2 {
3 "taskType": "trigger",
4 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
5 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
6 "version": "1.0",
7 "config": {
8 "taskName": "Add needs triage label to new issues",
9 "conditions": {
10 "operator": "and",
11 "operands": [
12 {
13 "name": "isAction",
14 "parameters": {
15 "action": "opened"
16 }
17 },
18 {
19 "operator": "not",
20 "operands": [
21 {
22 "name": "isPartOfProject",
23 "parameters": {}
24 }
25 ]
26 },
27 {
28 "operator": "not",
29 "operands": [
30 {
31 "name": "isAssignedToSomeone",
32 "parameters": {}
33 }
34 ]
35 },
36 {
37 "operator": "not",
38 "operands": [
39 {
40 "name": "isLabeled",
41 "parameters": {}
42 }
43 ]
44 }
45 ]
46 },
47 "actions": [
48 {
49 "name": "addLabel",
50 "parameters": {
51 "label": "needs-triage"
52 }
53 }
54 ],
55 "eventType": "issue",
56 "eventNames": [
57 "issues",
58 "project_card"
59 ]
60 },
61 "disabled": false
62 },
63 {
64 "taskType": "trigger",
65 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
66 "subCapability": "IssueCommentResponder",
67 "version": "1.0",
68 "config": {
69 "taskName": "Replace needs author feedback label with needs attention label when the author comments on an issue",
70 "conditions": {
71 "operator": "and",
72 "operands": [
73 {
74 "name": "isAction",
75 "parameters": {
76 "action": "created"
77 }
78 },
79 {
80 "name": "isActivitySender",
81 "parameters": {
82 "user": {
83 "type": "author"
84 }
85 }
86 },
87 {
88 "name": "hasLabel",
89 "parameters": {
90 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
91 }
92 },
93 {
94 "name": "isOpen",
95 "parameters": {}
96 }
97 ]
98 },
99 "actions": [
100 {
101 "name": "addLabel",
102 "parameters": {
103 "label": "needs-team-attention"
104 }
105 },
106 {
107 "name": "removeLabel",
108 "parameters": {
109 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
110 }
111 }
112 ],
113 "eventType": "issue",
114 "eventNames": [
115 "issue_comment"
116 ]
117 }
118 },
119 {
120 "taskType": "trigger",
121 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
122 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
123 "version": "1.0",
124 "config": {
125 "taskName": "Remove no recent activity label from issues",
126 "conditions": {
127 "operator": "and",
128 "operands": [
129 {
130 "operator": "not",
131 "operands": [
132 {
133 "name": "isAction",
134 "parameters": {
135 "action": "closed"
136 }
137 }
138 ]
139 },
140 {
141 "name": "hasLabel",
142 "parameters": {
143 "label": "no-recent-activity"
144 }
145 }
146 ]
147 },
148 "actions": [
149 {
150 "name": "removeLabel",
151 "parameters": {
152 "label": "no-recent-activity"
153 }
154 }
155 ],
156 "eventType": "issue",
157 "eventNames": [
158 "issues",
159 "project_card"
160 ]
161 }
162 },
163 {
164 "taskType": "trigger",
165 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
166 "subCapability": "IssueCommentResponder",
167 "version": "1.0",
168 "config": {
169 "taskName": "Remove no recent activity label when an issue is commented on",
170 "conditions": {
171 "operator": "and",
172 "operands": [
173 {
174 "name": "hasLabel",
175 "parameters": {
176 "label": "no-recent-activity"
177 }
178 }
179 ]
180 },
181 "actions": [
182 {
183 "name": "removeLabel",
184 "parameters": {
185 "label": "no-recent-activity"
186 }
187 }
188 ],
189 "eventType": "issue",
190 "eventNames": [
191 "issue_comment"
192 ]
193 }
194 },
195 {
196 "taskType": "scheduled",
197 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
198 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
199 "version": "1.1",
200 "config": {
201 "taskName": "Close stale issues",
202 "frequency": [
203 {
204 "weekDay": 0,
205 "hours": [
206 1
207 ],
208 "timezoneOffset": -7
209 },
210 {
211 "weekDay": 1,
212 "hours": [
213 1
214 ],
215 "timezoneOffset": -7
216 },
217 {
218 "weekDay": 2,
219 "hours": [
220 1
221 ],
222 "timezoneOffset": -7
223 },
224 {
225 "weekDay": 3,
226 "hours": [
227 1
228 ],
229 "timezoneOffset": -7
230 },
231 {
232 "weekDay": 4,
233 "hours": [
234 1
235 ],
236 "timezoneOffset": -7
237 },
238 {
239 "weekDay": 5,
240 "hours": [
241 1
242 ],
243 "timezoneOffset": -7
244 },
245 {
246 "weekDay": 6,
247 "hours": [
248 1
249 ],
250 "timezoneOffset": -7
251 }
252 ],
253 "searchTerms": [
254 {
255 "name": "isIssue",
256 "parameters": {}
257 },
258 {
259 "name": "isOpen",
260 "parameters": {}
261 },
262 {
263 "name": "hasLabel",
264 "parameters": {
265 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
266 }
267 },
268 {
269 "name": "hasLabel",
270 "parameters": {
271 "label": "no-recent-activity"
272 }
273 },
274 {
275 "name": "noActivitySince",
276 "parameters": {
277 "days": 14
278 }
279 }
280 ],
281 "actions": [
282 {
283 "name": "closeIssue",
284 "parameters": {}
285 }
286 ]
287 }
288 },
289 {
290 "taskType": "scheduled",
291 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
292 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
293 "version": "1.1",
294 "config": {
295 "taskName": "Add no recent activity label to issues",
296 "frequency": [
297 {
298 "weekDay": 0,
299 "hours": [
300 1,
301 7,
302 13,
303 19
304 ],
305 "timezoneOffset": -7
306 },
307 {
308 "weekDay": 1,
309 "hours": [
310 1,
311 7,
312 13,
313 19
314 ],
315 "timezoneOffset": -7
316 },
317 {
318 "weekDay": 2,
319 "hours": [
320 1,
321 7,
322 13,
323 19
324 ],
325 "timezoneOffset": -7
326 },
327 {
328 "weekDay": 3,
329 "hours": [
330 1,
331 7,
332 13,
333 19
334 ],
335 "timezoneOffset": -7
336 },
337 {
338 "weekDay": 4,
339 "hours": [
340 1,
341 7,
342 13,
343 19
344 ],
345 "timezoneOffset": -7
346 },
347 {
348 "weekDay": 5,
349 "hours": [
350 1,
351 7,
352 13,
353 19
354 ],
355 "timezoneOffset": -7
356 },
357 {
358 "weekDay": 6,
359 "hours": [
360 1,
361 7,
362 13,
363 19
364 ],
365 "timezoneOffset": -7
366 }
367 ],
368 "searchTerms": [
369 {
370 "name": "isIssue",
371 "parameters": {}
372 },
373 {
374 "name": "isOpen",
375 "parameters": {}
376 },
377 {
378 "name": "hasLabel",
379 "parameters": {
380 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
381 }
382 },
383 {
384 "name": "noActivitySince",
385 "parameters": {
386 "days": 7
387 }
388 },
389 {
390 "name": "noLabel",
391 "parameters": {
392 "label": "no-recent-activity"
393 }
394 }
395 ],
396 "actions": [
397 {
398 "name": "addLabel",
399 "parameters": {
400 "label": "no-recent-activity"
401 }
402 },
403 {
404 "name": "addReply",
405 "parameters": {
406 "comment": "Hi, we're sending this friendly reminder because we haven't heard back from you in a while. We need more information about this issue to help address it. Please be sure to give us your input within the next **7 days**. If we don't hear back from you within **14 days** of this comment the issue will be automatically closed. Thank you!"
