1{{- $repourl := $.Info.RepositoryURL -}}
3All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
5The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
6and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
8<a name="unreleased"></a>
9## [Unreleased]({{ .Info.RepositoryURL }}/compare/{{ $latest := index .Versions 0 }}{{ $latest.Tag.Name }}...HEAD)
11{{ if .Unreleased.NoteGroups }}
12{{ range .Unreleased.NoteGroups -}}
13### {{ .Title }}
14{{ range .Notes -}}
15{{ .Body }}
16{{ end -}} <!-- end of Notes -->
17{{ end -}} <!-- end of NoteGroups -->
18{{ end -}} <!-- end of if -->
19{{ range .Unreleased.CommitGroups }}
20{{ range .Commits -}}
22{{- /** Remove markdown urls when there's a pull request linked and replace it with a tag **/ -}}
23{{- $subject := (regexReplaceAll `URL` (regexReplaceAll `\[#(\d+)\]\(.*?\)` .Subject "<a href=\"URL/pull/${1}\">#${1}</a>") $repourl) -}}
24{{- /** Filter out refs mentioned in the title **/ -}}
25{{- $list := (list) -}}
26{{- range $idx, $ref := .Refs -}}
27{{- if not (regexMatch $ref.Ref $subject) -}}
28{{ $list = append $list $ref }}
29{{- end -}}
30{{- end -}}
31{{- /** end custom variables **/ -}}
33{{ if .TrimmedBody -}}<dl><dd><details><summary>{{ else -}}- {{ end -}}
34<a href="{{$repourl}}/commit/{{.Hash.Long}}"><tt>{{.Hash.Short}}</tt></a> {{ $subject }}
35{{- if $list -}}
36{{ printf " %s " "(closes"}}
37{{- range $idx, $ref := $list -}}{{ if $idx }}, {{ end -}}
38<a href="{{ $repourl }}/issues/{{ $ref.Ref}}"> #{{ $ref.Ref}}</a>{{ end }})
39{{- end -}}
40{{ if .TrimmedBody -}}</summary>{{ printf "\n\n%s\n\n" .TrimmedBody }}</details></dd></dl>{{ end }}
42{{ end }} <!-- end of Commits -->
43{{ end -}} <!-- end of CommitGroups -->
45{{- if .Versions }}
46{{ range .Versions -}}
47<a name="{{ .Tag.Name }}"></a>
48## {{ if .Tag.Previous }}[{{ .Tag.Name }}]({{ $.Info.RepositoryURL }}/compare/{{ .Tag.Previous.Name }}...{{ .Tag.Name }}){{ else }}[{{ .Tag.Name }}](https://github.com/99designs/gqlgen/releases/tag/{{ .Tag.Name }}){{ end }} - {{ datetime "2006-01-02" .Tag.Date }}
49{{- if .CommitGroups -}}
50{{ range .CommitGroups -}}
52### {{ .Title }}
53{{ range .Commits -}}
54{{- /** Remove markdown urls when there's a pull request linked and replace it with a tag **/ -}}
55{{- $subject := (regexReplaceAll `URL` (regexReplaceAll `\[#(\d+)\]\(.*?\)` .Subject "<a href=\"URL/pull/${1}\">#${1}</a>") $repourl) -}}
56{{- /** Filter out refs mentioned in the title **/ -}}
57{{- $list := (list) -}}
58{{- range $idx, $ref := .Refs -}}
59{{- if not (regexMatch $ref.Ref $subject) -}}
60{{ $list = append $list $ref }}
61{{- end -}}
62{{- end -}}
63{{- /** end custom varaibles **/ -}}
65{{ if .TrimmedBody -}}<dl><dd><details><summary>{{ else -}}- {{ end -}}
66<a href="{{$repourl}}/commit/{{.Hash.Long}}"><tt>{{.Hash.Short}}</tt></a> {{ $subject }}
67{{- if $list -}}
68{{ printf " %s " "(closes"}}
69{{- range $idx, $ref := $list -}}{{ if $idx }}, {{ end -}}
70<a href="{{ $repourl }}/issues/{{ $ref.Ref}}"> #{{ $ref.Ref}}</a>{{ end }})
71{{- end -}}
73- {{ if .Type }}**{{ .Type }}:** {{ end }}{{ if .Subject }}{{ .Subject }}{{ else }}{{ .Header }}{{ end }}
74{{ end }} <!-- end of Commits -->
75{{ end -}} <!-- end of CommitGroups -->
76{{ else }}
77{{ range .Commits -}}
79{{- /** Remove markdown urls when there's a pull request linked and replace it with a tag **/ -}}
80{{- $subject := (regexReplaceAll `URL` (regexReplaceAll `\[#(\d+)\]\(.*?\)` .Subject "<a href=\"URL/pull/${1}\">#${1}</a>") $repourl) -}}
81{{- /** Filter out refs mentioned in the title **/ -}}
82{{- $list := (list) -}}
83{{- range $idx, $ref := .Refs -}}
84{{- if not (regexMatch $ref.Ref $subject) -}}
85{{ $list = append $list $ref }}
86{{- end -}}
87{{- end -}}
88{{- /** end custom variables **/ -}}
90{{ if .TrimmedBody -}}<dl><dd><details><summary>{{ else -}}- {{ end -}}
91<a href="{{$repourl}}/commit/{{.Hash.Long}}"><tt>{{.Hash.Short}}</tt></a> {{ $subject }}
92{{- if $list -}}
93{{ printf " %s " "(closes"}}
94{{- range $idx, $ref := $list -}}{{ if $idx }}, {{ end -}}
95<a href="{{ $repourl }}/issues/{{ $ref.Ref}}"> #{{ $ref.Ref}}</a>{{ end }})
96{{- end -}}
97{{ if .TrimmedBody -}}</summary>{{ printf "\n\n%s\n\n" .TrimmedBody }}</details></dd></dl>{{ end }}
99{{ end }} <!-- end of Commits -->
100{{ end -}} <!-- end of Else -->
102{{ if .NoteGroups }}
103{{ range .NoteGroups -}}
104### {{ .Title }}
105{{ range .Notes -}}
106{{ .Body }}
107{{ end -}} <!-- end of Notes -->
108{{ end -}} <!-- end of NoteGroups -->
109{{ end -}} <!-- end of If NoteGroups -->
110{{ end -}} <!-- end of Versions -->
111{{ end -}} <!-- end of If Versions -->
View as plain text