# FluxCD The `manifests/` directory is populated from the `manifests.tar.gz` published to every FluxCD 2 release, e.g., https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases/tag/v0.24.0. The manifests archive is used over the `install.yaml` release artifact because every installation of Flux doesn't require all of the controllers. Exploding out the `manifests/` directory allows Kustomize consumers to pick and choose which pieces they need. The `install.yaml` is also provided in the root of this directory because it includes additional labels, the `flux-system` Namespace, and the `metadata.namespace` field on each object, making it easier to consume for libraries working with embedded manifests. Beause both `manifests/` and `install.yaml` are updated in lock step by the `justfile` in this directory, it is safe to use either one. ## Updating Manifests ```sh # from this working directory just update 0.8.0 # from root just third_party/k8s/fluxcd/ 0.8.0 ```