407 }
408 }
409 ]
410 }
411 },
412 {
413 "taskType": "trigger",
414 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
415 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
416 "version": "1.0",
417 "config": {
418 "conditions": {
419 "operator": "and",
420 "operands": [
421 {
422 "name": "isAction",
423 "parameters": {
424 "action": "labeled"
425 }
426 },
427 {
428 "name": "hasLabel",
429 "parameters": {
430 "label": "needs-triage"
431 }
432 },
433 {
434 "operator": "not",
435 "operands": [
436 {
437 "name": "labelAdded",
438 "parameters": {
439 "label": "needs-triage"
440 }
441 }
442 ]
443 }
444 ]
445 },
446 "eventType": "issue",
447 "eventNames": [
448 "issues",
449 "project_card"
450 ],
451 "taskName": "Remove needs-triage label on issues once they are labeled",
452 "actions": [
453 {
454 "name": "removeLabel",
455 "parameters": {
456 "label": "needs-triage"
457 }
458 }
459 ]
460 }
461 },
462 {
463 "taskType": "trigger",
464 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
465 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
466 "version": "1.0",
467 "config": {
468 "conditions": {
469 "operator": "and",
470 "operands": [
471 {
472 "name": "isAction",
473 "parameters": {
474 "action": "opened"
475 }
476 },
477 {
478 "operator": "and",
479 "operands": [
480 {
481 "operator": "not",
482 "operands": [
483 {
484 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
485 "parameters": {
486 "association": "MEMBER",
487 "permissions": "write"
488 }
489 }
490 ]
491 },
492 {
493 "operator": "not",
494 "operands": [
495 {
496 "name": "activitySenderHasAssociation",
497 "parameters": {
498 "association": "MEMBER"
499 }
500 }
501 ]
502 },
503 {
504 "operator": "not",
505 "operands": [
506 {
507 "name": "activitySenderHasAssociation",
508 "parameters": {
509 "association": "COLLABORATOR"
510 }
511 }
512 ]
513 },
514 {
515 "operator": "not",
516 "operands": [
517 {
518 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
519 "parameters": {
520 "permissions": "admin"
521 }
522 }
523 ]
524 }
525 ]
526 }
527 ]
528 },
529 "eventType": "issue",
530 "eventNames": [
531 "issues",
532 "project_card"
533 ],
534 "taskName": "Add customer-reported label to issues coming from non-collaborators",
535 "actions": [
536 {
537 "name": "addLabel",
538 "parameters": {
539 "label": "customer-reported"
540 }
541 },
542 {
543 "name": "addLabel",
544 "parameters": {
545 "label": "question"
546 }
547 }
548 ]
549 }
550 },
551 {
552 "taskType": "trigger",
553 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
554 "subCapability": "IssueCommentResponder",
555 "version": "1.0",
556 "config": {
557 "conditions": {
558 "operator": "and",
559 "operands": [
560 {
561 "operator": "not",
562 "operands": [
563 {
564 "name": "isOpen",
565 "parameters": {}
566 }
567 ]
568 },
569 {
570 "name": "isAction",
571 "parameters": {
572 "action": "created"
573 }
574 },
575 {
576 "name": "hasLabel",
577 "parameters": {
578 "label": "no-recent-activity"
579 }
580 },
581 {
582 "name": "hasLabel",
583 "parameters": {
584 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
585 }
586 },
587 {
588 "operator": "not",
589 "operands": [
590 {
591 "name": "noActivitySince",
592 "parameters": {
593 "days": 7
594 }
595 }
596 ]
597 },
598 {
599 "operator": "not",
600 "operands": [
601 {
602 "name": "isCloseAndComment",
603 "parameters": {}
604 }
605 ]
606 },
607 {
608 "name": "isActivitySender",
609 "parameters": {
610 "user": {
611 "type": "author"
612 }
613 }
614 },
615 {
616 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
617 "parameters": {
618 "permissions": "none"
619 }
620 }
621 ]
622 },
623 "eventType": "issue",
624 "eventNames": [
625 "issue_comment"
626 ],
627 "taskName": "For issues closed due to inactivity, re-open an issue if issue author posts a reply within 7 days.",
628 "actions": [
629 {
630 "name": "reopenIssue",
631 "parameters": {}
632 },
633 {
634 "name": "removeLabel",
635 "parameters": {
636 "label": "no-recent-activity"
637 }
638 },
639 {
640 "name": "removeLabel",
641 "parameters": {
642 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
643 }
644 },
645 {
646 "name": "addLabel",
647 "parameters": {
648 "label": "needs-team-attention"
649 }
650 }
651 ]
652 }
653 },
654 {
655 "taskType": "trigger",
656 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
657 "subCapability": "IssueCommentResponder",
658 "version": "1.0",
659 "config": {
660 "conditions": {
661 "operator": "and",
662 "operands": [
663 {
664 "name": "isAction",
665 "parameters": {
666 "action": "created"
667 }
668 },
669 {
670 "operator": "not",
671 "operands": [
672 {
673 "name": "isOpen",
674 "parameters": {}
675 }
676 ]
677 },
678 {
679 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
680 "parameters": {
681 "permissions": "none"
682 }
683 },
684 {
685 "name": "noActivitySince",
686 "parameters": {
687 "days": 7
688 }
689 },
690 {
691 "operator": "not",
692 "operands": [
693 {
694 "name": "isCloseAndComment",
695 "parameters": {}
696 }
697 ]
698 }
699 ]
700 },
701 "eventType": "issue",
702 "eventNames": [
703 "issue_comment"
704 ],
705 "taskName": "For issues closed with no activity over 7 days, ask non-contributor to consider opening a new issue instead.",
706 "actions": [
707 {
708 "name": "addReply",
709 "parameters": {
710 "comment": "Thank you for your interest in this issue! Because it has been closed for a period of time, we strongly advise that you open a new issue linking to this to ensure better visibility of your comment. "
711 }
712 }
713 ]
714 }
715 },
716 {
717 "taskType": "trigger",
718 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
719 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
720 "version": "1.0",
721 "config": {
722 "conditions": {
723 "operator": "and",
724 "operands": [
725 {
726 "name": "isOpen",
727 "parameters": {}
728 },
729 {
730 "name": "hasLabel",
731 "parameters": {
732 "label": "customer-reported"
733 }
734 },
735 {
736 "name": "labelRemoved",
737 "parameters": {
738 "label": "Service Attention"
739 }
740 }
741 ]
742 },
743 "eventType": "issue",
744 "eventNames": [
745 "issues",
746 "project_card"
747 ],
748 "taskName": "Add label after \"Service Attention\" is removed",
749 "actions": [
750 {
751 "name": "addLabel",
752 "parameters": {
753 "label": "needs-team-triage"
754 }
755 }
756 ]
757 }
758 },
759 {
760 "taskType": "scheduled",
761 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
762 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
763 "version": "1.1",
764 "config": {
765 "frequency": [
766 {
767 "weekDay": 0,
768 "hours": [
769 1,
770 4,
771 7,
772 10,
773 13,
774 16,
775 19,
776 22
777 ],
778 "timezoneOffset": -7
779 },
780 {
781 "weekDay": 1,
782 "hours": [
783 1,
784 4,
785 7,
786 10,
787 13,
788 16,
789 19,
790 22
791 ],
792 "timezoneOffset": -7
793 },
794 {
795 "weekDay": 2,
796 "hours": [
797 1,
798 4,
799 7,
800 10,
801 13,
802 16,
803 19,
804 22
805 ],
806 "timezoneOffset": -7
807 },
808 {
809 "weekDay": 3,
810 "hours": [
811 1,
812 4,
813 7,
814 10,
815 13,
816 16,
817 19,
818 22
819 ],
820 "timezoneOffset": -7
821 },
822 {
823 "weekDay": 4,
824 "hours": [
825 1,
826 4,
827 7,
828 10,
829 13,
830 16,
831 19,
832 22
833 ],
834 "timezoneOffset": -7
835 },
836 {
837 "weekDay": 5,
838 "hours": [
839 1,
840 4,
841 7,
842 10,
843 13,
844 16,
845 19,
846 22
847 ],
848 "timezoneOffset": -7
849 },
850 {
851 "weekDay": 6,
852 "hours": [
853 1,
854 4,
855 7,
856 10,
857 13,
858 16,
859 19,
860 22
861 ],
862 "timezoneOffset": -7
863 }
864 ],
865 "searchTerms": [
866 {
867 "name": "isOpen",
868 "parameters": {}
869 },
870 {
871 "name": "hasLabel",
872 "parameters": {
873 "label": "MySQL"
874 }
875 },
876 {
877 "name": "hasLabel",
878 "parameters": {
879 "label": "Service Attention"
880 }
881 },
882 {
883 "name": "noAssignees",
884 "parameters": {}
885 }
886 ],
887 "taskName": "Assign service attention issues to mentionees for MySQL (requested by service team)",
888 "actions": [
889 {
890 "name": "assignToGitHubUserGroup",
891 "parameters": {
892 "groupId": "5f074b674200c210c870e0fa"
893 }
894 }
895 ]
896 }
897 },
898 {
899 "taskType": "scheduled",
900 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
901 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
902 "version": "1.1",
903 "config": {
904 "frequency": [
905 {
906 "weekDay": 0,
907 "hours": [
908 2,
909 5,
910 8,
911 11,
912 14,
913 17,
914 20,
915 23
916 ],
917 "timezoneOffset": -7
918 },
919 {
920 "weekDay": 1,
921 "hours": [
922 2,
923 5,
924 8,
925 11,
926 14,
927 17,
928 20,
929 23
930 ],
931 "timezoneOffset": -7
932 },
933 {
934 "weekDay": 2,
935 "hours": [
936 2,
937 5,
938 8,
939 11,
940 14,
941 17,
942 20,
943 23
944 ],
945 "timezoneOffset": -7
946 },
947 {
948 "weekDay": 3,
949 "hours": [
950 2,
951 5,
952 8,
953 11,
954 14,
955 17,
956 20,
957 23
958 ],
959 "timezoneOffset": -7
960 },
961 {
962 "weekDay": 4,
963 "hours": [
964 2,
965 5,
966 8,
967 11,
968 14,
969 17,
970 20,
971 23
972 ],
973 "timezoneOffset": -7
974 },
975 {
976 "weekDay": 5,
977 "hours": [
