
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/test/fixtures/crds/gcp/compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com_computesecuritypolicies.yaml

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/test/fixtures/crds/gcp

     2apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     3kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     5  annotations:
     6    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: (unknown)
     7  name: computesecuritypolicies.compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com
     9  group: compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    10  names:
    11    kind: ComputeSecurityPolicy
    12    listKind: ComputeSecurityPolicyList
    13    plural: computesecuritypolicies
    14    singular: computesecuritypolicy
    15  scope: Namespaced
    16  versions:
    17  - name: v1beta1
    18    schema:
    19      openAPIV3Schema:
    20        description: ComputeSecurityPolicy is the Schema for the compute API
    21        properties:
    22          apiVersion:
    23            description: |-
    24              APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.
    25              Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and
    26              may reject unrecognized values.
    27              More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources
    28            type: string
    29          kind:
    30            description: |-
    31              Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents.
    32              Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to.
    33              Cannot be updated.
    34              In CamelCase.
    35              More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds
    36            type: string
    37          metadata:
    38            type: object
    39          spec:
    40            properties:
    41              adaptiveProtectionConfig:
    42                description: Adaptive Protection Config of this security policy.
    43                properties:
    44                  autoDeployConfig:
    45                    description: Auto Deploy Config of this security policy.
    46                    properties:
    47                      confidenceThreshold:
    48                        description: Rules are only automatically deployed for alerts
    49                          on potential attacks with confidence scores greater than
    50                          this threshold.
    51                        type: number
    52                      expirationSec:
    53                        description: Google Cloud Armor stops applying the action
    54                          in the automatically deployed rule to an identified attacker
    55                          after this duration. The rule continues to operate against
    56                          new requests.
    57                        type: integer
    58                      impactedBaselineThreshold:
    59                        description: Rules are only automatically deployed when the
    60                          estimated impact to baseline traffic from the suggested
    61                          mitigation is below this threshold.
    62                        type: number
    63                      loadThreshold:
    64                        description: Identifies new attackers only when the load to
    65                          the backend service that is under attack exceeds this threshold.
    66                        type: number
    67                    type: object
    68                  layer7DdosDefenseConfig:
    69                    description: Layer 7 DDoS Defense Config of this security policy.
    70                    properties:
    71                      enable:
    72                        description: If set to true, enables CAAP for L7 DDoS detection.
    73                        type: boolean
    74                      ruleVisibility:
    75                        description: 'Rule visibility. Supported values include: "STANDARD",
    76                          "PREMIUM".'
    77                        type: string
    78                    type: object
    79                type: object
    80              advancedOptionsConfig:
    81                description: Advanced Options Config of this security policy.
    82                properties:
    83                  jsonCustomConfig:
    84                    description: Custom configuration to apply the JSON parsing. Only
    85                      applicable when JSON parsing is set to STANDARD.
    86                    properties:
    87                      contentTypes:
    88                        description: A list of custom Content-Type header values to
    89                          apply the JSON parsing.
    90                        items:
    91                          type: string
    92                        type: array
    93                    required:
    94                    - contentTypes
    95                    type: object
    96                  jsonParsing:
    97                    description: 'JSON body parsing. Supported values include: "DISABLED",
    98                      "STANDARD".'
    99                    type: string
   100                  logLevel:
   101                    description: 'Logging level. Supported values include: "NORMAL",
   102                      "VERBOSE".'
   103                    type: string
   104                type: object
   105              description:
   106                description: An optional description of this security policy. Max
   107                  size is 2048.
   108                type: string
   109              recaptchaOptionsConfig:
   110                description: reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the
   111                  security policy.
   112                properties:
   113                  redirectSiteKeyRef:
   114                    description: |-
   115                      A field to supply a reCAPTCHA site key to be used for all the rules
   116                      using the redirect action with the type of GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA under
   117                      the security policy. The specified site key needs to be created from
   118                      the reCAPTCHA API. The user is responsible for the validity of the
   119                      specified site key. If not specified, a Google-managed site key is
   120                      used.
   121                    properties:
   122                      external:
   123                        description: The external name of the referenced resource
   124                        type: string
   125                      kind:
   126                        description: Kind of the referent.
   127                        type: string
   128                      name:
   129                        description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   130                        type: string
   131                      namespace:
   132                        description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   133                        type: string
   134                    type: object
   135                required:
   136                - redirectSiteKeyRef
   137                type: object
   138              resourceID:
   139                description: Immutable. Optional. The name of the resource. Used for
   140                  creation and acquisition. When unset, the value of `metadata.name`
   141                  is used as the default.
