""" Name: CoreDNS Description: DNS server Repo: https://github.com/coredns/coredns Kubernetes Repo: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes Release Cadence: A new version is released approximately every six months. Take security updates. Upgrade Strategy: Upgrade to every patch version. Upgrade Steps: 1. Set the `TAG` variable to the latest coredns release 2. Set the digest for the coredns image. This can be obtained via "crane digest --platform=linux/amd64 index.docker.io/coredns/coredns:${VERSION}". Make sure the VERSION used in this command is not prefixed with "v" 3. Update Kubernetes version 4. Get kubernetes checksum via "wget https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/archive/refs/tags/v${K8S_VERSION}.tar.gz && sha256sum v${K8S_VERSION}.tar.gz && rm v${K8S_VERSION}.tar.gz" 5. Run `just third_party/k8s/coredns/update` """ load("//hack/build/rules/container:third_party_images.bzl", "third_party_container_dep") TAG = "v1.12.0" DIGEST = "sha256:2324f485c8db937628a18c293d946327f3a7229b9f77213e8f2256f0b616a4ee" REGISTRY = "index.docker.io" REPO = "coredns/coredns" DESTINATION_REPO = "registry.k8s.io/coredns" def coredns_images(): third_party_container_dep( name = "coredns", tag = TAG, digest = DIGEST, repository = REPO, destination_repo = DESTINATION_REPO, registry = REGISTRY, )