
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/third_party/k8s/configconnector/manifests.yaml

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/third_party/k8s/configconnector

     1apiVersion: v1
     2kind: Namespace
     4  annotations:
     5    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
     6  labels:
     7    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
     8  name: configconnector-operator-system
    10apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
    11kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    13  annotations:
    14    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
    15    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.10.0
    16  creationTimestamp: null
    17  labels:
    18    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
    19  name: configconnectorcontexts.core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    21  group: core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    22  names:
    23    kind: ConfigConnectorContext
    24    listKind: ConfigConnectorContextList
    25    plural: configconnectorcontexts
    26    singular: configconnectorcontext
    27  scope: Namespaced
    28  versions:
    29  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    30    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    31      name: Age
    32      type: date
    33    - description: When 'true' the most recent reconcile of the ConfigConnectorContext
    34        object succeeded
    35      jsonPath: .status.healthy
    36      name: Healthy
    37      type: string
    38    name: v1beta1
    39    schema:
    40      openAPIV3Schema:
    41        description: ConfigConnectorContext is the Schema for the ConfigConnectorContexts
    42          API
    43        properties:
    44          apiVersion:
    45            description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    46              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    47              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
    48            type: string
    49          kind:
    50            description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    51              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    52              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
    53            type: string
    54          metadata:
    55            type: object
    56          spec:
    57            description: ConfigConnectorContextSpec defines the desired state of ConfigConnectorContext
    58            properties:
    59              billingProject:
    60                description: Specifies the project to use for preconditions, quota
    61                  and billing. Should only be used when requestProjectPolicy is set
    62                  to BILLING_PROJECT.
    63                type: string
    64              googleServiceAccount:
    65                description: The Google Service Account to be used by Config Connector
    66                  to authenticate with Google Cloud APIs in the associated namespace.
    67                type: string
    68              requestProjectPolicy:
    69                description: Specifies which project to use for preconditions, quota,
    70                  and billing for requests made to Google Cloud APIs for resources
    71                  in the associated namespace. Must be one of 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT',
    72                  'RESOURCE_PROJECT', or 'BILLING_PROJECT. Defaults to 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT'.
    73                  If set to 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT', uses the project that the Google
    74                  Service Account belongs to. If set to 'RESOURCE_PROJECT', uses the
    75                  project that the resource belongs to. If set to 'BILLING_PROJECT',
    76                  uses the project specified by spec.billingProject.
    77                enum:
    78                - SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT
    79                - RESOURCE_PROJECT
    80                - BILLING_PROJECT
    81                type: string
    82            required:
    83            - googleServiceAccount
    84            type: object
    85          status:
    86            description: ConfigConnectorContextStatus defines the observed state of
    87              ConfigConnectorContext
    88            properties:
    89              errors:
    90                items:
    91                  type: string
    92                type: array
    93              healthy:
    94                type: boolean
    95              phase:
    96                type: string
    97            required:
    98            - healthy
    99            type: object
   100        required:
   101        - spec
   102        type: object
   103    served: true
   104    storage: true
   105    subresources:
   106      status: {}
   108apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
   109kind: CustomResourceDefinition
   111  annotations:
   112    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
   113    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.10.0
   114  creationTimestamp: null
   115  labels:
   116    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
   117  name: configconnectors.core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   119  group: core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   120  names:
   121    kind: ConfigConnector
   122    listKind: ConfigConnectorList
   123    plural: configconnectors
   124    singular: configconnector
   125  scope: Cluster
   126  versions:
   127  - additionalPrinterColumns:
   128    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
   129      name: Age
   130      type: date
   131    - description: When 'true' the most recent reconcile of the ConfigConnector object
   132        succeeded
   133      jsonPath: .status.healthy
   134      name: Healthy
   135      type: string
   136    name: v1beta1
   137    schema:
   138      openAPIV3Schema:
   139        description: ConfigConnector is the Schema for the configconnectors API
   140        properties:
   141          apiVersion:
   142            description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
   143              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
   144              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
   145            type: string
   146          kind:
   147            description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
   148              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
   149              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
   150            type: string
   151          metadata:
   152            type: object
   153          spec:
   154            anyOf:
   155            - oneOf:
   156              - not:
   157                  required:
   158                  - googleServiceAccount
   159                required:
   160                - credentialSecretName
   161              - not:
   162                  required:
   163                  - credentialSecretName
   164                required:
   165                - googleServiceAccount
   166              properties:
   167                mode:
   168                  enum:
   169                  - cluster
   170            - not:
   171                anyOf:
   172                - required:
   173                  - googleServiceAccount
   174                - required:
   175                  - credentialSecretName
   176              properties:
   177                mode:
   178                  enum:
   179                  - namespaced
   180            description: ConfigConnectorSpec defines the desired state of ConfigConnector
   181            properties:
   182              credentialSecretName:
   183                description: The Kubernetes secret that contains the Google Service
   184                  Account Key's credentials to be used by ConfigConnector to authenticate
   185                  with Google Cloud APIs. This field is used only when in cluster
   186                  mode. It's recommended to use `googleServiceAccount` when running
   187                  ConfigConnector in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters with
   188                  Workload Identity enabled. This field cannot be specified together
   189                  with `googleServiceAccount`.