   142                type: string
   143              rule:
   144                description: The set of rules that belong to this policy. There must
   145                  always be a default rule (rule with priority 2147483647 and match
   146                  "*"). If no rules are provided when creating a security policy,
   147                  a default rule with action "allow" will be added.
   148                items:
   149                  properties:
   150                    action:
   151                      description: Action to take when match matches the request.
   152                      type: string
   153                    description:
   154                      description: An optional description of this rule. Max size
   155                        is 64.
   156                      type: string
   157                    headerAction:
   158                      description: Additional actions that are performed on headers.
   159                      properties:
   160                        requestHeadersToAdds:
   161                          description: The list of request headers to add or overwrite
   162                            if they're already present.
   163                          items:
   164                            properties:
   165                              headerName:
   166                                description: The name of the header to set.
   167                                type: string
   168                              headerValue:
   169                                description: The value to set the named header to.
   170                                type: string
   171                            required:
   172                            - headerName
   173                            type: object
   174                          type: array
   175                      required:
   176                      - requestHeadersToAdds
   177                      type: object
   178                    match:
   179                      description: A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated
   180                        against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding action
   181                        is enforced.
   182                      properties:
   183                        config:
   184                          description: The configuration options available when specifying
   185                            versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr
   186                            is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr
   187                            is not specified.
   188                          properties:
   189                            srcIpRanges:
   190                              description: Set of IP addresses or ranges (IPV4 or
   191                                IPV6) in CIDR notation to match against inbound traffic.
   192                                There is a limit of 10 IP ranges per rule. A value
   193                                of '*' matches all IPs (can be used to override the
   194                                default behavior).
   195                              items:
   196                                type: string
   197                              type: array
   198                          required:
   199                          - srcIpRanges
   200                          type: object
   201                        expr:
   202                          description: User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression
   203                            is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code
   204                            and contents in the request header.
   205                          properties:
   206                            expression:
   207                              description: Textual representation of an expression
   208                                in Common Expression Language syntax. The application
   209                                context of the containing message determines which
   210                                well-known feature set of CEL is supported.
   211                              type: string
   212                          required:
   213                          - expression
   214                          type: object
   215                        versionedExpr:
   216                          description: 'Predefined rule expression. If this field
   217                            is specified, config must also be specified. Available
   218                            options:   SRC_IPS_V1: Must specify the corresponding
   219                            src_ip_ranges field in config.'
   220                          type: string
   221                      type: object
   222                    preconfiguredWafConfig:
   223                      description: Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for
   224                        the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF
   225                        rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this
   226                        field will have no effect.
   227                      properties:
   228                        exclusion:
   229                          description: An exclusion to apply during preconfigured
   230                            WAF evaluation.
   231                          items:
   232                            properties:
   233                              requestCookie:
   234                                description: Request cookie whose value will be excluded
   235                                  from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
   236                                items:
   237                                  properties:
   238                                    operator:
   239                                      description: 'You can specify an exact match
   240                                        or a partial match by using a field operator
   241                                        and a field value. Available options: EQUALS:
   242                                        The operator matches if the field value equals
   243                                        the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator
   244                                        matches if the field value starts with the
   245                                        specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches
   246                                        if the field value ends with the specified
   247                                        value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the
   248                                        field value contains the specified value.
   249                                        EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field
   250                                        value is any value.'
   251                                      type: string
   252                                    value:
   253                                      description: A request field matching the specified
   254                                        value will be excluded from inspection during
   255                                        preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value
   256                                        must be given if the field operator is not
   257                                        EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field
   258                                        operator is EQUALS_ANY.
   259                                      type: string
   260                                  required:
   261                                  - operator
   262                                  type: object
   263                                type: array
   264                              requestHeader:
   265                                description: Request header whose value will be excluded
   266                                  from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
   267                                items:
   268                                  properties:
   269                                    operator:
   270                                      description: 'You can specify an exact match
   271                                        or a partial match by using a field operator
   272                                        and a field value. Available options: EQUALS:
   273                                        The operator matches if the field value equals
   274                                        the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator
   275                                        matches if the field value starts with the
   276                                        specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches
   277                                        if the field value ends with the specified
   278                                        value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the
   279                                        field value contains the specified value.
   280                                        EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field
   281                                        value is any value.'