978 2,
979 5,
980 8,
981 11,
982 14,
983 17,
984 20,
985 23
986 ],
987 "timezoneOffset": -7
988 },
989 {
990 "weekDay": 6,
991 "hours": [
992 2,
993 5,
994 8,
995 11,
996 14,
997 17,
998 20,
999 23
1000 ],
1001 "timezoneOffset": -7
1002 }
1003 ],
1004 "searchTerms": [
1005 {
1006 "name": "isOpen",
1007 "parameters": {}
1008 },
1009 {
1010 "name": "hasLabel",
1011 "parameters": {
1012 "label": "MariaDB"
1013 }
1014 },
1015 {
1016 "name": "hasLabel",
1017 "parameters": {
1018 "label": "Service Attention"
1019 }
1020 },
1021 {
1022 "name": "noAssignees",
1023 "parameters": {}
1024 }
1025 ],
1026 "taskName": "Assign service attention issues to mentionees for MariaDB (requested by service team)",
1027 "actions": [
1028 {
1029 "name": "assignToGitHubUserGroup",
1030 "parameters": {
1031 "groupId": "5f074b674200c210c870e0fa"
1032 }
1033 }
1034 ]
1035 }
1036 },
1037 {
1038 "taskType": "trigger",
1039 "capabilityId": "PrAutoLabel",
1040 "subCapability": "Path",
1041 "version": "1.0",
1042 "config": {
1043 "configs": [
1044 {
1045 "label": "Azure.Core",
1046 "pathFilter": [
1047 "sdk/core/"
1048 ],
1049 "exclude": []
1050 },
1051 {
1052 "label": "Azure.Identity",
1053 "pathFilter": [
1054 "sdk/identity/"
1055 ],
1056 "exclude": []
1057 },
1058 {
1059 "label": "Event Hubs",
1060 "pathFilter": [
1061 "sdk/eventhub/"
1062 ],
1063 "exclude": []
1064 },
1065 {
1066 "label": "Storage",
1067 "pathFilter": [
1068 "sdk/storage/"
1069 ],
1070 "exclude": []
1071 },
1072 {
1073 "label": "Batch",
1074 "pathFilter": [
1075 "sdk/batch/"
1076 ],
1077 "exclude": []
1078 },
1079 {
1080 "label": "KeyVault",
1081 "pathFilter": [
1082 "sdk/keyvault/"
1083 ],
1084 "exclude": []
1085 },
1086 {
1087 "label": "Monitor - Log Analytics",
1088 "pathFilter": [
1089 "sdk/loganalytics/"
1090 ],
1091 "exclude": []
1092 },
1093 {
1094 "label": "Consumption - Query",
1095 "pathFilter": [
1096 "sdk/consumption/"
1097 ],
1098 "exclude": []
1099 },
1100 {
1101 "label": "Container Instances",
1102 "pathFilter": [
1103 "sdk/containerinstance/"
1104 ],
1105 "exclude": []
1106 },
1107 {
1108 "label": "Container Registry",
1109 "pathFilter": [
1110 "sdk/containerregistry/"
1111 ],
1112 "exclude": []
1113 },
1114 {
1115 "label": "Cosmos",
1116 "pathFilter": [
1117 "sdk/cosmos/"
1118 ],
1119 "exclude": []
1120 },
1121 {
1122 "label": "Data Factory",
1123 "pathFilter": [
1124 "sdk/datafactory/"
1125 ],
1126 "exclude": []
1127 },
1128 {
1129 "label": "Event Grid",
1130 "pathFilter": [
1131 "sdk/eventgrid/"
1132 ],
1133 "exclude": []
1134 },
1135 {
1136 "label": "HDInsight",
1137 "pathFilter": [
1138 "sdk/hdinsight/"
1139 ],
1140 "exclude": []
1141 },
1142 {
1143 "label": "Machine Learning Compute",
1144 "pathFilter": [
1145 "sdk/machinelearningcompute/"
1146 ],
1147 "exclude": []
1148 },
1149 {
1150 "label": "Recovery Services",
1151 "pathFilter": [
1152 "sdk/recoveryservices/"
1153 ],
1154 "exclude": []
1155 },
1156 {
1157 "label": "Search",
1158 "pathFilter": [
1159 "sdk/search/"
1160 ],
1161 "exclude": []
1162 },
1163 {
1164 "label": "Service Fabric",
1165 "pathFilter": [
1166 "sdk/servicefabric/"
1167 ],
1168 "exclude": []
1169 },
1170 {
1171 "label": "SQL",
1172 "pathFilter": [
1173 "sql/sql/"
1174 ],
1175 "exclude": []
1176 },
1177 {
1178 "label": "Service Bus",
1179 "pathFilter": [
1180 "sdk/servicebus/"
1181 ],
1182 "exclude": []
1183 },
1184 {
1185 "label": "Synapse",
1186 "pathFilter": [
1187 "sdk/synapse/"
1188 ],
1189 "exclude": []
1190 },
1191 {
1192 "label": "Cognitive - Text Analytics",
1193 "pathFilter": [
1194 "sdk/textanalytics/"
1195 ],
1196 "exclude": []
1197 },
1198 {
1199 "label": "Cognitive - Form Recognizer",
1200 "pathFilter": [
1201 "sdk/formrecognizer/"
1202 ],
1203 "exclude": []
1204 }
1205 ],
1206 "taskName": "Auto PR based on folder paths "
1207 }
1208 },
1209 {
1210 "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger",
1211 "capabilityId": "IssueRouting",
1212 "subCapability": "@Mention",
1213 "version": "1.0",
1214 "config": {
1215 "labelsAndMentions": [
1216 {
1217 "labels": [
1218 "Service Attention",
1219 "AAD"
1220 ],
1221 "mentionees": [
1222 "adamedx"
1223 ]
1224 },
1225 {
1226 "labels": [
1227 "Service Attention",
1228 "AKS"
1229 ],
1230 "mentionees": [
1231 "Azure/aks-pm"
1232 ]
1233 },
1234 {
1235 "labels": [
1236 "Service Attention",
1237 "Alerts Management"
1238 ],
1239 "mentionees": [
1240 "liadtal",
1241 "yairgil"
1242 ]
1243 },
1244 {
1245 "labels": [
1246 "Service Attention",
1247 "ARM"
1248 ],
1249 "mentionees": [
1250 "armleads-azure"
1251 ]
1252 },
1253 {
1254 "labels": [
1255 "Service Attention",
1256 "ARM - Templates"
1257 ],
1258 "mentionees": [
1259 "armleads-azure"
1260 ]
1261 },
1262 {
1263 "labels": [
1264 "Service Attention",
1265 "ARM - Tags"
1266 ],
1267 "mentionees": [
1268 "armleads-azure"
1269 ]
1270 },
1271 {
1272 "labels": [
1273 "Service Attention",
1274 "ARM - Core"
1275 ],
1276 "mentionees": [
1277 "armleads-azure"
1278 ]
1279 },
1280 {
1281 "labels": [
1282 "Service Attention",
1283 "ARM - Managed Applications"
1284 ],
1285 "mentionees": [
1286 "armleads-azure"
1287 ]
1288 },
1289 {
1290 "labels": [
1291 "Service Attention",
1292 "ARM - Service Catalog"
1293 ],
1294 "mentionees": [
1295 "armleads-azure"
1296 ]
1297 },
1298 {
1299 "labels": [
1300 "Service Attention",
1301 "ARM - RBAC"
1302 ],
1303 "mentionees": [
1304 "armleads-azure"
1305 ]
1306 },
1307 {
1308 "labels": [
1309 "Service Attention",
1310 "Advisor"
1311 ],
1312 "mentionees": [
1313 "mojayara",
1314 "Prasanna-Padmanabhan"
1315 ]
1316 },
1317 {
1318 "labels": [
1319 "Service Attention",
1320 "Analysis Services"
1321 ],
1322 "mentionees": [
1323 "athipp",
1324 "taiwu",
1325 "minghan"
1326 ]
1327 },
1328 {
1329 "labels": [
1330 "Service Attention",
1331 "API Management"
1332 ],
1333 "mentionees": [
1334 "miaojiang"
1335 ]
1336 },
1337 {
1338 "labels": [
1339 "Service Attention",
1340 "Application Insights"
1341 ],
1342 "mentionees": [
1343 "azmonapplicationinsights"
1344 ]
1345 },
1346 {
1347 "labels": [
1348 "Service Attention",
1349 "App Services"
1350 ],
1351 "mentionees": [
1352 "antcp",
1353 "AzureAppServiceCLI"
1354 ]
1355 },
1356 {
1357 "labels": [
1358 "Service Attention",
1359 "App Configuration"
1360 ],
1361 "mentionees": [
1362 "shenmuxiaosen",
1363 "avanigupta"
1364 ]
1365 },
1366 {
1367 "labels": [
1368 "Service Attention",
1369 "ARO"
1370 ],
1371 "mentionees": [
1372 "mjudeikis",
1373 "jim-minter",
1374 "julienstroheker",
1375 "amanohar"
1376 ]
1377 },
1378 {
1379 "labels": [
1380 "Service Attention",
1381 "Attestation"
1382 ],
1383 "mentionees": [
1384 "anilba06"
1385 ]
1386 },
1387 {
1388 "labels": [
1389 "Service Attention",
1390 "Authorization"
1391 ],
1392 "mentionees": [
1393 "darshanhs90",
1394 "AshishGargMicrosoft"
1395 ]
1396 },
1397 {
1398 "labels": [
1399 "Service Attention",
1400 "Automation"
1401 ],
1402 "mentionees": [
1403 "zjalexander"
1404 ]
1405 },
1406 {
1407 "labels": [
1408 "Service Attention",
1409 "AVS"
1410 ],
1411 "mentionees": [
1412 "divka78",
1413 "amitchat",
1414 "aishu"
1415 ]
1416 },
1417 {
1418 "labels": [
1419 "Service Attention",
1420 "Azure Stack"
1421 ],
1422 "mentionees": [
1423 "sijuman",
1424 "sarathys",
1425 "bganapa",
1426 "rakku-ms"
1427 ]
1428 },
1429 {
1430 "labels": [
1431 "Service Attention",
1432 "Batch"
1433 ],
1434 "mentionees": [
1435 "mksuni",
1436 "bgklein",
1437 "mscurrell",
1438 "dpwatrous",
1439 "gingi",
1440 "paterasMSFT",
1441 "cRui861"
1442 ]
1443 },
1444 {
1445 "labels": [
1446 "Service Attention",
1447 "BatchAI"
1448 ],
1449 "mentionees": [
1450 "matthchr"
1451 ]
1452 },
1453 {
1454 "labels": [
1455 "Service Attention",
1456 "Billing"
1457 ],
1458 "mentionees": [
1459 "cabbpt"
1460 ]
1461 },
1462 {
1463 "labels": [
1464 "Service Attention",
1465 "Blueprint"
1466 ],
1467 "mentionees": [
1468 "alex-frankel",
1469 "filizt"
1470 ]
1471 },
1472 {
1473 "labels": [
1474 "Service Attention",
1475 "Bot Service"
1476 ],
1477 "mentionees": [
1478 "sgellock"
1479 ]
1480 },
1481 {
1482 "labels": [
1483 "Service Attention",
1484 "Cloud Shell"
1485 ],
1486 "mentionees": [
1487 "maertendMSFT"
1488 ]
1489 },
1490 {
1491 "labels": [
1492 "Service Attention",
1493 "Cognitive - Text Analytics"
1494 ],
1495 "mentionees": [
1496 "assafi"
1497 ]
1498 },
1499 {
1500 "labels": [
1501 "Service Attention",
1502 "Cognitive - Form Recognizer"
1503 ],
1504 "mentionees": [
1505 "ctstone",
1506 "anrothMSFT"
1507 ]
1508 },
1509 {
1510 "labels": [
1511 "Service Attention",
1512 "Cognitive - Anomaly Detector"
1513 ],
1514 "mentionees": [
1515 "yingqunpku",
1516 "bowgong"
1517 ]
1518 },
1519 {
1520 "labels": [
1521 "Service Attention",
1522 "Cognitive - Custom Vision"
1523 ],
1524 "mentionees": [
1525 "areddish",
1526 "tburns10"
1527 ]
1528 },
1529 {
1530 "labels": [
1531 "Service Attention",
1532 "Cognitive - Computer Vision"
1533 ],
1534 "mentionees": [
1535 "ryogok",
1536 "TFR258",
1537 "tburns10"
1538 ]
1539 },
1540 {
1541 "labels": [
1542 "Service Attention",
1543 "Cognitive - Face"
1544 ],
1545 "mentionees": [
1546 "JinyuID",
