1{{- range $type := .ReferencedTypes }}
2 {{ with $type.UnmarshalFunc }}
3 func (ec *executionContext) {{ . }}(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) ({{ $type.GO | ref }}, error) {
4 {{- if and $type.IsNilable (not $type.GQL.NonNull) (not $type.IsPtrToPtr) }}
5 if v == nil { return nil, nil }
6 {{- end }}
7 {{- if or $type.IsPtrToSlice $type.IsPtrToIntf }}
8 res, err := ec.{{ $type.Elem.UnmarshalFunc }}(ctx, v)
9 return &res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
10 {{- else if $type.IsSlice }}
11 var vSlice []interface{}
12 if v != nil {
13 vSlice = graphql.CoerceList(v)
14 }
15 var err error
16 res := make([]{{$type.GO.Elem | ref}}, len(vSlice))
17 for i := range vSlice {
18 ctx := graphql.WithPathContext(ctx, graphql.NewPathWithIndex(i))
19 res[i], err = ec.{{ $type.Elem.UnmarshalFunc }}(ctx, vSlice[i])
20 if err != nil {
21 return nil, err
22 }
23 }
24 return res, nil
25 {{- else if and $type.IsPtrToPtr (not $type.Unmarshaler) (not $type.IsMarshaler) }}
26 var pres {{ $type.Elem.GO | ref }}
27 if v != nil {
28 res, err := ec.{{ $type.Elem.UnmarshalFunc }}(ctx, v)
29 if err != nil {
30 return nil, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
31 }
32 pres = res
33 }
34 return &pres, nil
35 {{- else }}
36 {{- if $type.Unmarshaler }}
37 {{- if $type.CastType }}
38 {{- if $type.IsContext }}
39 tmp, err := {{ $type.Unmarshaler | call }}(ctx, v)
40 {{- else }}
41 tmp, err := {{ $type.Unmarshaler | call }}(v)
42 {{- end }}
43 {{- if and $type.IsNilable $type.Elem }}
44 res := {{ $type.Elem.GO | ref }}(tmp)
45 {{- else}}
46 res := {{ $type.GO | ref }}(tmp)
47 {{- end }}
48 {{- else}}
49 {{- if $type.IsContext }}
50 res, err := {{ $type.Unmarshaler | call }}(ctx, v)
51 {{- else }}
52 res, err := {{ $type.Unmarshaler | call }}(v)
53 {{- end }}
54 {{- end }}
55 {{- if and $type.IsTargetNilable (not $type.IsNilable) }}
56 return *res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
57 {{- else if and (not $type.IsTargetNilable) $type.IsNilable }}
58 return &res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
59 {{- else}}
60 return res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
61 {{- end }}
62 {{- else if $type.IsMarshaler }}
63 {{- if and $type.IsNilable $type.Elem }}
64 var res = new({{ $type.Elem.GO | ref }})
65 {{- else}}
66 var res {{ $type.GO | ref }}
67 {{- end }}
68 {{- if $type.IsContext }}
69 err := res.UnmarshalGQLContext(ctx, v)
70 {{- else }}
71 err := res.UnmarshalGQL(v)
72 {{- end }}
73 return res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
74 {{- else }}
75 res, err := ec.unmarshalInput{{ $type.GQL.Name }}(ctx, v)
76 {{- if and $type.IsNilable (not $type.IsMap) (not $type.PointersInUmarshalInput) }}
77 return &res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
78 {{- else if and (not $type.IsNilable) $type.PointersInUmarshalInput }}
79 return *res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
80 {{- else }}
81 return res, graphql.ErrorOnPath(ctx, err)
82 {{- end }}
83 {{- end }}
84 {{- end }}
85 }
86 {{- end }}
88 {{ with $type.MarshalFunc }}
89 func (ec *executionContext) {{ . }}(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v {{ $type.GO | ref }}) graphql.Marshaler {
