
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/test/fixtures/crds/gcp/compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com_computefirewalls.yaml

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/test/fixtures/crds/gcp

     2apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     3kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     5  annotations:
     6    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: (unknown)
     7  name: computefirewalls.compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com
     9  group: compute.cnrm.cloud.google.com
    10  names:
    11    kind: ComputeFirewall
    12    listKind: ComputeFirewallList
    13    plural: computefirewalls
    14    singular: computefirewall
    15  scope: Namespaced
    16  versions:
    17  - name: v1beta1
    18    schema:
    19      openAPIV3Schema:
    20        description: ComputeFirewall is the Schema for the compute API
    21        properties:
    22          apiVersion:
    23            description: |-
    24              APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.
    25              Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and
    26              may reject unrecognized values.
    27              More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources
    28            type: string
    29          kind:
    30            description: |-
    31              Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents.
    32              Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to.
    33              Cannot be updated.
    34              In CamelCase.
    35              More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds
    36            type: string
    37          metadata:
    38            type: object
    39          spec:
    40            properties:
    41              allow:
    42                description: |-
    43                  The list of ALLOW rules specified by this firewall. Each rule
    44                  specifies a protocol and port-range tuple that describes a permitted
    45                  connection.
    46                items:
    47                  properties:
    48                    ports:
    49                      description: |-
    50                        An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field
    51                        is only applicable for UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be
    52                        either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule
    53                        applies to connections through any port.
    56                        Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and
    57                        ["12345-12349"].
    58                      items:
    59                        type: string
    60                      type: array
    61                    protocol:
    62                      description: |-
    63                        The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is
    64                        required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be
    65                        one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp,
    66                        icmp, esp, ah, sctp, ipip, all), or the IP protocol number.
    67                      type: string
    68                  required:
    69                  - protocol
    70                  type: object
    71                type: array
    72              deny:
    73                description: |-
    74                  The list of DENY rules specified by this firewall. Each rule specifies
    75                  a protocol and port-range tuple that describes a denied connection.
    76                items:
    77                  properties:
    78                    ports:
    79                      description: |-
    80                        An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. This field
    81                        is only applicable for UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be
    82                        either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule
    83                        applies to connections through any port.
    86                        Example inputs include: ["22"], ["80","443"], and
    87                        ["12345-12349"].
    88                      items:
    89                        type: string
    90                      type: array
    91                    protocol:
    92                      description: |-
    93                        The IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is
    94                        required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be
    95                        one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp,
    96                        icmp, esp, ah, sctp, ipip, all), or the IP protocol number.
    97                      type: string
    98                  required:
    99                  - protocol
   100                  type: object
   101                type: array
   102              description:
   103                description: |-
   104                  An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when
   105                  you create the resource.
   106                type: string
   107              destinationRanges:
   108                description: |-
   109                  If destination ranges are specified, the firewall will apply only to
   110                  traffic that has destination IP address in these ranges. These ranges
   111                  must be expressed in CIDR format. IPv4 or IPv6 ranges are supported.
   112                items:
   113                  type: string
   114                type: array
   115              direction:
   116                description: |-
   117                  Immutable. Direction of traffic to which this firewall applies; default is
   118                  INGRESS. Note: For INGRESS traffic, one of 'source_ranges',
   119                  'source_tags' or 'source_service_accounts' is required. Possible values: ["INGRESS", "EGRESS"].
   120                type: string
   121              disabled:
   122                description: |-
   123                  Denotes whether the firewall rule is disabled, i.e not applied to the
   124                  network it is associated with. When set to true, the firewall rule is
   125                  not enforced and the network behaves as if it did not exist. If this
   126                  is unspecified, the firewall rule will be enabled.
   127                type: boolean
   128              enableLogging:
   129                description: DEPRECATED. Deprecated in favor of log_config. This field
   130                  denotes whether to enable logging for a particular firewall rule.
   131                  If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Stackdriver.
   132                type: boolean
   133              logConfig:
   134                description: |-
   135                  This field denotes the logging options for a particular firewall rule.
   136                  If defined, logging is enabled, and logs will be exported to Cloud Logging.
   137                properties:
   138                  metadata:
   139                    description: 'This field denotes whether to include or exclude
   140                      metadata for firewall logs. Possible values: ["EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA",
   141                      "INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA"].'
   142                    type: string
   143                required:
   144                - metadata
   145                type: object
   146              networkRef:
   147                description: The network to attach this firewall to.
   148                properties:
   149                  external:
   150                    description: The external name of the referenced resource