1547 "dipidoo",
1548 "SteveMSFT"
1549 ]
1550 },
1551 {
1552 "labels": [
1553 "Service Attention",
1554 "Cognitive - QnA Maker"
1555 ],
1556 "mentionees": [
1557 "bingisbestest",
1558 "nerajput1607"
1559 ]
1560 },
1561 {
1562 "labels": [
1563 "Service Attention",
1564 "Cognitive - Translator"
1565 ],
1566 "mentionees": [
1567 "swmachan"
1568 ]
1569 },
1570 {
1571 "labels": [
1572 "Service Attention",
1573 "Cognitive - Speech"
1574 ],
1575 "mentionees": [
1576 "robch",
1577 "oscholz"
1578 ]
1579 },
1580 {
1581 "labels": [
1582 "Service Attention",
1583 "Cognitive - LUIS"
1584 ],
1585 "mentionees": [
1586 "cahann",
1587 "kayousef"
1588 ]
1589 },
1590 {
1591 "labels": [
1592 "Service Attention",
1593 "Cognitive - Content Moderator"
1594 ],
1595 "mentionees": [
1596 "swiftarrow11"
1597 ]
1598 },
1599 {
1600 "labels": [
1601 "Service Attention",
1602 "Cognitive - Personalizer"
1603 ],
1604 "mentionees": [
1605 "dwaijam"
1606 ]
1607 },
1608 {
1609 "labels": [
1610 "Service Attention",
1611 "Cognitive - Immersive Reader"
1612 ],
1613 "mentionees": [
1614 "metanMSFT"
1615 ]
1616 },
1617 {
1618 "labels": [
1619 "Service Attention",
1620 "Cognitive - Ink Recognizer"
1621 ],
1622 "mentionees": [
1623 "olduroja"
1624 ]
1625 },
1626 {
1627 "labels": [
1628 "Service Attention",
1629 "Cognitive - Bing"
1630 ],
1631 "mentionees": [
1632 "jaggerbodas-ms",
1633 "arwong"
1634 ]
1635 },
1636 {
1637 "labels": [
1638 "Service Attention",
1639 "Cognitive - Mgmt"
1640 ],
1641 "mentionees": [
1642 "yangyuan"
1643 ]
1644 },
1645 {
1646 "labels": [
1647 "Service Attention",
1648 "Commerce"
1649 ],
1650 "mentionees": [
1651 "ms-premp",
1652 "qiaozha"
1653 ]
1654 },
1655 {
1656 "labels": [
1657 "Service Attention",
1658 "Compute"
1659 ],
1660 "mentionees": [
1661 "Drewm3",
1662 "avirishuv",
1663 "vaibhav-agar",
1664 "amjads1"
1665 ]
1666 },
1667 {
1668 "labels": [
1669 "Service Attention",
1670 "Compute - Extensions"
1671 ],
1672 "mentionees": [
1673 "Drewm3",
1674 "amjads1"
1675 ]
1676 },
1677 {
1678 "labels": [
1679 "Service Attention",
1680 "Compute - Images"
1681 ],
1682 "mentionees": [
1683 "Drewm3",
1684 "vaibhav-agar"
1685 ]
1686 },
1687 {
1688 "labels": [
1689 "Service Attention",
1690 "Compute - Managed Disks"
1691 ],
1692 "mentionees": [
1693 "Drewm3",
1694 "vaibhav-agar"
1695 ]
1696 },
1697 {
1698 "labels": [
1699 "Service Attention",
1700 "Compute - RDFE"
1701 ],
1702 "mentionees": [
1703 "Drewm3",
1704 "avirishuv"
1705 ]
1706 },
1707 {
1708 "labels": [
1709 "Service Attention",
1710 "Compute - VM"
1711 ],
1712 "mentionees": [
1713 "Drewm3",
1714 "avirishuv"
1715 ]
1716 },
1717 {
1718 "labels": [
1719 "Service Attention",
1720 "Compute - VMSS"
1721 ],
1722 "mentionees": [
1723 "Drewm3",
1724 "avirishuv"
1725 ]
1726 },
1727 {
1728 "labels": [
1729 "Service Attention",
1730 "Connected Kubernetes"
1731 ],
1732 "mentionees": [
1733 "akashkeshari"
1734 ]
1735 },
1736 {
1737 "labels": [
1738 "Service Attention",
1739 "Container Instances"
1740 ],
1741 "mentionees": [
1742 "macolso"
1743 ]
1744 },
1745 {
1746 "labels": [
1747 "Service Attention",
1748 "Container Registry"
1749 ],
1750 "mentionees": [
1751 "toddysm",
1752 "northtyphoon"
1753 ]
1754 },
1755 {
1756 "labels": [
1757 "Service Attention",
1758 "Container Service"
1759 ],
1760 "mentionees": [
1761 "qike-ms",
1762 "jwilder",
1763 "thomas1206",
1764 "seanmck"
1765 ]
1766 },
1767 {
1768 "labels": [
1769 "Service Attention",
1770 "Cosmos"
1771 ],
1772 "mentionees": [
1773 "Wmengmsft",
1774 "MehaKaushik"
1775 ]
1776 },
1777 {
1778 "labels": [
1779 "Service Attention",
1780 "Customer Insights"
1781 ],
1782 "mentionees": [
1783 "shefymk"
1784 ]
1785 },
1786 {
1787 "labels": [
1788 "Service Attention",
1789 "Custom Providers"
1790 ],
1791 "mentionees": [
1792 "manoharp",
1793 "MSEvanhi"
1794 ]
1795 },
1796 {
1797 "labels": [
1798 "Service Attention",
1799 "CycleCloud"
1800 ],
1801 "mentionees": [
1802 "adriankjohnson"
1803 ]
1804 },
1805 {
1806 "labels": [
1807 "Service Attention",
1808 "Data Bricks"
1809 ],
1810 "mentionees": [
1811 "arindamc"
1812 ]
1813 },
1814 {
1815 "labels": [
1816 "Service Attention",
1817 "DataBox"
1818 ],
1819 "mentionees": [
1820 "tmvishwajit",
1821 "matdickson",
1822 "manuaery",
1823 "madhurinms"
1824 ]
1825 },
1826 {
1827 "labels": [
1828 "Service Attention",
1829 "DataBox Edge"
1830 ],
1831 "mentionees": [
1832 "a-t-mason",
1833 "ganzee",
1834 "manuaery"
1835 ]
1836 },
1837 {
1838 "labels": [
1839 "Service Attention",
1840 "Data Catalog"
1841 ],
1842 "mentionees": [
1843 "ingave"
1844 ]
1845 },
1846 {
1847 "labels": [
1848 "Service Attention",
1849 "Data Factory"
1850 ],
1851 "mentionees": [
1852 "Jingshu923",
1853 "zhangyd2015",
1854 "Frey-Wang"
1855 ]
1856 },
1857 {
1858 "labels": [
1859 "Service Attention",
1860 "Data Lake"
1861 ],
1862 "mentionees": [
1863 "sumantmehtams"
1864 ]
1865 },
1866 {
1867 "labels": [
1868 "Service Attention",
1869 "Data Lake Storage Gen1"
1870 ],
1871 "mentionees": [
1872 "sumantmehtams"
1873 ]
1874 },
1875 {
1876 "labels": [
1877 "Service Attention",
1878 "Data Lake Storage Gen2"
1879 ],
1880 "mentionees": [
1881 "sumantmehtams"
1882 ]
1883 },
1884 {
1885 "labels": [
1886 "Service Attention",
1887 "Data Lake Analytics"
1888 ],
1889 "mentionees": [
1890 "idear1203"
1891 ]
1892 },
1893 {
1894 "labels": [
1895 "Service Attention",
1896 "Data Lake Store"
1897 ],
1898 "mentionees": [
1899 "sumantmehtams"
1900 ]
1901 },
1902 {
1903 "labels": [
1904 "Service Attention",
1905 "Data Migration"
1906 ],
1907 "mentionees": [
1908 "radjaram",
1909 "kavitham10"
1910 ]
1911 },
1912 {
1913 "labels": [
1914 "Service Attention",
1915 "Data Share"
1916 ],
1917 "mentionees": [
1918 "raedJarrar",
1919 "jifems"
1920 ]
1921 },
1922 {
1923 "labels": [
1924 "Service Attention",
1925 "DevOps"
1926 ],
1927 "mentionees": [
1928 "narula0781",
1929 "ashishonce",
1930 "romil07"
1931 ]
1932 },
1933 {
1934 "labels": [
1935 "Service Attention",
1936 "Dev Spaces"
1937 ],
1938 "mentionees": [
1939 "yuzorMa",
1940 "johnsta",
1941 "greenie-msft"
1942 ]
1943 },
1944 {
1945 "labels": [
1946 "Service Attention",
1947 "Devtestlab"
1948 ],
1949 "mentionees": [
1950 "Tanmayeekamath"
1951 ]
1952 },
1953 {
1954 "labels": [
1955 "Service Attention",
1956 "Device Provisioning Service"
1957 ],
1958 "mentionees": [
1959 "nberdy"
1960 ]
1961 },
1962 {
1963 "labels": [
1964 "Service Attention",
1965 "Digital Twins"
1966 ],
1967 "mentionees": [
1968 "sourabhguha",
1969 "inesk-vt"
1970 ]
1971 },
1972 {
1973 "labels": [
1974 "Service Attention",
1975 "Event Grid"
1976 ],
1977 "mentionees": [
1978 "jfggdl"
1979 ]
1980 },
1981 {
1982 "labels": [
1983 "Service Attention",
1984 "Event Hubs"
1985 ],
1986 "mentionees": [
1987 "kasun04",
1988 "saglodha"
1989 ]
1990 },
1991 {
1992 "labels": [
1993 "Service Attention",
1994 "Functions"
1995 ],
1996 "mentionees": [
1997 "ahmedelnably",
1998 "fabiocav"
1999 ]
2000 },
2001 {
2002 "labels": [
2003 "Service Attention",
2004 "Graph.Microsoft"
2005 ],
2006 "mentionees": [
2007 "dkershaw10",
2008 "baywet"
2009 ]
2010 },
2011 {
2012 "labels": [
2013 "Service Attention",
2014 "Guest Configuration"
2015 ],
2016 "mentionees": [
2017 "mgreenegit",
2018 "vivlingaiah"
2019 ]
2020 },
2021 {
2022 "labels": [
2023 "Service Attention",
2024 "HDInsight"
2025 ],
2026 "mentionees": [
2027 "aim-for-better",
2028 "idear1203",
2029 "deshriva"
2030 ]
2031 },
2032 {
2033 "labels": [
2034 "Service Attention",
2035 "HPC Cache"
2036 ],
2037 "mentionees": [
2038 "romahamu",
2039 "omzevall"
2040 ]
2041 },
2042 {
2043 "labels": [
2044 "Service Attention",
2045 "Import Export"
2046 ],
2047 "mentionees": [
2048 "madhurinms"
2049 ]
2050 },
2051 {
2052 "labels": [
2053 "Service Attention",
2054 "KeyVault"
2055 ],
2056 "mentionees": [
2057 "RandalliLama",
2058 "schaabs",
2059 "jlichwa"
2060 ]
2061 },
2062 {
2063 "labels": [
2064 "Service Attention",
2065 "Kubernetes Configuration"
2066 ],
2067 "mentionees": [
2068 "NarayanThiru"
2069 ]
2070 },
2071 {
2072 "labels": [
2073 "Service Attention",
2074 "Azure Data Explorer"
2075 ],
2076 "mentionees": [
2077 "ilayrn",
2078 "orhasban",
2079 "zoharHenMicrosoft",
2080 "sagivf",
2081 "Aviv-Yaniv"
2082 ]
2083 },
2084 {
2085 "labels": [
2086 "Service Attention",
2087 "Lab Services"
2088 ],
2089 "mentionees": [
2090 "Tanmayeekamath"
2091 ]
2092 },
2093 {
2094 "labels": [
2095 "Service Attention",
2096 "Logic App"
2097 ],
2098 "mentionees": [
2099 "Azure/azure-logicapps-team"
2100 ]
2101 },
2102 {
2103 "labels": [
2104 "Service Attention",
2105 "LOUIS"
2106 ],
2107 "mentionees": [
2108 "minamnmik"
2109 ]
2110 },
2111 {
2112 "labels": [
2113 "Service Attention",
2114 "Managed Identity"
2115 ],
2116 "mentionees": [
2117 "varunkch"
2118 ]
2119 },
2120 {
2121 "labels": [
2122 "Service Attention",
2123 "Machine Learning"
2124 ],
2125 "mentionees": [
2126 "azureml-github"
2127 ]
2128 },
2129 {
2130 "labels": [
2131 "Service Attention",
2132 "Machine Learning Compute"
2133 ],
2134 "mentionees": [
2135 "azureml-github"
2136 ]
2137 },
2138 {
2139 "labels": [
2140 "Service Attention",