   190                type: string
   191              googleServiceAccount:
   192                description: The Google Service Account to be used by Config Connector
   193                  to authenticate with Google Cloud APIs. This field is used only
   194                  when running in cluster mode with Workload Identity enabled. See
   195                  Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) workload-identity (https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-identity)
   196                  for details. This field cannot be specified together with `credentialSecretName`.
   197                  For namespaced mode, use `googleServiceAccount` in ConfigConnectorContext
   198                  CRD to specify the Google Service Account to be used to authenticate
   199                  with Google Cloud APIs per namespace.
   200                type: string
   201              mode:
   202                description: The mode that Config Connector will run in. This can
   203                  be either 'cluster' or 'namespaced'. The default is 'namespaced'.
   204                  Cluster mode uses a single Google Service Account to create and
   205                  manage resources, even if you are using Config Connector to manage
   206                  multiple Projects. You must specify either `credentialSecretName`
   207                  or `googleServiceAccount` when in cluster mode, but not both. Namespaced
   208                  mode allows you to use different Google service accounts for different
   209                  Projects. When in namespaced mode, you must create a ConfigConnectorContext
   210                  object per namespace that you want to enable Config Connector in,
   211                  and each must set `googleServiceAccount` to specify the Google Service
   212                  Account to be used to authenticate with Google Cloud APIs for the
   213                  namespace.
   214                enum:
   215                - cluster
   216                - namespaced
   217                type: string
   218            type: object
   219          status:
   220            description: ConfigConnectorStatus defines the observed state of ConfigConnector
   221            properties:
   222              errors:
   223                items:
   224                  type: string
   225                type: array
   226              healthy:
   227                type: boolean
   228              phase:
   229                type: string
   230            required:
   231            - healthy
   232            type: object
   233        type: object
   234    served: true
   235    storage: true
   236    subresources:
   237      status: {}
   239apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
   240kind: CustomResourceDefinition
   242  annotations:
   243    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
   244    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.10.0
   245  creationTimestamp: null
   246  labels:
   247    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
   248  name: controllerresources.customize.core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   250  group: customize.core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   251  names:
   252    kind: ControllerResource
   253    listKind: ControllerResourceList
   254    plural: controllerresources
   255    singular: controllerresource
   256  scope: Cluster
   257  versions:
   258  - name: v1alpha1
   259    schema:
   260      openAPIV3Schema:
   261        description: ControllerResource is the Schema for resource customization API
   262          for config connector controllers.
   263        properties:
   264          apiVersion:
   265            description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
   266              of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
   267              internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
   268            type: string
   269          kind:
   270            description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
   271              object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
   272              submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
   273            type: string
   274          metadata:
   275            type: object
   276          spec:
   277            description: ControllerResourceSpec is the specification of the resource
   278              customization for containers of a config connector controller.