   151                    type: string
   152                  kind:
   153                    description: Kind of the referent.
   154                    type: string
   155                  name:
   156                    description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   157                    type: string
   158                  namespace:
   159                    description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   160                    type: string
   161                type: object
   162              priority:
   163                description: |-
   164                  Priority for this rule. This is an integer between 0 and 65535, both
   165                  inclusive. When not specified, the value assumed is 1000. Relative
   166                  priorities determine precedence of conflicting rules. Lower value of
   167                  priority implies higher precedence (eg, a rule with priority 0 has
   168                  higher precedence than a rule with priority 1). DENY rules take
   169                  precedence over ALLOW rules having equal priority.
   170                type: integer
   171              resourceID:
   172                description: Immutable. Optional. The name of the resource. Used for
   173                  creation and acquisition. When unset, the value of `metadata.name`
   174                  is used as the default.
   175                type: string
   176              sourceRanges:
   177                description: |-
   178                  If source ranges are specified, the firewall will apply only to
   179                  traffic that has source IP address in these ranges. These ranges must
   180                  be expressed in CIDR format. One or both of sourceRanges and
   181                  sourceTags may be set. If both properties are set, the firewall will
   182                  apply to traffic that has source IP address within sourceRanges OR the
   183                  source IP that belongs to a tag listed in the sourceTags property. The
   184                  connection does not need to match both properties for the firewall to
   185                  apply. IPv4 or IPv6 ranges are supported. For INGRESS traffic, one of
   186                  'source_ranges', 'source_tags' or 'source_service_accounts' is required.
   187                items:
   188                  type: string
   189                type: array
   190              sourceServiceAccounts:
   191                items:
   192                  properties:
   193                    external:
   194                      description: The external name of the referenced resource
   195                      type: string
   196                    kind:
   197                      description: Kind of the referent.
   198                      type: string
   199                    name:
   200                      description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   201                      type: string
   202                    namespace:
   203                      description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   204                      type: string
   205                  type: object
   206                type: array
   207              sourceTags:
   208                description: |-
   209                  If source tags are specified, the firewall will apply only to traffic
   210                  with source IP that belongs to a tag listed in source tags. Source
   211                  tags cannot be used to control traffic to an instance's external IP
   212                  address. Because tags are associated with an instance, not an IP
   213                  address. One or both of sourceRanges and sourceTags may be set. If
   214                  both properties are set, the firewall will apply to traffic that has
   215                  source IP address within sourceRanges OR the source IP that belongs to
   216                  a tag listed in the sourceTags property. The connection does not need
   217                  to match both properties for the firewall to apply. For INGRESS traffic,
   218                  one of 'source_ranges', 'source_tags' or 'source_service_accounts' is required.
   219                items:
   220                  type: string
   221                type: array
   222              targetServiceAccounts:
   223                items:
   224                  properties:
   225                    external:
   226                      description: The external name of the referenced resource
   227                      type: string
   228                    kind:
   229                      description: Kind of the referent.
   230                      type: string
   231                    name:
   232                      description: 'Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names'
   233                      type: string
   234                    namespace:
   235                      description: 'Namespace of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/'
   236                      type: string
   237                  type: object
   238                type: array
   239              targetTags:
   240                description: |-
   241                  A list of instance tags indicating sets of instances located in the
   242                  network that may make network connections as specified in allowed[].
   243                  If no targetTags are specified, the firewall rule applies to all
   244                  instances on the specified network.
   245                items:
   246                  type: string
   247                type: array
   248            required:
   249            - networkRef
   250            type: object
   251          status:
   252            properties:
   253              conditions:
   254                description: |-
   255                  Conditions represent the latest available observations of the
   256                  ComputeFirewall's current state.
   257                items:
   258                  properties:
   259                    lastTransitionTime:
   260                      description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   261                        to another.
   262                      type: string
   263                    message:
   264                      description: Human-readable message indicating details about
   265                        last transition.
   266                      type: string
   267                    reason:
   268                      description: |-
   269                        Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last
   270                        transition.
   271                      type: string
   272                    status:
   273                      description: Status is the status of the condition. Can be True,
   274                        False, Unknown.
   275                      type: string
   276                    type:
   277                      description: Type is the type of the condition.
   278                      type: string
   279                  type: object
   280                type: array
   281              creationTimestamp:
   282                description: Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
   283                type: string
   284              observedGeneration:
   285                description: ObservedGeneration is the generation of the resource
   286                  that was most recently observed by the Config Connector controller.
   287                  If this is equal to metadata.generation, then that means that the
   288                  current reported status reflects the most recent desired state of
   289                  the resource.
   290                type: integer
   291              selfLink:
   292                type: string
   293            type: object
   294        type: object
   295    served: true
   296    storage: true

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