2141 "Machine Learning Experimentation"
2142 ],
2143 "mentionees": [
2144 "aashishb"
2145 ]
2146 },
2147 {
2148 "labels": [
2149 "Service Attention",
2150 "Managed Services"
2151 ],
2152 "mentionees": [
2153 "Lighthouse-Azure"
2154 ]
2155 },
2156 {
2157 "labels": [
2158 "Service Attention",
2159 "MariaDB"
2160 ],
2161 "mentionees": [
2162 "ambhatna",
2163 "savjani"
2164 ]
2165 },
2166 {
2167 "labels": [
2168 "Service Attention",
2169 "Marketplace Ordering"
2170 ],
2171 "mentionees": [
2172 "prbansa"
2173 ]
2174 },
2175 {
2176 "labels": [
2177 "Service Attention",
2178 "Media Services"
2179 ],
2180 "mentionees": [
2181 "akucer"
2182 ]
2183 },
2184 {
2185 "labels": [
2186 "Service Attention",
2187 "Migrate"
2188 ],
2189 "mentionees": [
2190 "shijojoy"
2191 ]
2192 },
2193 {
2194 "labels": [
2195 "Service Attention",
2196 "Mobile Engagement"
2197 ],
2198 "mentionees": [
2199 "kpiteira"
2200 ]
2201 },
2202 {
2203 "labels": [
2204 "Service Attention",
2205 "Monitor"
2206 ],
2207 "mentionees": [
2208 "SameergMS",
2209 "dadunl"
2210 ]
2211 },
2212 {
2213 "labels": [
2214 "Service Attention",
2215 "Monitor - Autoscale"
2216 ],
2217 "mentionees": [
2218 "AzMonEssential"
2219 ]
2220 },
2221 {
2222 "labels": [
2223 "Service Attention",
2224 "Monitor - ActivityLogs"
2225 ],
2226 "mentionees": [
2227 "AzMonEssential"
2228 ]
2229 },
2230 {
2231 "labels": [
2232 "Service Attention",
2233 "Monitor - Metrics"
2234 ],
2235 "mentionees": [
2236 "AzMonEssential"
2237 ]
2238 },
2239 {
2240 "labels": [
2241 "Service Attention",
2242 "Monitor - Diagnostic Settings"
2243 ],
2244 "mentionees": [
2245 "AzMonEssential"
2246 ]
2247 },
2248 {
2249 "labels": [
2250 "Service Attention",
2251 "Monitor - Alerts"
2252 ],
2253 "mentionees": [
2254 "AzmonAlerts"
2255 ]
2256 },
2257 {
2258 "labels": [
2259 "Service Attention",
2260 "Monitor - ActionGroups"
2261 ],
2262 "mentionees": [
2263 "AzmonActionG"
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2272 "AzmonLogA"
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2281 "azmonapplicationinsights"
2282 ]
2283 },
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2363 "slbsupportgithub"
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2390 "dnssuppgithub"
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2399 "tmsuppgithub"
2400 ]
2401 },
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2404 "Service Attention",
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2406 ],
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2408 "vpngwsuppgithub"
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2410 },
2411 {
2412 "labels": [
2413 "Service Attention",
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2419 },
2420 {
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2426 "AzmonLogA"
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2428 },
2429 {
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2431 "Service Attention",
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2435 "aperezcloud",
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2499 "Service Attention",
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2506 {
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2527 "Service Attention",
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2531 "stephbaron"
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2533 },
2534 {
2535 "labels": [
2536 "Service Attention",
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2540 "derek1ee"
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2542 },
2543 {
2544 "labels": [
2545 "Service Attention",
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2556 {
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2558 "Service Attention",
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2562 "chlahav"
2563 ]
2564 },
2565 {
2566 "labels": [
2567 "Service Attention",
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2571 "saglodha",
2572 "EldertGrootenboer"
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2574 },
2575 {
2576 "labels": [
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2581 "QingChenmsft",
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2583 "juhacket"
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2613 ]
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2687 "patelkunal"
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2700 "labels": [
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2728 "wonner",
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2732 {
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2742 "labels": [
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2747 "Shipra1Mishra"
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2754 ],
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2757 ]
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2760 "labels": [
2761 "Service Attention",
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2829 "edyoung"
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2831 },
2832 {
2833 "labels": [
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2838 "amirkeren"
2839 ]
2840 },
2841 {
2842 "labels": [
2843 "Service Attention",
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2847 "Azure/azure-iot-cli-triage"
2848 ]
2849 },
2850 {
2851 "labels": [
2852 "Service Attention",
2853 "Communication"
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2855 "mentionees": [
2856 "acsdevx-msft"
2857 ]
2858 },
2859 {
2860 "labels": [
2861 "Service Attention",
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2865 "ccmaxpcrew"
2866 ]
2867 },
2868 {
2869 "labels": [
2870 "Service Attention",
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2873 "mentionees": [
2874 "ccmaxpcrew"
2875 ]
2876 },
2877 {
2878 "labels": [
2879 "Service Attention",
2880 "Cost Management - Query"
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2883 "ccmixpdevs"
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2886 {
2887 "labels": [
2888 "Service Attention",
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2894 },
2895 {
2896 "labels": [
2897 "Service Attention",
2898 "Cost Management - Billing"
2899 ],
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2901 "ccmbpxpcrew"
2902 ]
2903 },
2904 {
2905 "labels": [
2906 "Service Attention",
2907 "Consumption - Billing"
2908 ],
2909 "mentionees": [
2910 "ccmbpxpcrew"
2911 ]
2912 },
2913 {
2914 "labels": [
2915 "Service Attention",
2916 "Cost Management - UsageDetailsAndExport"
2917 ],
2918 "mentionees": [
2919 "TiagoCrewGitHubIssues"
2920 ]
2921 },
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2923 "labels": [
2924 "Service Attention",
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2926 ],
2927 "mentionees": [
2928 "TiagoCrewGitHubIssues"
2929 ]
2930 },
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2937 "ccmshowbackdevs"
2938 ]
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2941 "labels": [
2942 "Service Attention",
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2955 "@cijothomas",
2956 "@reyang",
2957 "@rajkumar-rangaraj",
2958 "@TimothyMothra",
2959 "@vishweshbankwar"
2960 ]
2961 }
2962 ],
2963 "replyTemplate": "Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc ${mentionees}.",
2964 "taskName": "Triage issues to the service team"
2965 }
2966 },
2967 {
2968 "taskType": "trigger",
2969 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
2970 "subCapability": "PullRequestResponder",
2971 "version": "1.0",
2972 "config": {
2973 "conditions": {
2974 "operator": "and",
2975 "operands": [
2976 {
2977 "name": "isAction",
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2979 "action": "opened"
2980 }
2981 },
2982 {
2983 "operator": "and",
2984 "operands": [
2985 {
2986 "operator": "not",
2987 "operands": [
2988 {
2989 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
2990 "parameters": {
2991 "permissions": "write"
2992 }
2993 }
2994 ]
2995 },
2996 {
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2998 "operands": [
2999 {
3000 "name": "activitySenderHasAssociation",
3001 "parameters": {
3002 "association": "MEMBER"
3003 }
3004 }
3005 ]
3006 },
3007 {
3008 "operator": "not",
3009 "operands": [
3010 {
3011 "name": "activitySenderHasAssociation",
3012 "parameters": {
3013 "association": "COLLABORATOR"
3014 }
3015 }
3016 ]
3017 },
3018 {
3019 "operator": "not",
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3021 {
3022 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3023 "parameters": {
3024 "permissions": "admin"
3025 }
3026 }
3027 ]
3028 }
3029 ]
3030 }
3031 ]
3032 },
3033 "eventType": "pull_request",
3034 "eventNames": [
3035 "pull_request",
3036 "issues",
3037 "project_card"
3038 ],
3039 "taskName": "Add customer-reported label to PRs from customers ",
3040 "actions": [
3041 {
3042 "name": "addLabel",
3043 "parameters": {
3044 "label": "customer-reported"
3045 }
3046 },
3047 {
3048 "name": "addReply",
3049 "parameters": {
3050 "comment": "Thank you for your contribution ${issueAuthor}! We will review the pull request and get back to you soon."
