
Source file src/github.com/99designs/gqlgen/plugin/federation/fieldset/fieldset.go

Documentation: github.com/99designs/gqlgen/plugin/federation/fieldset

     1  package fieldset
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"strings"
     7  	"github.com/vektah/gqlparser/v2/ast"
     9  	"github.com/99designs/gqlgen/codegen"
    10  	"github.com/99designs/gqlgen/codegen/templates"
    11  )
    13  // Set represents a FieldSet that is used in federation directives @key and @requires.
    14  // Would be happier to reuse FieldSet parsing from gqlparser, but this suits for now.
    15  type Set []Field
    17  // Field represents a single field in a FieldSet
    18  type Field []string
    20  // New parses a FieldSet string into a TinyFieldSet.
    21  func New(raw string, prefix []string) Set {
    22  	if !strings.Contains(raw, "{") {
    23  		return parseUnnestedKeyFieldSet(raw, prefix)
    24  	}
    26  	var (
    27  		ret       = Set{}
    28  		subPrefix = prefix
    29  	)
    30  	before, during, after := extractSubs(raw)
    32  	if before != "" {
    33  		befores := New(before, prefix)
    34  		if len(befores) > 0 {
    35  			subPrefix = befores[len(befores)-1]
    36  			ret = append(ret, befores[:len(befores)-1]...)
    37  		}
    38  	}
    39  	if during != "" {
    40  		ret = append(ret, New(during, subPrefix)...)
    41  	}
    42  	if after != "" {
    43  		ret = append(ret, New(after, prefix)...)
    44  	}
    45  	return ret
    46  }
    48  // FieldDefinition looks up a field in the type.
    49  func (f Field) FieldDefinition(schemaType *ast.Definition, schema *ast.Schema) *ast.FieldDefinition {
    50  	objType := schemaType
    51  	def := objType.Fields.ForName(f[0])
    53  	for _, part := range f[1:] {
    54  		if objType.Kind != ast.Object {
    55  			panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid sub-field reference "%s" in %v: `, objType.Name, f))
    56  		}
    57  		x := def.Type.Name()
    58  		objType = schema.Types[x]
    59  		if objType == nil {
    60  			panic("invalid schema type: " + x)
    61  		}
    62  		def = objType.Fields.ForName(part)
    63  	}
    64  	if def == nil {
    65  		return nil
    66  	}
    67  	ret := *def // shallow copy
    68  	ret.Name = f.ToGoPrivate()
    70  	return &ret
    71  }
    73  // TypeReference looks up the type of a field.
    74  func (f Field) TypeReference(obj *codegen.Object, objects codegen.Objects) *codegen.Field {
    75  	var def *codegen.Field
    77  	for _, part := range f {
    78  		def = fieldByName(obj, part)
    79  		if def == nil {
    80  			panic("unable to find field " + f[0])
    81  		}
    82  		obj = objects.ByName(def.TypeReference.Definition.Name)
    83  	}
    84  	return def
    85  }
    87  // ToGo converts a (possibly nested) field into a proper public Go name.
    88  func (f Field) ToGo() string {
    89  	var ret string
    91  	for _, field := range f {
    92  		ret += templates.ToGo(field)
    93  	}
    94  	return ret
    95  }
    97  // ToGoPrivate converts a (possibly nested) field into a proper private Go name.
    98  func (f Field) ToGoPrivate() string {
    99  	var ret string
   101  	for i, field := range f {
   102  		if i == 0 {
   103  			field = trimArgumentFromFieldName(field)
   104  			ret += templates.ToGoPrivate(field)
   105  			continue
   106  		}
   107  		ret += templates.ToGo(field)
   108  	}
   109  	return ret
   110  }
   112  // Join concatenates the field parts with a string separator between. Useful in templates.
   113  func (f Field) Join(str string) string {
   114  	return strings.Join(f, str)
   115  }
   117  // JoinGo concatenates the Go name of field parts with a string separator between. Useful in templates.
   118  func (f Field) JoinGo(str string) string {
   119  	strs := []string{}
   121  	for _, s := range f {
   122  		strs = append(strs, templates.ToGo(s))
   123  	}
   124  	return strings.Join(strs, str)
   125  }
   127  func (f Field) LastIndex() int {
   128  	return len(f) - 1
   129  }
   131  // local functions
   133  // parseUnnestedKeyFieldSet // handles simple case where none of the fields are nested.
   134  func parseUnnestedKeyFieldSet(raw string, prefix []string) Set {
   135  	ret := Set{}
   137  	for _, s := range strings.Fields(raw) {
   138  		next := append(prefix[0:len(prefix):len(prefix)], s) //nolint:gocritic // set cap=len in order to force slice reallocation
   139  		ret = append(ret, next)
   140  	}
   141  	return ret
   142  }
   144  // extractSubs splits out and trims sub-expressions from before, inside, and after "{}".
   145  func extractSubs(str string) (string, string, string) {
   146  	start := strings.Index(str, "{")
   147  	end := matchingBracketIndex(str, start)
   149  	if start < 0 || end < 0 {
   150  		panic("invalid key fieldSet: " + str)
   151  	}
   152  	return trimArgumentFromFieldName(strings.TrimSpace(str[:start])), strings.TrimSpace(str[start+1 : end]), strings.TrimSpace(str[end+1:])
   153  }
   155  // matchingBracketIndex returns the index of the closing bracket, assuming an open bracket at start.
   156  func matchingBracketIndex(str string, start int) int {
   157  	if start < 0 || len(str) <= start+1 {
   158  		return -1
   159  	}
   160  	var depth int
   162  	for i, c := range str[start+1:] {
   163  		switch c {
   164  		case '{':
   165  			depth++
   166  		case '}':
   167  			if depth == 0 {
   168  				return start + 1 + i
   169  			}
   170  			depth--
   171  		}
   172  	}
   173  	return -1
   174  }
   176  func fieldByName(obj *codegen.Object, name string) *codegen.Field {
   177  	for _, field := range obj.Fields {
   178  		field.Name = trimArgumentFromFieldName(field.Name)
   179  		if field.Name == name {
   180  			return field
   181  		}
   182  	}
   183  	return nil
   184  }
   186  // trimArgumentFromFieldName removes any arguments from the field name.
   187  // It removes any suffixes from the raw string, starting from the argument-open character `(`
   188  func trimArgumentFromFieldName(raw string) string {
   189  	return strings.Split(raw, "(")[0]
   190  }

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