   279            properties:
   280              containers:
   281                description: The list of containers whose resource requirements to
   282                  be customized. Required
   283                items:
   284                  description: ContainerResourceSpec is the specification of the resource
   285                    customization for a container of a config connector controller.
   286                  properties:
   287                    name:
   288                      description: The name of the container whose resource requirements
   289                        will be customized. Required
   290                      enum:
   291                      - manager
   292                      - webhook
   293                      - deletiondefender
   294                      - prom-to-sd
   295                      - recorder
   296                      type: string
   297                    resources:
   298                      description: Resources specifies the resource customization
   299                        of this container. Required
   300                      properties:
   301                        limits:
   302                          additionalProperties:
   303                            anyOf:
   304                            - type: integer
   305                            - type: string
   306                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
   307                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
   308                          description: 'Limits describes the maximum amount of compute
   309                            resources allowed. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/'
   310                          type: object
   311                        requests:
   312                          additionalProperties:
   313                            anyOf:
   314                            - type: integer
   315                            - type: string
   316                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
   317                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
   318                          description: 'Requests describes the minimum amount of compute
   319                            resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container,
   320                            it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
   321                            otherwise to an implementation-defined value. More info:
   322                            https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/'
   323                          type: object
   324                      type: object
   325                  required:
   326                  - name
   327                  - resources
   328                  type: object
   329                type: array
   330            required:
   331            - containers
   332            type: object
   333          status:
   334            description: ControllerResourceStatus defines the observed state of ControllerResource.
   335            properties:
   336              errors:
   337                items:
   338                  type: string
   339                type: array
   340              healthy:
   341                type: boolean
   342              phase:
   343                type: string
   344            required:
   345            - healthy
   346            type: object
   347        required:
   348        - spec
   349        type: object
   350    served: true
   351    storage: true
   352    subresources:
   353      status: {}
   355apiVersion: v1
   356kind: ServiceAccount
   358  annotations:
   359    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
   360  labels:
   361    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
   362  name: configconnector-operator
   363  namespace: configconnector-operator-system
   365apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
   366kind: ClusterRole
   368  annotations:
   369    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
   370    cnrm.cloud.google.com/version: 1.106.0
   371  creationTimestamp: null
   372  labels:
   373    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
   374    cnrm.cloud.google.com/system: "true"
   375    rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-view: "true"
   376  name: configconnector-operator-cnrm-viewer
   378- apiGroups:
   379  - accesscontextmanager.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   380  resources:
   381  - '*'
   382  verbs:
   383  - get
   384  - list
   385  - watch
   386- apiGroups:
   387  - alloydb.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   388  resources:
   389  - '*'
   390  verbs:
   391  - get
   392  - list
   393  - watch
   394- apiGroups:
   395  - apigateway.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   396  resources:
   397  - '*'
   398  verbs:
   399  - get
   400  - list
   401  - watch
   402- apiGroups:
   403  - apigee.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   404  resources:
   405  - '*'
   406  verbs:
   407  - get
   408  - list
   409  - watch
   410- apiGroups:
   411  - appengine.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   412  resources:
   413  - '*'
   414  verbs:
   415  - get
   416  - list
   417  - watch
   418- apiGroups:
   419  - artifactregistry.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   420  resources:
   421  - '*'
   422  verbs:
   423  - get
   424  - list
   425  - watch
   426- apiGroups:
   427  - beyondcorp.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   428  resources:
   429  - '*'
   430  verbs:
   431  - get
   432  - list
   433  - watch
   434- apiGroups:
   435  - bigquery.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   436  resources:
   437  - '*'
   438  verbs:
   439  - get
   440  - list
   441  - watch
   442- apiGroups:
   443  - bigqueryanalyticshub.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   444  resources:
   445  - '*'
   446  verbs:
   447  - get
   448  - list
   449  - watch
   450- apiGroups:
   451  - bigqueryconnection.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   452  resources:
   453  - '*'
   454  verbs:
   455  - get
   456  - list
   457  - watch
   458- apiGroups:
   459  - bigquerydatapolicy.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   460  resources:
   461  - '*'
   462  verbs:
   463  - get
   464  - list
   465  - watch
   466- apiGroups:
   467  - bigquerydatatransfer.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   468  resources:
   469  - '*'
   470  verbs:
   471  - get
   472  - list
   473  - watch
   474- apiGroups:
   475  - bigqueryreservation.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   476  resources:
   477  - '*'
   478  verbs:
   479  - get
   480  - list
   481  - watch
   482- apiGroups:
   483  - bigtable.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   484  resources:
   485  - '*'
   486  verbs:
   487  - get
   488  - list
   489  - watch
   490- apiGroups:
   491  - billingbudgets.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   492  resources:
   493  - '*'
   494  verbs:
   495  - get
   496  - list
   497  - watch
   498- apiGroups:
   499  - binaryauthorization.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   500  resources:
   501  - '*'
   502  verbs:
   503  - get
   504  - list
   505  - watch
   506- apiGroups:
   507  - certificatemanager.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   508  resources:
   509  - '*'
   510  verbs:
   511  - get
   512  - list
   513  - watch
   514- apiGroups:
   515  - cloudasset.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   516  resources:
   517  - '*'
   518  verbs:
   519  - get
   520  - list
   521  - watch
   522- apiGroups:
   523  - cloudbuild.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   524  resources:
   525  - '*'
   526  verbs:
   527  - get
   528  - list
   529  - watch
   530- apiGroups:
   531  - cloudfunctions.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   532  resources:
   533  - '*'
   534  verbs:
   535  - get
   536  - list
   537  - watch
   538- apiGroups:
   539  - cloudfunctions2.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   540  resources:
   541  - '*'
   542  verbs:
   543  - get
   544  - list
   545  - watch
   546- apiGroups:
   547  - cloudidentity.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   548  resources:
   549  - '*'
   550  verbs:
   551  - get
   552  - list
   553  - watch
   554- apiGroups:
   555  - cloudids.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   556  resources:
   557  - '*'
   558  verbs:
   559  - get
   560  - list
   561  - watch
   562- apiGroups:
   563  - cloudiot.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   564  resources:
   565  - '*'
   566  verbs:
   567  - get
   568  - list
   569  - watch
   570- apiGroups:
   571  - cloudscheduler.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   572  resources:
   573  - '*'
   574  verbs:
   575  - get
   576  - list
   577  - watch
   578- apiGroups:
   579  - cloudtasks.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   580  resources:
   581  - '*'
   582  verbs:
   583  - get
   584  - list
   585  - watch
   586- apiGroups:
   587  - compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   588  resources:
   589  - '*'
   590  verbs:
   591  - get
   592  - list
   593  - watch
   594- apiGroups:
   595  - configcontroller.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   596  resources:
   597  - '*'
   598  verbs:
   599  - get
   600  - list
   601  - watch
   602- apiGroups:
   603  - container.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   604  resources:
   605  - '*'
   606  verbs:
   607  - get
   608  - list
   609  - watch
   610- apiGroups:
   611  - containeranalysis.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   612  resources:
   613  - '*'
   614  verbs:
   615  - get
   616  - list
   617  - watch
   618- apiGroups:
   619  - datacatalog.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   620  resources:
   621  - '*'
   622  verbs:
   623  - get
   624  - list
   625  - watch
   626- apiGroups:
   627  - dataflow.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   628  resources:
   629  - '*'
   630  verbs:
   631  - get
   632  - list
   633  - watch
   634- apiGroups:
   635  - dataform.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   636  resources:
   637  - '*'
   638  verbs:
   639  - get
   640  - list
   641  - watch
   642- apiGroups:
   643  - datafusion.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   644  resources:
   645  - '*'
   646  verbs:
   647  - get
   648  - list
   649  - watch
   650- apiGroups:
   651  - dataproc.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   652  resources:
   653  - '*'
   654  verbs:
   655  - get
   656  - list
   657  - watch
   658- apiGroups:
   659  - datastore.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   660  resources:
   661  - '*'
   662  verbs:
   663  - get
   664  - list
   665  - watch
   666- apiGroups:
   667  - datastream.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   668  resources:
   669  - '*'
   670  verbs:
   671  - get
   672  - list
   673  - watch
   674- apiGroups:
   675  - deploymentmanager.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   676  resources:
   677  - '*'
   678  verbs:
   679  - get
   680  - list
   681  - watch
   682- apiGroups:
   683  - dialogflow.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   684  resources:
   685  - '*'
   686  verbs:
   687  - get
   688  - list
   689  - watch
   690- apiGroups:
   691  - dialogflowcx.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   692  resources:
   693  - '*'
   694  verbs:
   695  - get
   696  - list
   697  - watch
   698- apiGroups:
   699  - dlp.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   700  resources:
   701  - '*'
   702  verbs:
   703  - get
   704  - list
   705  - watch
   706- apiGroups:
   707  - dns.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   708  resources:
   709  - '*'
   710  verbs:
   711  - get
   712  - list
   713  - watch
   714- apiGroups:
   715  - documentai.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   716  resources:
   717  - '*'
   718  verbs:
   719  - get
   720  - list
   721  - watch
   722- apiGroups:
   723  - essentialcontacts.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   724  resources:
   725  - '*'
   726  verbs:
   727  - get
   728  - list
   729  - watch
   730- apiGroups:
   731  - eventarc.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   732  resources:
   733  - '*'
   734  verbs:
   735  - get
   736  - list
   737  - watch
   738- apiGroups:
   739  - filestore.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   740  resources:
   741  - '*'
   742  verbs:
   743  - get
   744  - list
   745  - watch
   746- apiGroups:
   747  - firebase.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   748  resources:
   749  - '*'
   750  verbs:
   751  - get
   752  - list
   753  - watch
   754- apiGroups:
   755  - firebasedatabase.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   756  resources:
   757  - '*'
   758  verbs:
   759  - get
   760  - list
   761  - watch
   762- apiGroups:
   763  - firebasehosting.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   764  resources:
   765  - '*'
   766  verbs:
   767  - get
   768  - list
   769  - watch
   770- apiGroups:
   771  - firebasestorage.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   772  resources:
   773  - '*'
   774  verbs:
   775  - get
   776  - list
   777  - watch
   778- apiGroups:
   779  - firestore.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   780  resources:
   781  - '*'
   782  verbs:
   783  - get
   784  - list
   785  - watch
   786- apiGroups:
   787  - gkebackup.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   788  resources:
   789  - '*'
   790  verbs:
   791  - get
   792  - list
   793  - watch
   794- apiGroups:
   795  - gkehub.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   796  resources:
   797  - '*'
   798  verbs:
   799  - get
   800  - list
   801  - watch
   802- apiGroups:
   803  - healthcare.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   804  resources:
   805  - '*'
   806  verbs:
   807  - get
   808  - list
   809  - watch
   810- apiGroups:
   811  - iam.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   812  resources:
   813  - '*'
   814  verbs:
   815  - get
   816  - list
