""" Name: Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish (22.04.4 LTS) Description: A Debian-based Linux distribution used as an image base Release Cadence: New LTS ubuntu version released every 2 years. Upgrade Strategy: Upgrade to the latest LTS ubuntu version or any new security patch release. Upgrade Steps: 1. Replace the image name in `third_party/containers/base/version.bzl` to the new ubuntu version. 1. Set the `VERSION` variable to the new version and update the container image digest. """ UBUNTU_VERSION = "jammy" UBUNTU_DIGEST = "sha256:b2175cd4cfdd5cdb1740b0e6ec6bbb4ea4892801c0ad5101a81f694152b6c559" UBUNTU_REGISTRY = "index.docker.io" UBUNTU_REPO = "library/ubuntu"