90 {{- if or $type.IsPtrToSlice $type.IsPtrToIntf }}
91 return ec.{{ $type.Elem.MarshalFunc }}(ctx, sel, *v)
92 {{- else if $type.IsSlice }}
93 {{- if not $type.GQL.NonNull }}
94 if v == nil {
95 return graphql.Null
96 }
97 {{- end }}
98 ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
99 {{- if not $type.IsScalar }}
100 var wg sync.WaitGroup
101 isLen1 := len(v) == 1
102 if !isLen1 {
103 wg.Add(len(v))
104 }
105 {{- end }}
106 for i := range v {
107 {{- if not $type.IsScalar }}
108 i := i
109 fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
110 Index: &i,
111 Result: &v[i],
112 }
113 ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
114 f := func(i int) {
115 defer func() {
116 if r := recover(); r != nil {
117 ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
118 ret = nil
119 }
120 }()
121 if !isLen1 {
122 defer wg.Done()
123 }
124 ret[i] = ec.{{ $type.Elem.MarshalFunc }}(ctx, sel, v[i])
125 }
126 if isLen1 {
127 f(i)
128 } else {
129 go f(i)
130 }
131 {{ else }}
132 ret[i] = ec.{{ $type.Elem.MarshalFunc }}(ctx, sel, v[i])
133 {{- end }}
134 }
135 {{ if not $type.IsScalar }} wg.Wait() {{ end }}
136 {{ if $type.Elem.GQL.NonNull }}
137 for _, e := range ret {
138 if e == graphql.Null {
139 return graphql.Null
140 }
141 }
142 {{ end }}
143 return ret
144 {{- else if and $type.IsPtrToPtr (not $type.Unmarshaler) (not $type.IsMarshaler) }}
145 if v == nil {
146 return graphql.Null
147 }
148 return ec.{{ $type.Elem.MarshalFunc }}(ctx, sel, *v)
149 {{- else }}
150 {{- if $type.IsNilable }}
151 if v == nil {
152 {{- if $type.GQL.NonNull }}
153 if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
154 ec.Errorf(ctx, "the requested element is null which the schema does not allow")
155 }
156 {{- end }}
157 return graphql.Null
158 }
159 {{- end }}
160 {{- if $type.IsMarshaler }}
161 {{- if $type.IsContext }}
162 return graphql.WrapContextMarshaler(ctx, v)
163 {{- else }}
164 return v
165 {{- end }}
166 {{- else if $type.Marshaler }}
167 {{- $v := "v" }}
168 {{- if and $type.IsTargetNilable (not $type.IsNilable) }}
169 {{- $v = "&v" }}
170 {{- else if and (not $type.IsTargetNilable) $type.IsNilable }}
171 {{- $v = "*v" }}
172 {{- end }}
173 res := {{ $type.Marshaler | call }}({{- if $type.CastType }}{{ $type.CastType | ref }}({{ $v }}){{else}}{{ $v }}{{- end }})
174 {{- if $type.GQL.NonNull }}
175 if res == graphql.Null {
176 if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
177 ec.Errorf(ctx, "the requested element is null which the schema does not allow")
178 }
179 }
180 {{- end }}
181 {{- if $type.IsContext }}
182 return graphql.WrapContextMarshaler(ctx, res)
183 {{- else }}
184 return res
185 {{- end }}
186 {{- else if $type.IsRoot }}
187 {{- if eq $type.Definition.Name "Subscription" }}
188 res := ec._{{$type.Definition.Name}}(ctx, sel)
189 return res(ctx)
190 {{- else }}
191 return ec._{{$type.Definition.Name}}(ctx, sel)
192 {{- end }}
193 {{- else }}
194 return ec._{{$type.Definition.Name}}(ctx, sel, {{ if not $type.IsNilable}}&{{end}} v)
195 {{- end }}
196 {{- end }}
197 }
198 {{- end }}
199{{- end }}
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