   817  - watch
   818- apiGroups:
   819  - iap.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   820  resources:
   821  - '*'
   822  verbs:
   823  - get
   824  - list
   825  - watch
   826- apiGroups:
   827  - identityplatform.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   828  resources:
   829  - '*'
   830  verbs:
   831  - get
   832  - list
   833  - watch
   834- apiGroups:
   835  - kms.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   836  resources:
   837  - '*'
   838  verbs:
   839  - get
   840  - list
   841  - watch
   842- apiGroups:
   843  - logging.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   844  resources:
   845  - '*'
   846  verbs:
   847  - get
   848  - list
   849  - watch
   850- apiGroups:
   851  - memcache.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   852  resources:
   853  - '*'
   854  verbs:
   855  - get
   856  - list
   857  - watch
   858- apiGroups:
   859  - mlengine.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   860  resources:
   861  - '*'
   862  verbs:
   863  - get
   864  - list
   865  - watch
   866- apiGroups:
   867  - monitoring.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   868  resources:
   869  - '*'
   870  verbs:
   871  - get
   872  - list
   873  - watch
   874- apiGroups:
   875  - networkconnectivity.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   876  resources:
   877  - '*'
   878  verbs:
   879  - get
   880  - list
   881  - watch
   882- apiGroups:
   883  - networkmanagement.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   884  resources:
   885  - '*'
   886  verbs:
   887  - get
   888  - list
   889  - watch
   890- apiGroups:
   891  - networksecurity.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   892  resources:
   893  - '*'
   894  verbs:
   895  - get
   896  - list
   897  - watch
   898- apiGroups:
   899  - networkservices.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   900  resources:
   901  - '*'
   902  verbs:
   903  - get
   904  - list
   905  - watch
   906- apiGroups:
   907  - notebooks.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   908  resources:
   909  - '*'
   910  verbs:
   911  - get
   912  - list
   913  - watch
   914- apiGroups:
   915  - orgpolicy.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   916  resources:
   917  - '*'
   918  verbs:
   919  - get
   920  - list
   921  - watch
   922- apiGroups:
   923  - osconfig.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   924  resources:
   925  - '*'
   926  verbs:
   927  - get
   928  - list
   929  - watch
   930- apiGroups:
   931  - oslogin.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   932  resources:
   933  - '*'
   934  verbs:
   935  - get
   936  - list
   937  - watch
   938- apiGroups:
   939  - privateca.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   940  resources:
   941  - '*'
   942  verbs:
   943  - get
   944  - list
   945  - watch
   946- apiGroups:
   947  - pubsub.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   948  resources:
   949  - '*'
   950  verbs:
   951  - get
   952  - list
   953  - watch
   954- apiGroups:
   955  - pubsublite.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   956  resources:
   957  - '*'
   958  verbs:
   959  - get
   960  - list
   961  - watch
   962- apiGroups:
   963  - recaptchaenterprise.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   964  resources:
   965  - '*'
   966  verbs:
   967  - get
   968  - list
   969  - watch
   970- apiGroups:
   971  - redis.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   972  resources:
   973  - '*'
   974  verbs:
   975  - get
   976  - list
   977  - watch
   978- apiGroups:
   979  - resourcemanager.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   980  resources:
   981  - '*'
   982  verbs:
   983  - get
   984  - list
   985  - watch
   986- apiGroups:
   987  - run.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   988  resources:
   989  - '*'
   990  verbs:
   991  - get
   992  - list
   993  - watch
   994- apiGroups:
   995  - secretmanager.cnrm.cloud.google.com
   996  resources:
   997  - '*'
   998  verbs:
   999  - get
  1000  - list
  1001  - watch
  1002- apiGroups:
  1003  - securitycenter.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1004  resources:
  1005  - '*'
  1006  verbs:
  1007  - get
  1008  - list
  1009  - watch
  1010- apiGroups:
  1011  - servicedirectory.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1012  resources:
  1013  - '*'
  1014  verbs:
  1015  - get
  1016  - list
  1017  - watch
  1018- apiGroups:
  1019  - servicenetworking.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1020  resources:
  1021  - '*'
  1022  verbs:
  1023  - get
  1024  - list
  1025  - watch
  1026- apiGroups:
  1027  - serviceusage.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1028  resources:
