# Cloud Configuration will be splat into parameters of `Add-AzEnvironment`. It # should be JSON in the form (not all fields are required): # { # "Name": "<environment name>", # "PublishSettingsFileUrl": "<publish settings file url>", # "ServiceEndpoint": "<service endpoint>", # "ManagementPortalUrl": "<management portal url>", # "ActiveDirectoryEndpoint": "<active directory endpoint>", # "ActiveDirectoryServiceEndpointResourceId": "<active directory service endpoint resource id>", # "ResourceManagerEndpoint": "<resource manager endpoint>", # "GalleryEndpoint": "<gallery endpoint>", # "GraphEndpoint": "<graph endpoint>", # "GraphAudience": "<graph audience>", # "AzureKeyVaultDnsSuffix": "<key vault suffix>", # "AzureKeyVaultServiceEndpointResourceId": "<key vault service endpoint resource id>" # } steps: - bash: sudo chown -R runner ~/.Azure displayName: (MacOS) Grant access to ~/.Azure condition: contains(variables['OSVmImage'], 'mac') - task: Powershell@2 displayName: Register Dogfood environment inputs: targetType: inline pwsh: true script: | eng/common/scripts/Import-AzModules.ps1 $environmentSpec = @" $(env-config-dogfood) "@ | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable; Add-AzEnvironment @environmentSpec