   282                                      type: string
   283                                    value:
   284                                      description: A request field matching the specified
   285                                        value will be excluded from inspection during
   286                                        preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value
   287                                        must be given if the field operator is not
   288                                        EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field
   289                                        operator is EQUALS_ANY.
   290                                      type: string
   291                                  required:
   292                                  - operator
   293                                  type: object
   294                                type: array
   295                              requestQueryParam:
   296                                description: Request query parameter whose value will
   297                                  be excluded from inspection during preconfigured
   298                                  WAF evaluation.  Note that the parameter can be
   299                                  in the query string or in the POST body.
   300                                items:
   301                                  properties:
   302                                    operator:
   303                                      description: 'You can specify an exact match
   304                                        or a partial match by using a field operator
   305                                        and a field value. Available options: EQUALS:
   306                                        The operator matches if the field value equals
   307                                        the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator
   308                                        matches if the field value starts with the
   309                                        specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches
   310                                        if the field value ends with the specified
   311                                        value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the
   312                                        field value contains the specified value.
   313                                        EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field
   314                                        value is any value.'
   315                                      type: string
   316                                    value:
   317                                      description: A request field matching the specified
   318                                        value will be excluded from inspection during
   319                                        preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value
   320                                        must be given if the field operator is not
   321                                        EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field
   322                                        operator is EQUALS_ANY.
   323                                      type: string
   324                                  required:
   325                                  - operator
   326                                  type: object
   327                                type: array
   328                              requestUri:
   329                                description: Request URI from the request line to
   330                                  be excluded from inspection during preconfigured
   331                                  WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the
   332                                  query or fragment part should be excluded.
   333                                items:
   334                                  properties:
   335                                    operator:
   336                                      description: 'You can specify an exact match
   337                                        or a partial match by using a field operator
   338                                        and a field value. Available options: EQUALS:
   339                                        The operator matches if the field value equals
   340                                        the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator
   341                                        matches if the field value starts with the
   342                                        specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches
   343                                        if the field value ends with the specified
   344                                        value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the
   345                                        field value contains the specified value.
   346                                        EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field
   347                                        value is any value.'
   348                                      type: string
   349                                    value:
   350                                      description: A request field matching the specified
   351                                        value will be excluded from inspection during
   352                                        preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value
   353                                        must be given if the field operator is not
   354                                        EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field
   355                                        operator is EQUALS_ANY.
   356                                      type: string
   357                                  required:
   358                                  - operator
   359                                  type: object
   360                                type: array
   361                              targetRuleIds:
   362                                description: A list of target rule IDs under the WAF
   363                                  rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.
   364                                  If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under
   365                                  the WAF rule set.
   366                                items:
   367                                  type: string
   368                                type: array
   369                              targetRuleSet:
   370                                description: Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured
   371                                  WAF exclusion.
   372                                type: string
   373                            required:
   374                            - targetRuleSet
   375                            type: object
   376                          type: array
   377                      type: object
   378                    preview:
   379                      description: When set to true, the action specified above is
   380                        not enforced. Stackdriver logs for requests that trigger a
   381                        preview action are annotated as such.
   382                      type: boolean
   383                    priority:
   384                      description: An unique positive integer indicating the priority
   385                        of evaluation for a rule. Rules are evaluated from highest
   386                        priority (lowest numerically) to lowest priority (highest
   387                        numerically) in order.
   388                      type: integer
   389                    rateLimitOptions:
   390                      description: Rate limit threshold for this security policy.
   391                        Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle".
   392                        Cannot be specified for any other actions.
   393                      properties:
   394                        banDurationSec:
   395                          description: Can only be specified if the action for the
   396                            rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the
   397                            time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned
   398                            by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
   399                          type: integer
   400                        banThreshold:
   401                          description: Can only be specified if the action for the
   402                            rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be
   403                            banned for the configured 'banDurationSec' when the number
   404                            of requests that exceed the 'rateLimitThreshold' also
   405                            exceed this 'banThreshold'.
   406                          properties:
   407                            count:
   408                              description: Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating
   409                                the threshold.
   410                              type: integer
   411                            intervalSec:
   412                              description: Interval over which the threshold is computed.
   413                              type: integer
   414                          required:
   415                          - count
   416                          - intervalSec
   417                          type: object
   418                        conformAction:
   419                          description: Action to take for requests that are under
   420                            the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow"
   421                            only.
   422                          type: string
   423                        enforceOnKey:
   424                          description: Determines the key to enforce the rateLimitThreshold
   425                            on.