  1029  - '*'
  1030  verbs:
  1031  - get
  1032  - list
  1033  - watch
  1034- apiGroups:
  1035  - sourcerepo.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1036  resources:
  1037  - '*'
  1038  verbs:
  1039  - get
  1040  - list
  1041  - watch
  1042- apiGroups:
  1043  - spanner.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1044  resources:
  1045  - '*'
  1046  verbs:
  1047  - get
  1048  - list
  1049  - watch
  1050- apiGroups:
  1051  - sql.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1052  resources:
  1053  - '*'
  1054  verbs:
  1055  - get
  1056  - list
  1057  - watch
  1058- apiGroups:
  1059  - storage.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1060  resources:
  1061  - '*'
  1062  verbs:
  1063  - get
  1064  - list
  1065  - watch
  1066- apiGroups:
  1067  - storagetransfer.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1068  resources:
  1069  - '*'
  1070  verbs:
  1071  - get
  1072  - list
  1073  - watch
  1074- apiGroups:
  1075  - tags.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1076  resources:
  1077  - '*'
  1078  verbs:
  1079  - get
  1080  - list
  1081  - watch
  1082- apiGroups:
  1083  - tpu.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1084  resources:
  1085  - '*'
  1086  verbs:
  1087  - get
  1088  - list
  1089  - watch
  1090- apiGroups:
  1091  - vertexai.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1092  resources:
  1093  - '*'
  1094  verbs:
  1095  - get
  1096  - list
  1097  - watch
  1098- apiGroups:
  1099  - vpcaccess.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1100  resources:
  1101  - '*'
  1102  verbs:
  1103  - get
  1104  - list
  1105  - watch
  1106- apiGroups:
  1107  - workflows.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1108  resources:
  1109  - '*'
  1110  verbs:
  1111  - get
  1112  - list
  1113  - watch
  1114- apiGroups:
  1115  - workstations.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1116  resources:
  1117  - '*'
  1118  verbs:
  1119  - get
  1120  - list
  1121  - watch
  1123apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  1124kind: ClusterRole
  1126  annotations:
  1127    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
  1128  creationTimestamp: null
  1129  labels:
  1130    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1131  name: configconnector-operator-manager-role
  1133- apiGroups:
  1134  - ""
  1135  resources:
  1136  - configmaps
  1137  - events
  1138  - events
  1139  - namespaces
  1140  - secrets
  1141  - serviceaccounts
  1142  - services
  1143  verbs:
  1144  - create
  1145  - delete
  1146  - get
  1147  - list
  1148  - patch
  1149  - update
  1150  - watch
  1151- apiGroups:
  1152  - ""
  1153  resources:
  1154  - pods
  1155  verbs:
  1156  - get
  1157  - list
  1158  - watch
  1159- apiGroups:
  1160  - admissionregistration.k8s.io
  1161  resources:
  1162  - mutatingwebhookconfigurations
  1163  - validatingwebhookconfigurations
  1164  verbs:
  1165  - create
  1166  - delete
  1167  - get
  1168  - list
  1169  - patch
  1170  - update
  1171  - watch
  1172- apiGroups:
  1173  - apiextensions.k8s.io
  1174  resources:
  1175  - customresourcedefinitions
  1176  verbs:
  1177  - create
  1178  - delete
  1179  - get
  1180  - list
  1181  - patch
  1182  - update
  1183  - watch
  1184- apiGroups:
  1185  - apps
  1186  resources:
  1187  - deployments
  1188  verbs:
  1189  - create
  1190  - delete
  1191  - get
  1192  - list
  1193  - patch
  1194  - update
  1195  - watch
  1196- apiGroups:
  1197  - apps
  1198  resources:
  1199  - statefulsets
  1200  verbs:
  1201  - create
  1202  - delete
  1203  - get
  1204  - list
  1205  - patch
  1206  - update
  1207  - watch
  1208  - deletecollection
  1209- apiGroups:
  1210  - core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1211  resources:
  1212  - configconnectors
  1213  - configconnectorcontexts
  1214  verbs:
  1215  - create
  1216  - delete
  1217  - get
  1218  - list
  1219  - patch
  1220  - update
  1221  - watch
  1222- apiGroups:
  1223  - core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1224  resources:
  1225  - configconnectors/status
  1226  - configconnectorcontexts/status
  1227  verbs:
  1228  - get
  1229  - patch
  1230  - update
  1231- apiGroups:
  1232  - core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1233  resources:
  1234  - configconnectors/finalizers
  1235  verbs:
  1236  - update
  1237- apiGroups:
  1238  - customize.core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1239  resources:
  1240  - controllerresources
  1241  verbs:
  1242  - create
  1243  - delete
  1244  - get
  1245  - list
  1246  - patch
  1247  - update
  1248  - watch
  1249- apiGroups:
  1250  - customize.core.cnrm.cloud.google.com
  1251  resources:
  1252  - controllerresources/status
  1253  verbs:
  1254  - get
  1255  - patch
  1256  - update
  1257- apiGroups:
  1258  - rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  1259  resources:
  1260  - clusterrolebindings
  1261  - rolebindings
  1262  verbs:
  1263  - create
  1264  - delete
  1265  - get
  1266  - list
  1267  - patch
  1268  - update
  1269  - watch
  1270- apiGroups:
  1271  - rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  1272  resources:
  1273  - clusterroles
  1274  - roles
  1275  verbs:
  1276  - create
  1277  - delete
  1278  - escalate
  1279  - get
  1280  - list
  1281  - patch
  1282  - update
  1283  - watch
  1284- apiGroups:
  1285  - rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  1286  resourceNames:
  1287  - cnrm-admin
  1288  - cnrm-manager-cluster-role
  1289  - cnrm-manager-ns-role
  1290  - cnrm-recorder-role
  1291  - cnrm-webhook-role
  1292  resources:
  1293  - clusterroles
  1294  verbs:
  1295  - bind
  1296- apiGroups:
  1297  - autoscaling
  1298  resources:
  1299  - horizontalpodautoscalers
  1300  verbs:
  1301  - create
  1302  - delete
  1303  - get
  1304  - list
  1305  - patch
  1306  - update
  1307  - watch
  1309apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  1310kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  1312  annotations:
  1313    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
  1314  labels:
  1315    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1316  name: configconnector-operator-cnrm-viewer-role-binding
  1318  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  1319  kind: ClusterRole
  1320  name: configconnector-operator-cnrm-viewer
  1322- kind: ServiceAccount
  1323  name: configconnector-operator
  1324  namespace: configconnector-operator-system
  1326apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  1327kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  1329  annotations:
  1330    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
  1331  labels:
  1332    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1333  name: configconnector-operator-rolebinding
  1335  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  1336  kind: ClusterRole
  1337  name: configconnector-operator-manager-role
  1339- kind: ServiceAccount
  1340  name: configconnector-operator
  1341  namespace: configconnector-operator-system
  1343apiVersion: v1
  1344kind: Service
  1346  annotations:
  1347    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
  1348  labels:
  1349    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1350  name: configconnector-operator-service
  1351  namespace: configconnector-operator-system
  1353  ports:
  1354  - name: controller-manager
  1355    port: 443
  1356  selector:
  1357    cnrm.cloud.google.com/component: configconnector-operator
  1358    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1360apiVersion: apps/v1
  1361kind: StatefulSet
  1363  annotations:
  1364    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
  1365  labels:
  1366    cnrm.cloud.google.com/component: configconnector-operator
  1367    cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1368  name: configconnector-operator
  1369  namespace: configconnector-operator-system
  1371  replicas: 1
  1372  selector:
  1373    matchLabels:
  1374      cnrm.cloud.google.com/component: configconnector-operator
  1375      cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1376  serviceName: configconnector-operator-service
  1377  template:
  1378    metadata:
  1379      annotations:
  1380        cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-version: 1.106.0
  1381      labels:
  1382        cnrm.cloud.google.com/component: configconnector-operator
  1383        cnrm.cloud.google.com/operator-system: "true"
  1384    spec:
  1385      containers:
  1386      - args:
  1387        - --local-repo=/configconnector-operator/channels
  1388        command:
  1389        - /configconnector-operator/manager
  1390        image: gcr.io/gke-release/cnrm/operator:da9adb1
  1391        imagePullPolicy: Always
  1392        name: manager
  1393        resources:
  1394          limits:
  1395            memory: 1Gi
  1396          requests:
  1397            cpu: 100m
  1398            memory: 512Mi
  1399        securityContext:
  1400          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  1401          capabilities:
  1402            drop:
  1403            - all
  1404          runAsGroup: 1000
  1405          runAsNonRoot: true
  1406          runAsUser: 1000
  1407      enableServiceLinks: false
  1408      securityContext:
  1409        seccompProfile:
  1410          type: RuntimeDefault
  1411      serviceAccountName: configconnector-operator
  1412      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10

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