3051 }
3052 }
3053 ]
3054 }
3055 },
3056 {
3057 "taskType": "trigger",
3058 "capabilityId": "AutoMerge",
3059 "subCapability": "AutoMerge",
3060 "version": "1.0",
3061 "config": {
3062 "taskName": "Auto merge pull requests",
3063 "label": "auto-merge",
3064 "allowAutoMergeInstructionsWithoutLabel": false,
3065 "mergeType": "squash",
3066 "deleteBranches": true,
3067 "removeLabelOnPush": true,
3068 "requireAllStatuses": true,
3069 "requireSpecificCheckRuns": false,
3070 "usePrDescriptionAsCommitMessage": true,
3071 "conditionalMergeTypes": []
3072 }
3073 },
3074 {
3075 "taskType": "trigger",
3076 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
3077 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
3078 "version": "1.0",
3079 "config": {
3080 "conditions": {
3081 "operator": "and",
3082 "operands": [
3083 {
3084 "name": "isAction",
3085 "parameters": {
3086 "action": "labeled"
3087 }
3088 },
3089 {
3090 "operator": "not",
3091 "operands": [
3092 {
3093 "name": "hasLabel",
3094 "parameters": {
3095 "label": "needs-triage"
3096 }
3097 }
3098 ]
3099 },
3100 {
3101 "operator": "not",
3102 "operands": [
3103 {
3104 "name": "hasLabel",
3105 "parameters": {
3106 "label": "needs-team-triage"
3107 }
3108 }
3109 ]
3110 },
3111 {
3112 "operator": "not",
3113 "operands": [
3114 {
3115 "name": "hasLabel",
3116 "parameters": {
3117 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
3118 }
3119 }
3120 ]
3121 },
3122 {
3123 "name": "hasLabel",
3124 "parameters": {
3125 "label": "customer-reported"
3126 }
3127 },
3128 {
3129 "operator": "not",
3130 "operands": [
3131 {
3132 "name": "isInMilestone",
3133 "parameters": {}
3134 }
3135 ]
3136 },
3137 {
3138 "name": "isOpen",
3139 "parameters": {}
3140 },
3141 {
3142 "operator": "not",
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3144 {
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3148 }
3149 }
3150 ]
3151 }
3152 ]
3153 },
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3155 "eventNames": [
3156 "issues",
3157 "project_card"
3158 ],
3159 "taskName": "Ensure 'needs-team-attention' label is assigned to issues not in a milestone",
3160 "actions": [
3161 {
3162 "name": "addLabel",
3163 "parameters": {
3164 "label": "needs-team-attention"
3165 }
3166 }
3167 ]
3168 }
3169 },
3170 {
3171 "taskType": "trigger",
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3173 "subCapability": "PullRequestResponder",
3174 "version": "1.0",
3175 "config": {
3176 "conditions": {
3177 "operator": "and",
3178 "operands": [
3179 {
3180 "name": "isOpen",
3181 "parameters": {}
3182 },
3183 {
3184 "name": "hasLabel",
3185 "parameters": {
3186 "label": "auto-merge"
3187 }
3188 },
3189 {
3190 "name": "isAction",
3191 "parameters": {
3192 "action": "synchronize"
3193 }
3194 },
3195 {
3196 "operator": "and",
3197 "operands": [
3198 {
3199 "operator": "not",
3200 "operands": [
3201 {
3202 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3203 "parameters": {
3204 "permissions": "admin"
3205 }
3206 }
3207 ]
3208 },
3209 {
3210 "operator": "not",
3211 "operands": [
3212 {
3213 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3214 "parameters": {
3215 "permissions": "write"
3216 }
3217 }
3218 ]
3219 }
3220 ]
3221 }
3222 ]
3223 },
3224 "eventType": "pull_request",
3225 "eventNames": [
3226 "pull_request",
3227 "issues",
3228 "project_card"
3229 ],
3230 "taskName": "[Auto Merge] Reset Approvals on Untrusted Changes",
3231 "actions": [
3232 {
3233 "name": "dismissApprovalPullRequest",
3234 "parameters": {
3235 "dismissAction": "dismissAll",
3236 "comment": "Hi @{issueAuthor}. We've noticed that new changes have been pushed to this pull request. Because it is set to automatically merge, we've reset the approvals to allow the opportunity to review the updates."
3237 }
3238 }
3239 ]
3240 }
3241 },
3242 {
3243 "taskType": "trigger",
3244 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
3245 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
3246 "version": "1.0",
3247 "config": {
3248 "conditions": {
3249 "operator": "and",
3250 "operands": [
3251 {
3252 "name": "labelAdded",
3253 "parameters": {
3254 "label": "issue-addressed"
3255 }
3256 }
3257 ]
3258 },
3259 "eventType": "issue",
3260 "eventNames": [
3261 "issues",
3262 "project_card"
3263 ],
3264 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Issue Addressed Label Applied",
3265 "actions": [
3266 {
3267 "name": "addReply",
3268 "parameters": {
3269 "comment": "Hi @${issueAuthor}. Thank you for opening this issue and giving us the opportunity to assist. We believe that this has been addressed. If you feel that further discussion is needed, please add a comment with the text “`/unresolve`” to remove the “issue-addressed” label and continue the conversation."
3270 }
3271 },
3272 {
3273 "name": "removeLabel",
3274 "parameters": {
3275 "label": "needs-triage"
3276 }
3277 },
3278 {
3279 "name": "removeLabel",
3280 "parameters": {
3281 "label": "needs-team-triage"
3282 }
3283 },
3284 {
3285 "name": "removeLabel",
3286 "parameters": {
3287 "label": "needs-team-attention"
3288 }
3289 },
3290 {
3291 "name": "removeLabel",
3292 "parameters": {
3293 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
3294 }
3295 },
3296 {
3297 "name": "removeLabel",
3298 "parameters": {
3299 "label": "no-recent-activity"
3300 }
3301 }
3302 ]
3303 }
3304 },
3305 {
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3307 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
3308 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
3309 "version": "1.1",
3310 "config": {
3311 "frequency": [
3312 {
3313 "weekDay": 0,
3314 "hours": [
3315 0,
3316 6,
3317 12,
3318 18
3319 ],
3320 "timezoneOffset": -4
3321 },
3322 {
3323 "weekDay": 1,
3324 "hours": [
3325 0,
3326 6,
3327 12,
3328 18
3329 ],
3330 "timezoneOffset": -4
3331 },
3332 {
3333 "weekDay": 2,
3334 "hours": [
3335 0,
3336 6,
3337 12,
3338 18
3339 ],
3340 "timezoneOffset": -4
3341 },
3342 {
3343 "weekDay": 3,
3344 "hours": [
3345 0,
3346 6,
3347 12,
3348 18
3349 ],
3350 "timezoneOffset": -4
3351 },
3352 {
3353 "weekDay": 4,
3354 "hours": [
3355 0,
3356 6,
3357 12,
3358 18
3359 ],
3360 "timezoneOffset": -4
3361 },
3362 {
3363 "weekDay": 5,
3364 "hours": [
3365 0,
3366 6,
3367 12,
3368 18
3369 ],
3370 "timezoneOffset": -4
3371 },
3372 {
3373 "weekDay": 6,
3374 "hours": [
3375 0,
3376 6,
3377 12,
3378 18
3379 ],
3380 "timezoneOffset": -4
3381 }
3382 ],
3383 "searchTerms": [
3384 {
3385 "name": "isIssue",
3386 "parameters": {}
3387 },
3388 {
3389 "name": "isOpen",
3390 "parameters": {}
3391 },
3392 {
3393 "name": "hasLabel",
3394 "parameters": {
3395 "label": "issue-addressed"
3396 }
3397 },
3398 {
3399 "name": "noActivitySince",
3400 "parameters": {
3401 "days": 7
3402 }
3403 }
3404 ],
3405 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Close Addressed Issues",
3406 "actions": [
3407 {
3408 "name": "addReply",
3409 "parameters": {
3410 "comment": "Hi @${issueAuthor}, since you haven’t asked that we “`/unresolve`” the issue, we’ll close this out. If you believe further discussion is needed, please add a comment “`/unresolve`” to reopen the issue."
3411 }
3412 },
3413 {
3414 "name": "closeIssue",
3415 "parameters": {}
3416 }
3417 ]
3418 }
3419 },
3420 {
3421 "taskType": "trigger",
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3423 "subCapability": "IssueCommentResponder",
3424 "version": "1.0",
3425 "config": {
3426 "conditions": {
3427 "operator": "and",
3428 "operands": [
3429 {
3430 "name": "hasLabel",
3431 "parameters": {
3432 "label": "issue-addressed"
3433 }
3434 },
3435 {
3436 "name": "commentContains",
3437 "parameters": {
3438 "commentPattern": "/unresolve"
3439 }
3440 },
3441 {
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3444 {
3445 "name": "isActivitySender",
3446 "parameters": {
3447 "user": {
3448 "type": "author"
3449 }
3450 }
3451 },
3452 {
3453 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3454 "parameters": {
3455 "permissions": "admin"
3456 }
3457 },
3458 {
3459 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3460 "parameters": {
3461 "permissions": "write"
3462 }
3463 }
3464 ]
3465 }
3466 ]
3467 },
3468 "eventType": "issue",
3469 "eventNames": [
3470 "issue_comment"
3471 ],
3472 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Unresolve Command by Author",
3473 "actions": [
3474 {
3475 "name": "reopenIssue",
3476 "parameters": {}
3477 },
3478 {
3479 "name": "removeLabel",
3480 "parameters": {
3481 "label": "issue-addressed"
3482 }
3483 },
3484 {
3485 "name": "addLabel",
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3487 "label": "needs-team-attention"
3488 }
3489 }
3490 ]
3491 }
3492 },
3493 {
3494 "taskType": "trigger",
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3496 "subCapability": "IssueCommentResponder",
3497 "version": "1.0",
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3499 "conditions": {
3500 "operator": "and",
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3502 {
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3506 }
3507 },
3508 {
3509 "name": "commentContains",
3510 "parameters": {
3511 "commentPattern": "/unresolve"
3512 }
3513 },
3514 {
3515 "operator": "and",
3516 "operands": [
3517 {
3518 "operator": "not",
3519 "operands": [
3520 {
3521 "name": "isActivitySender",
3522 "parameters": {
3523 "user": {
3524 "type": "author"
3525 }
3526 }
3527 }
3528 ]
3529 },
3530 {
3531 "operator": "not",
3532 "operands": [
3533 {
3534 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3535 "parameters": {
3536 "permissions": "admin"
3537 }
3538 }
3539 ]
3540 },
3541 {
3542 "operator": "not",
3543 "operands": [
3544 {
3545 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3546 "parameters": {
3547 "permissions": "write"
3548 }
3549 }
3550 ]
3551 }
3552 ]
3553 }
3554 ]
3555 },
3556 "eventType": "issue",
3557 "eventNames": [
3558 "issue_comment"
3559 ],
3560 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Unresolve Command Without Permissions",
3561 "actions": [
3562 {
3563 "name": "addReply",
3564 "parameters": {
3565 "comment": "Hi ${contextualAuthor}, only the original author of the issue can ask that it be unresolved. Please open a new issue with your scenario and details if you would like to discuss this topic with the team."
