviceMapping.DisplayName
135 # handle spaces in service name, EG "Confidential Ledger"
136 # handle / in service name, EG "Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL". Leaving a "/" present will generate a bad link location.
137 $fileName = ($serviceName -replace '\s', '').Replace("/","").ToLower().Trim()
138 if ($visitedService.ContainsKey($serviceName)) {
139 if ($displayName) {
140 Add-Content -Path "$($YmlPath)/${fileName}.md" -Value "#### $artifact`n##### ($displayName)"
141 }
142 else {
143 Add-Content -Path "$($YmlPath)/${fileName}.md" -Value "#### $artifact"
144 }
145 }
146 else {
147 Add-Content -Path "$($YmlPath)/toc.yml" -Value "- name: ${serviceName}`r`n href: ${fileName}.md"
148 New-Item -Path $YmlPath -Name "${fileName}.md" -Force
149 if ($displayName) {
150 Add-Content -Path "$($YmlPath)/${fileName}.md" -Value "#### $artifact`n##### ($displayName)"
151 }
152 else {
153 Add-Content -Path "$($YmlPath)/${fileName}.md" -Value "#### $artifact"
154 }
155 $visitedService[$serviceName] = $true
156 }
157 }
159 # Generate toc homepage.
160 LogDebug "Creating Site Title and Navigation..."
161 New-Item -Path "${DocOutDir}" -Name "toc.yml" -Force
162 Add-Content -Path "${DocOutDir}/toc.yml" -Value "- name: Azure SDK for $lang APIs`r`n href: api/`r`n homepage: api/index.md"
164 LogDebug "Copying root markdowns"
165 Copy-Item "$($RepoRoot)/README.md" -Destination "${DocOutDir}/api/index.md" -Force
166 Copy-Item "$($RepoRoot)/CONTRIBUTING.md" -Destination "${DocOutDir}/api/CONTRIBUTING.md" -Force
168 LogDebug "Building site..."
169 & $($DocFx) build "${DocOutDir}/docfx.json"
170 # The line below is used for testing in local
171 #docfx build "${DocOutDir}/docfx.json"
172 Copy-Item "${DocGenDir}/assets/logo.svg" -Destination "${DocOutDir}/_site/" -Force
175function UpdateDocIndexFiles {
176 Param (
177 [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$appTitleLang = $Language,
178 [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$lang = $Language,
179 [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$packageRegex = "`"`"",
180 [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$regexReplacement = ""
181 )
182 # Update docfx.json
183 $docfxContent = Get-Content -Path $DocfxJsonPath -Raw
184 $docfxContent = $docfxContent -replace "`"_appTitle`": `"`"", "`"_appTitle`": `"Azure SDK for $appTitleLang`""
185 $docfxContent = $docfxContent -replace "`"_appFooter`": `"`"", "`"_appFooter`": `"Azure SDK for $appTitleLang`""
186 Set-Content -Path $DocfxJsonPath -Value $docfxContent -NoNewline
187 # Update main.js var lang
188 $mainJsContent = Get-Content -Path $MainJsPath -Raw
189 $mainJsContent = $mainJsContent -replace "var SELECTED_LANGUAGE = ''", "var SELECTED_LANGUAGE = '$lang'"
190 # Update main.js package regex and replacement
191 $mainJsContent = $mainJsContent -replace "var PACKAGE_REGEX = ''", "var PACKAGE_REGEX = $packageRegex"
192 $mainJsContent = $mainJsContent -replace "var PACKAGE_REPLACEMENT = ''", "var PACKAGE_REPLACEMENT = `"$regexReplacement`""
194 Set-Content -Path $MainJsPath -Value $mainJsContent -NoNewline
197if ($GetGithubIoDocIndexFn -and (Test-Path "function:$GetGithubIoDocIndexFn"))
199 &$GetGithubIoDocIndexFn
203 LogWarning "The function for 'GetGithubIoDocIndexFn' was not found.`
204 Make sure it is present in eng/scripts/Language-Settings.ps1 and referenced in eng/common/scripts/common.ps1.`
205 See https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-tools/blob/main/doc/common/common_engsys.md#code-structure"
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