"""List of all calico images""" load("//hack/build/rules/container:third_party_images.bzl", "third_party_container_dep") load( ":digests.bzl", "APISERVER_DIGEST", "CALICO_OP_DIGEST", "CALICO_OP_REGISTRY", "CALICO_OP_VERSION", "CALICO_REGISTRY", "CALICO_VERSION", "CNI_DIGEST", "CSI_DIGEST", "CTL_DIGEST", "DIKASTES_DIGEST", "KUBE_CONTROLLERS_DIGEST", "NODE_DIGEST", "NODE_DRIVER_REGISTRAR_DIGEST", "POD2DAEMON_FLEXVOL_DIGEST", "TYPHA_DIGEST", ) def calico_images(): """The calico_images function collects all of the third_party_container_dep rules together for the ease of incorporating into `hack/deps/imagesl.bzl` To add an additional dependency, create a new third_party_container_dep target and add the required fields. """ third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_operator", tag = CALICO_OP_VERSION, digest = CALICO_OP_DIGEST, repository = "tigera/operator", registry = CALICO_OP_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_typha", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = TYPHA_DIGEST, repository = "calico/typha", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_ctl", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = CTL_DIGEST, repository = "calico/ctl", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_node", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = NODE_DIGEST, repository = "calico/node", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_cni", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = CNI_DIGEST, repository = "calico/cni", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_apiserver", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = APISERVER_DIGEST, repository = "calico/apiserver", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_kube_controllers", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = KUBE_CONTROLLERS_DIGEST, repository = "calico/kube-controllers", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_dikastes", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = DIKASTES_DIGEST, repository = "calico/dikastes", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_pod2daemon_flexvol", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = POD2DAEMON_FLEXVOL_DIGEST, repository = "calico/pod2daemon-flexvol", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_csi", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = CSI_DIGEST, repository = "calico/csi", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, ) third_party_container_dep( name = "calico_node_driver_registrar", tag = CALICO_VERSION, digest = NODE_DRIVER_REGISTRAR_DIGEST, repository = "calico/node-driver-registrar", registry = CALICO_REGISTRY, )