3566 }
3567 }
3568 ]
3569 }
3570 },
3571 {
3572 "taskType": "trigger",
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3575 "version": "1.0",
3576 "config": {
3577 "conditions": {
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3580 {
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3582 "parameters": {}
3583 },
3584 {
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3586 "parameters": {
3587 "label": "issue-addressed"
3588 }
3589 },
3590 {
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3593 {
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3597 }
3598 },
3599 {
3600 "name": "labelAdded",
3601 "parameters": {
3602 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
3603 }
3604 },
3605 {
3606 "name": "labelAdded",
3607 "parameters": {
3608 "label": "Service Attention"
3609 }
3610 },
3611 {
3612 "name": "labelAdded",
3613 "parameters": {
3614 "label": "needs-triage"
3615 }
3616 },
3617 {
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3619 "parameters": {
3620 "label": "needs-team-triage"
3621 }
3622 }
3623 ]
3624 }
3625 ]
3626 },
3627 "eventType": "issue",
3628 "eventNames": [
3629 "issues",
3630 "project_card"
3631 ],
3632 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Unresolve on WIP Labels",
3633 "actions": [
3634 {
3635 "name": "removeLabel",
3636 "parameters": {
3637 "label": "issue-addressed"
3638 }
3639 }
3640 ]
3641 }
3642 },
3643 {
3644 "taskType": "trigger",
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3646 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
3647 "version": "1.0",
3648 "config": {
3649 "conditions": {
3650 "operator": "and",
3651 "operands": [
3652 {
3653 "name": "isAction",
3654 "parameters": {
3655 "action": "labeled"
3656 }
3657 },
3658 {
3659 "operator": "not",
3660 "operands": [
3661 {
3662 "name": "hasLabel",
3663 "parameters": {
3664 "label": "needs-triage"
3665 }
3666 }
3667 ]
3668 },
3669 {
3670 "operator": "not",
3671 "operands": [
3672 {
3673 "name": "hasLabel",
3674 "parameters": {
3675 "label": "needs-team-triage"
3676 }
3677 }
3678 ]
3679 },
3680 {
3681 "operator": "not",
3682 "operands": [
3683 {
3684 "name": "hasLabel",
3685 "parameters": {
3686 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
3687 }
3688 }
3689 ]
3690 },
3691 {
3692 "name": "hasLabel",
3693 "parameters": {
3694 "label": "customer-reported"
3695 }
3696 },
3697 {
3698 "operator": "not",
3699 "operands": [
3700 {
3701 "name": "isInMilestone",
3702 "parameters": {}
3703 }
3704 ]
3705 },
3706 {
3707 "name": "isOpen",
3708 "parameters": {}
3709 },
3710 {
3711 "operator": "not",
3712 "operands": [
3713 {
3714 "name": "hasLabel",
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3716 "label": "issue-addressed"
3717 }
3718 }
3719 ]
3720 }
3721 ]
3722 },
3723 "eventType": "issue",
3724 "eventNames": [
3725 "issues",
3726 "project_card"
3727 ],
3728 "taskName": "Ensure 'needs-team-attention' label is assigned to issues not in a milestone",
3729 "actions": [
3730 {
3731 "name": "addLabel",
3732 "parameters": {
3733 "label": "needs-team-attention"
3734 }
3735 }
3736 ]
3737 }
3738 },
3739 {
3740 "taskType": "trigger",
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3742 "subCapability": "PullRequestResponder",
3743 "version": "1.0",
3744 "config": {
3745 "conditions": {
3746 "operator": "and",
3747 "operands": [
3748 {
3749 "name": "isOpen",
3750 "parameters": {}
3751 },
3752 {
3753 "name": "hasLabel",
3754 "parameters": {
3755 "label": "auto-merge"
3756 }
3757 },
3758 {
3759 "name": "isAction",
3760 "parameters": {
3761 "action": "synchronize"
3762 }
3763 },
3764 {
3765 "operator": "and",
3766 "operands": [
3767 {
3768 "operator": "not",
3769 "operands": [
3770 {
3771 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3772 "parameters": {
3773 "permissions": "admin"
3774 }
3775 }
3776 ]
3777 },
3778 {
3779 "operator": "not",
3780 "operands": [
3781 {
3782 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
3783 "parameters": {
3784 "permissions": "write"
3785 }
3786 }
3787 ]
3788 }
3789 ]
3790 }
3791 ]
3792 },
3793 "eventType": "pull_request",
3794 "eventNames": [
3795 "pull_request",
3796 "issues",
3797 "project_card"
3798 ],
3799 "taskName": "[Auto Merge] Reset Approvals on Untrusted Changes",
3800 "actions": [
3801 {
3802 "name": "dismissApprovalPullRequest",
3803 "parameters": {
3804 "dismissAction": "dismissAll",
3805 "comment": "Hi @{issueAuthor}. We've noticed that new changes have been pushed to this pull request. Because it is set to automatically merge, we've reset the approvals to allow the opportunity to review the updates."
3806 }
3807 }
3808 ]
3809 }
3810 },
3811 {
3812 "taskType": "trigger",
3813 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
3814 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
3815 "version": "1.0",
3816 "config": {
3817 "conditions": {
3818 "operator": "and",
3819 "operands": [
3820 {
3821 "name": "labelAdded",
3822 "parameters": {
3823 "label": "issue-addressed"
3824 }
3825 }
3826 ]
3827 },
3828 "eventType": "issue",
3829 "eventNames": [
3830 "issues",
3831 "project_card"
3832 ],
3833 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Issue Addressed Label Applied",
3834 "actions": [
3835 {
3836 "name": "addReply",
3837 "parameters": {
3838 "comment": "Hi @${issueAuthor}. Thank you for opening this issue and giving us the opportunity to assist. We believe that this has been addressed. If you feel that further discussion is needed, please add a comment with the text “`/unresolve`” to remove the “issue-addressed” label and continue the conversation."
3839 }
3840 },
3841 {
3842 "name": "removeLabel",
3843 "parameters": {
3844 "label": "needs-triage"
3845 }
3846 },
3847 {
3848 "name": "removeLabel",
3849 "parameters": {
3850 "label": "needs-team-triage"
3851 }
3852 },
3853 {
3854 "name": "removeLabel",
3855 "parameters": {
3856 "label": "needs-team-attention"
3857 }
3858 },
3859 {
3860 "name": "removeLabel",
3861 "parameters": {
3862 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
3863 }
3864 },
3865 {
3866 "name": "removeLabel",
3867 "parameters": {
3868 "label": "no-recent-activity"
3869 }
3870 }
3871 ]
3872 }
3873 },
3874 {
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3876 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
3877 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
3878 "version": "1.1",
3879 "config": {
3880 "frequency": [
3881 {
3882 "weekDay": 0,
3883 "hours": [
3884 0,
3885 6,
3886 12,
3887 18
3888 ],
3889 "timezoneOffset": -4
3890 },
3891 {
3892 "weekDay": 1,
3893 "hours": [
3894 0,
3895 6,
3896 12,
3897 18
3898 ],
3899 "timezoneOffset": -4
3900 },
3901 {
3902 "weekDay": 2,
3903 "hours": [
3904 0,
3905 6,
3906 12,
3907 18
3908 ],
3909 "timezoneOffset": -4
3910 },
3911 {
3912 "weekDay": 3,
3913 "hours": [
3914 0,
3915 6,
3916 12,
3917 18
3918 ],
3919 "timezoneOffset": -4
3920 },
3921 {
3922 "weekDay": 4,
3923 "hours": [
3924 0,
3925 6,
3926 12,
3927 18
3928 ],
3929 "timezoneOffset": -4
3930 },
3931 {
3932 "weekDay": 5,
3933 "hours": [
3934 0,
3935 6,
3936 12,
3937 18
3938 ],
3939 "timezoneOffset": -4
3940 },
3941 {
3942 "weekDay": 6,
3943 "hours": [
3944 0,
3945 6,
3946 12,
3947 18
3948 ],
3949 "timezoneOffset": -4
3950 }
3951 ],
3952 "searchTerms": [
3953 {
3954 "name": "isIssue",
3955 "parameters": {}
3956 },
3957 {
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3960 },
3961 {
3962 "name": "hasLabel",
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3964 "label": "issue-addressed"
3965 }
3966 },
3967 {
3968 "name": "noActivitySince",
3969 "parameters": {
3970 "days": 7
3971 }
3972 }
3973 ],
3974 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Close Addressed Issues",
3975 "actions": [
3976 {
3977 "name": "addReply",
3978 "parameters": {
3979 "comment": "Hi @${issueAuthor}, since you haven’t asked that we “`/unresolve`” the issue, we’ll close this out. If you believe further discussion is needed, please add a comment “`/unresolve`” to reopen the issue."
3980 }
3981 },
3982 {
3983 "name": "closeIssue",
3984 "parameters": {}
3985 }
3986 ]
3987 }
3988 },
3989 {
3990 "taskType": "trigger",
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3992 "subCapability": "IssueCommentResponder",
3993 "version": "1.0",
3994 "config": {
3995 "conditions": {
3996 "operator": "and",
3997 "operands": [
3998 {
3999 "name": "hasLabel",
4000 "parameters": {
4001 "label": "issue-addressed"
4002 }
4003 },
4004 {
4005 "name": "commentContains",
4006 "parameters": {
4007 "commentPattern": "/unresolve"
4008 }
4009 },
4010 {
4011 "operator": "or",
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4013 {
4014 "name": "isActivitySender",
4015 "parameters": {
4016 "user": {
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4018 }
4019 }
4020 },
4021 {
4022 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
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4025 }
4026 },
4027 {
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4030 "permissions": "write"
4031 }
4032 }
4033 ]
4034 }
4035 ]
4036 },
4037 "eventType": "issue",
4038 "eventNames": [
4039 "issue_comment"
4040 ],
4041 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Unresolve Command by Author",
4042 "actions": [
4043 {
4044 "name": "reopenIssue",
4045 "parameters": {}
4046 },
4047 {
4048 "name": "removeLabel",
4049 "parameters": {
4050 "label": "issue-addressed"
4051 }
4052 },
4053 {
4054 "name": "addLabel",
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4056 "label": "needs-team-attention"
4057 }
4058 }
4059 ]
4060 }
4061 },
4062 {
4063 "taskType": "trigger",
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4066 "version": "1.0",
4067 "config": {
4068 "conditions": {
4069 "operator": "and",
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4071 {
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4074 "label": "issue-addressed"
4075 }
4076 },
4077 {
4078 "name": "commentContains",
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4080 "commentPattern": "/unresolve"
4081 }
4082 },
4083 {
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4085 "operands": [
4086 {
4087 "operator": "not",
4088 "operands": [
4089 {
4090 "name": "isActivitySender",
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4092 "user": {
4093 "type": "author"
4094 }
4095 }
4096 }
4097 ]
4098 },
4099 {
4100 "operator": "not",
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4102 {
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4105 "permissions": "admin"
4106 }
4107 }
4108 ]
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4110 {
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4117 }
4118 }
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4122 }
4123 ]
4124 },
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4127 "issue_comment"
4128 ],
4129 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Unresolve Command Without Permissions",
4130 "actions": [
4131 {
4132 "name": "addReply",
4133 "parameters": {
4134 "comment": "Hi ${contextualAuthor}, only the original author of the issue can ask that it be unresolved. Please open a new issue with your scenario and details if you would like to discuss this topic with the team."