   426                          type: string
   427                        enforceOnKeyConfigs:
   428                          description: Immutable. Enforce On Key Config of this security
   429                            policy.
   430                          items:
   431                            properties:
   432                              enforceOnKeyName:
   433                                description: 'Rate limit key name applicable only
   434                                  for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name
   435                                  of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key
   436                                  value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose
   437                                  value is taken as the key value.'
   438                                type: string
   439                              enforceOnKeyType:
   440                                description: Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold
   441                                  on.
   442                                type: string
   443                            type: object
   444                          type: array
   445                        enforceOnKeyName:
   446                          description: 'Rate limit key name applicable only for the
   447                            following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header
   448                            whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE --
   449                            Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key
   450                            value.'
   451                          type: string
   452                        exceedAction:
   453                          description: Action to take for requests that are above
   454                            the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with
   455                            a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different
   456                            endpoint. Valid options are "deny()" where valid values
   457                            for status are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and "redirect"
   458                            where the redirect parameters come from exceedRedirectOptions
   459                            below.
   460                          type: string
   461                        exceedRedirectOptions:
   462                          description: Parameters defining the redirect action that
   463                            is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the
   464                            exceed action is not redirect.
   465                          properties:
   466                            target:
   467                              description: Target for the redirect action. This is
   468                                required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be
   469                                specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
   470                              type: string
   471                            type:
   472                              description: Type of the redirect action.
   473                              type: string
   474                          required:
   475                          - type
   476                          type: object
   477                        rateLimitThreshold:
   478                          description: Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.
   479                          properties:
   480                            count:
   481                              description: Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating
   482                                the threshold.
   483                              type: integer
   484                            intervalSec:
   485                              description: Interval over which the threshold is computed.
   486                              type: integer
   487                          required:
   488                          - count
   489                          - intervalSec
   490                          type: object
   491                      required:
   492                      - conformAction
   493                      - exceedAction
   494                      - rateLimitThreshold
   495                      type: object
   496                    redirectOptions:
   497                      description: Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot
   498                        be specified for any other actions.
   499                      properties:
   500                        target:
   501                          description: Target for the redirect action. This is required
   502                            if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for
   503                            GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
   504                          type: string
   505                        type:
   506                          description: 'Type of the redirect action. Available options:
   507                            EXTERNAL_302: Must specify the corresponding target field
   508                            in config. GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA: Cannot specify target field
   509                            in config.'
   510                          type: string
   511                      required:
   512                      - type
   513                      type: object
   514                  required:
   515                  - action
   516                  - match
   517                  - priority
   518                  type: object
   519                type: array
   520              type:
   521                description: The type indicates the intended use of the security policy.
   522                  CLOUD_ARMOR - Cloud Armor backend security policies can be configured
   523                  to filter incoming HTTP requests targeting backend services. They
   524                  filter requests before they hit the origin servers. CLOUD_ARMOR_EDGE
   525                  - Cloud Armor edge security policies can be configured to filter
   526                  incoming HTTP requests targeting backend services (including Cloud
   527                  CDN-enabled) as well as backend buckets (Cloud Storage). They filter
   528                  requests before the request is served from Google's cache.
   529                type: string
   530            type: object
   531          status:
   532            properties:
   533              conditions:
   534                description: |-
   535                  Conditions represent the latest available observations of the
   536                  ComputeSecurityPolicy's current state.
   537                items:
   538                  properties:
   539                    lastTransitionTime:
   540                      description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   541                        to another.
   542                      type: string
   543                    message:
   544                      description: Human-readable message indicating details about
   545                        last transition.
   546                      type: string
   547                    reason:
   548                      description: |-
   549                        Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last
   550                        transition.
   551                      type: string
   552                    status:
   553                      description: Status is the status of the condition. Can be True,
   554                        False, Unknown.
   555                      type: string
   556                    type:
   557                      description: Type is the type of the condition.
   558                      type: string
   559                  type: object
   560                type: array
   561              fingerprint:
   562                description: Fingerprint of this resource.
   563                type: string
   564              observedGeneration:
   565                description: ObservedGeneration is the generation of the resource
   566                  that was most recently observed by the Config Connector controller.
   567                  If this is equal to metadata.generation, then that means that the
   568                  current reported status reflects the most recent desired state of
   569                  the resource.
   570                type: integer
   571              selfLink:
   572                description: The URI of the created resource.
   573                type: string
   574            type: object
   575        type: object
   576    served: true
   577    storage: true

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