1apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
2kind: Component
3namespace: flux-system
5- namespace.yaml
6- ../manifests/policies.yaml
7- ../manifests/rbac.yaml
8- ../manifests/source-controller.yaml
10- path: patches/autoscaler-safe-to-evict-annotation.yaml
11 target:
12 kind: Deployment
14- patches/linkerd-admin-port.yaml
16# - remove the 5th argument "--enable-leader-election" since it may result in controller crash loops in sds clusters.
17# - remove the 1st argument "--events-addr" since the notification controller is not being used.
18# - lower kustomize-controller's CPU request from '100m' to '50m'
19- patch: |-
20 - op: remove
21 path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/4
22 target:
23 name: source-controller
24 namespace: flux-system
25 kind: Deployment
26- patch: |-
27 - op: remove
28 path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/0
29 target:
30 name: source-controller
31 namespace: flux-system
32 kind: Deployment
33- patch: |-
34 - op: remove
35 path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/4
36 target:
37 name: kustomize-controller
38 namespace: flux-system
39 kind: Deployment
40- patch: |-
41 - op: remove
42 path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/0
43 target:
44 name: kustomize-controller
45 namespace: flux-system
46 kind: Deployment
47- patch: |-
48 - op: replace
49 path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/resources/requests/cpu
50 value: 50m
51 target:
52 name: kustomize-controller
53 namespace: flux-system
54 kind: Deployment
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