4135 }
4136 }
4137 ]
4138 }
4139 },
4140 {
4141 "taskType": "trigger",
4142 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
4143 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
4144 "version": "1.0",
4145 "config": {
4146 "conditions": {
4147 "operator": "and",
4148 "operands": [
4149 {
4150 "name": "isOpen",
4151 "parameters": {}
4152 },
4153 {
4154 "name": "hasLabel",
4155 "parameters": {
4156 "label": "issue-addressed"
4157 }
4158 },
4159 {
4160 "operator": "or",
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4162 {
4163 "name": "labelAdded",
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4166 }
4167 },
4168 {
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4171 "label": "needs-author-feedback"
4172 }
4173 },
4174 {
4175 "name": "labelAdded",
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4177 "label": "Service Attention"
4178 }
4179 },
4180 {
4181 "name": "labelAdded",
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4184 }
4185 },
4186 {
4187 "name": "labelAdded",
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4189 "label": "needs-team-triage"
4190 }
4191 }
4192 ]
4193 }
4194 ]
4195 },
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4197 "eventNames": [
4198 "issues",
4199 "project_card"
4200 ],
4201 "taskName": "[Resolve Workflow] Unresolve on WIP Labels",
4202 "actions": [
4203 {
4204 "name": "removeLabel",
4205 "parameters": {
4206 "label": "issue-addressed"
4207 }
4208 }
4209 ]
4210 }
4211 },
4212 {
4213 "taskType": "trigger",
4214 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
4215 "subCapability": "PullRequestResponder",
4216 "version": "1.0",
4217 "config": {
4218 "conditions": {
4219 "operator": "and",
4220 "operands": [
4221 {
4222 "name": "hasLabel",
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4224 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4225 }
4226 },
4227 {
4228 "name": "isOpen",
4229 "parameters": {}
4230 },
4231 {
4232 "operator": "or",
4233 "operands": [
4234 {
4235 "name": "isAction",
4236 "parameters": {
4237 "action": "merged"
4238 }
4239 },
4240 {
4241 "name": "isAction",
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4243 "action": "synchronize"
4244 }
4245 },
4246 {
4247 "name": "isAction",
4248 "parameters": {
4249 "action": "review_requested"
4250 }
4251 }
4252 ]
4253 }
4254 ]
4255 },
4256 "eventType": "pull_request",
4257 "eventNames": [
4258 "pull_request",
4259 "issues",
4260 "project_card"
4261 ],
4262 "taskName": "[Stale Pull Requests] Remove Stale PR Designation on Activity",
4263 "actions": [
4264 {
4265 "name": "removeLabel",
4266 "parameters": {
4267 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4268 }
4269 }
4270 ]
4271 }
4272 },
4273 {
4274 "taskType": "trigger",
4275 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
4276 "subCapability": "PullRequestReviewResponder",
4277 "version": "1.0",
4278 "config": {
4279 "conditions": {
4280 "operator": "and",
4281 "operands": [
4282 {
4283 "name": "hasLabel",
4284 "parameters": {
4285 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4286 }
4287 },
4288 {
4289 "name": "isOpen",
4290 "parameters": {}
4291 }
4292 ]
4293 },
4294 "eventType": "pull_request",
4295 "eventNames": [
4296 "pull_request_review"
4297 ],
4298 "taskName": "[Stale Pull Requests] Remove Stale PR Designation on on Review",
4299 "actions": [
4300 {
4301 "name": "removeLabel",
4302 "parameters": {
4303 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4304 }
4305 }
4306 ]
4307 }
4308 },
4309 {
4310 "taskType": "trigger",
4311 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
4312 "subCapability": "PullRequestCommentResponder",
4313 "version": "1.0",
4314 "config": {
4315 "conditions": {
4316 "operator": "and",
4317 "operands": [
4318 {
4319 "name": "isAction",
4320 "parameters": {
4321 "action": "created"
4322 }
4323 },
4324 {
4325 "name": "hasLabel",
4326 "parameters": {
4327 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4328 }
4329 },
4330 {
4331 "name": "isOpen",
4332 "parameters": {}
4333 },
4334 {
4335 "operator": "and",
4336 "operands": [
4337 {
4338 "operator": "not",
4339 "operands": [
4340 {
4341 "name": "commentContains",
4342 "parameters": {
4343 "commentPattern": "What is Check Enforcer?"
4344 }
4345 }
4346 ]
4347 },
4348 {
4349 "operator": "not",
4350 "operands": [
4351 {
4352 "name": "commentContains",
4353 "parameters": {
4354 "commentPattern": "Since there hasn't been recent engagement, this is being closed out."
4355 }
4356 }
4357 ]
4358 }
4359 ]
4360 }
4361 ]
4362 },
4363 "eventType": "pull_request",
4364 "eventNames": [
4365 "issue_comment"
4366 ],
4367 "taskName": "[Stale Pull Requests] Remove Stale PR Designation on on Comment",
4368 "actions": [
4369 {
4370 "name": "removeLabel",
4371 "parameters": {
4372 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4373 }
4374 }
4375 ]
4376 }
4377 },
4378 {
4379 "taskType": "scheduled",
4380 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
4381 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
4382 "version": "1.1",
4383 "config": {
4384 "frequency": [
4385 {
4386 "weekDay": 0,
4387 "hours": [
4388 1,
4389 7,
4390 13,
4391 19
4392 ],
4393 "timezoneOffset": -4
4394 },
4395 {
4396 "weekDay": 1,
4397 "hours": [
4398 1,
4399 7,
4400 13,
4401 19
4402 ],
4403 "timezoneOffset": -4
4404 },
4405 {
4406 "weekDay": 2,
4407 "hours": [
4408 1,
4409 7,
4410 13,
4411 19
4412 ],
4413 "timezoneOffset": -4
4414 },
4415 {
4416 "weekDay": 3,
4417 "hours": [
4418 1,
4419 7,
4420 13,
4421 19
4422 ],
4423 "timezoneOffset": -4
4424 },
4425 {
4426 "weekDay": 4,
4427 "hours": [
4428 1,
4429 7,
4430 13,
4431 19
4432 ],
4433 "timezoneOffset": -4
4434 },
4435 {
4436 "weekDay": 5,
4437 "hours": [
4438 1,
4439 7,
4440 13,
4441 19
4442 ],
4443 "timezoneOffset": -4
4444 },
4445 {
4446 "weekDay": 6,
4447 "hours": [
4448 1,
4449 7,
4450 13,
4451 19
4452 ],
4453 "timezoneOffset": -4
4454 }
4455 ],
4456 "searchTerms": [
4457 {
4458 "name": "isOpen",
4459 "parameters": {}
4460 },
4461 {
4462 "name": "hasLabel",
4463 "parameters": {
4464 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4465 }
4466 },
4467 {
4468 "name": "isPr",
4469 "parameters": {}
4470 },
4471 {
4472 "name": "noActivitySince",
4473 "parameters": {
4474 "days": 7
4475 }
4476 }
4477 ],
4478 "taskName": "[Stale Pull Requests] Scheduled Close for Stale PRs",
4479 "actions": [
4480 {
4481 "name": "closeIssue",
4482 "parameters": {}
4483 },
4484 {
4485 "name": "addReply",
4486 "parameters": {
4487 "comment": "Hi @${issueAuthor}. Thank you for your contribution. Since there hasn't been recent engagement, we're going to close this out. Feel free to respond with a comment containing \"/reopen\" if you'd like to continue working on these changes. Please be sure to use the command to reopen or remove the \"no-recent-activity\" label; otherwise, this is likely to be closed again with the next cleanup pass. "
4488 }
4489 }
4490 ]
4491 }
4492 },
4493 {
4494 "taskType": "trigger",
4495 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
4496 "subCapability": "PullRequestCommentResponder",
4497 "version": "1.0",
4498 "config": {
4499 "conditions": {
4500 "operator": "and",
4501 "operands": [
4502 {
4503 "operator": "not",
4504 "operands": [
4505 {
4506 "name": "isOpen",
4507 "parameters": {}
4508 }
4509 ]
4510 },
4511 {
4512 "name": "commentContains",
4513 "parameters": {
4514 "commentPattern": "/reopen"
4515 }
4516 },
4517 {
4518 "name": "hasLabel",
4519 "parameters": {
4520 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4521 }
4522 },
4523 {
4524 "operator": "or",
4525 "operands": [
4526 {
4527 "name": "isActivitySender",
4528 "parameters": {
4529 "user": {
4530 "type": "author"
4531 }
4532 }
4533 },
4534 {
4535 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
4536 "parameters": {
4537 "permissions": "admin"
4538 }
4539 },
4540 {
4541 "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions",
4542 "parameters": {
4543 "permissions": "write"
4544 }
4545 }
4546 ]
4547 }
4548 ]
4549 },
4550 "eventType": "pull_request",
4551 "eventNames": [
4552 "issue_comment"
4553 ],
4554 "taskName": "[Stale Pull Requests] Reopen Command",
4555 "actions": [
4556 {
4557 "name": "reopenIssue",
4558 "parameters": {}
4559 },
4560 {
4561 "name": "removeLabel",
4562 "parameters": {
4563 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4564 }
4565 }
4566 ]
4567 }
4568 },
4569 {
4570 "taskType": "scheduled",
4571 "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch",
4572 "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch",
4573 "version": "1.1",
4574 "config": {
4575 "frequency": [
4576 {
4577 "weekDay": 5,
4578 "hours": [
4579 5
4580 ],
4581 "timezoneOffset": -5
4582 }
4583 ],
4584 "searchTerms": [
4585 {
4586 "name": "isOpen",
4587 "parameters": {}
4588 },
4589 {
4590 "name": "noLabel",
4591 "parameters": {
4592 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4593 }
4594 },
4595 {
4596 "name": "noActivitySince",
4597 "parameters": {
4598 "days": 60
4599 }
4600 },
4601 {
4602 "name": "isPr",
4603 "parameters": {}
4604 }
4605 ],
4606 "taskName": "[Stale Pull Requests] Scheduled Marking of Stale PRs",
4607 "actions": [
4608 {
4609 "name": "addLabel",
4610 "parameters": {
4611 "label": "no-recent-activity"
4612 }
4613 },
4614 {
4615 "name": "addReply",
4616 "parameters": {
4617 "comment": "Hi @${issueAuthor}. Thank you for your interest in helping to improve the Azure SDK experience and for your contribution. We've noticed that there hasn't been recent engagement on this pull request. If this is still an active work stream, please let us know by pushing some changes or leaving a comment. Otherwise, we'll close this out in 7 days."
4618 }
4619 }
4620 ]
4621 }
4622 },
4623 {
4624 "taskType": "trigger",
4625 "capabilityId": "IssueResponder",
4626 "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder",
4627 "version": "1.0",
4628 "config": {
4629 "conditions": {
4630 "operator": "and",
4631 "operands": [
4632 {
4633 "name": "isOpen",
4634 "parameters": {}
4635 },
4636 {
4637 "name": "labelAdded",
4638 "parameters": {
4639 "label": "CXP Attention"
4640 }
4641 },
4642 {
4643 "operator": "not",
4644 "operands": [
4645 {
4646 "name": "hasLabel",
4647 "parameters": {
4648 "label": "Service Attention"
4649 }
4650 }
4651 ]
4652 }
4653 ]
4654 },
4655 "eventType": "issue",
4656 "eventNames": [
4657 "issues",
4658 "project_card"
4659 ],
4660 "taskName": "[CXP Pilot] CXP Attention Responder",
4661 "actions": [
4662 {
4663 "name": "addReply",
4664 "parameters": {
4665 "comment": "Thank you for your feedback. This has been routed to the support team for assistance."
4666 }
4667 }
4668 ]
4669 }
4670 }
4671 ]
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