directive @goTag( key: String! value: String ) on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | FIELD_DEFINITION directive @goField( forceResolver: Boolean name: String omittable: Boolean ) on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | FIELD_DEFINITION | INTERFACE type Query { thisShoudlntGetGenerated: Boolean } type Mutation { thisShoudlntGetGenerated: Boolean } type Subscription { thisShoudlntGetGenerated: Boolean } type MissingTypeNotNull implements MissingInterface & ExistingInterface { name: String! enum: MissingEnum! int: MissingInterface! existing: ExistingType! missing2: MissingTypeNullable! } type MissingTypeNullable implements MissingInterface & ExistingInterface { name: String enum: MissingEnum int: MissingInterface existing: ExistingType missing2: MissingTypeNotNull } input MissingInput { name: String enum: MissingEnum nonNullString: String! nullString: String @goField(omittable: true) nullEnum: MissingEnum @goField(omittable: true) nullObject: ExistingInput @goField(omittable: true) } enum MissingEnum { Hello Goodbye } interface MissingInterface { name: String } union MissingUnion = MissingTypeNotNull | MissingTypeNullable | ExistingType type ExistingType implements MissingInterface & ExistingInterface { name: String enum: ExistingEnum int: ExistingInterface existing: MissingTypeNullable } input ExistingInput { name: String enum: ExistingEnum } type FieldMutationHook { name: String @goTag(key :"anotherTag", value: "tag") enum: ExistingEnum @goTag(key: "yetAnotherTag", value: "12") noVal: String @goTag(key: "yaml") @goTag(key : "repeated", value: "true") repeated: String @goTag(key: "someTag", value: "value") @goTag(key : "repeated", value: "true") } enum ExistingEnum { Hello Goodbye } interface ExistingInterface { name: String } union ExistingUnion = MissingTypeNotNull | MissingTypeNullable | ExistingType "TypeWithDescription is a type with a description" type TypeWithDescription { name: String } "EnumWithDescription is an enum with a description" enum EnumWithDescription { CAT DOG } "InterfaceWithDescription is an interface with a description" interface InterfaceWithDescription { name: String } "UnionWithDescription is an union with a description" union UnionWithDescription = TypeWithDescription | ExistingType interface Foo_Barer { name: String! } type _Foo_Barr implements Foo_Barer { name: String! } # interface A { a: String! } interface B { b: Int! } interface C implements A { a: String! c: Boolean! } interface D implements A & B { a: String! b: Int! d: String } type CDImplemented implements C & D & A & B { a: String! b: Int! c: Boolean! d: String } type CyclicalA { field_one: CyclicalB field_two: CyclicalB field_three: CyclicalB field_four: String! } type CyclicalB { field_one: CyclicalA field_two: CyclicalA field_three: CyclicalA field_four: CyclicalA field_five: String! } type NotCyclicalA { FieldOne: String! FieldTwo: Int! } type NotCyclicalB { FieldOne: String! FieldTwo: NotCyclicalA! } type Recursive { FieldOne: Recursive! FieldTwo: Recursive! FieldThree: Recursive! FieldFour: String! } type RenameFieldTest { badName: String! otherField: String! } interface ArrayOfA { trickyField: [A!]! trickyFieldPointer: [A] } type ImplArrayOfA implements ArrayOfA { trickyField: [CDImplemented!]! trickyFieldPointer: [CDImplemented] } interface X { Id: String! @goField(name: "Id") } type Xer implements X { Id: String! @goField(name: "Id") Name: String! } type ExtraFieldsTest { SchemaField: String! } type OmitEmptyJsonTagTest { ValueNonNil: String! Value: String }