
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/test/fixtures/crds/external-secrets/external-secrets.io_pushsecrets.yaml

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/test/fixtures/crds/external-secrets

     2apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
     3kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     5  annotations:
     6    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: (unknown)
     7  name: pushsecrets.external-secrets.io
     9  group: external-secrets.io
    10  names:
    11    categories:
    12    - pushsecrets
    13    kind: PushSecret
    14    listKind: PushSecretList
    15    plural: pushsecrets
    16    singular: pushsecret
    17  scope: Namespaced
    18  versions:
    19  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    20    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    21      name: AGE
    22      type: date
    23    - jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].reason
    24      name: Status
    25      type: string
    26    name: v1alpha1
    27    schema:
    28      openAPIV3Schema:
    29        properties:
    30          apiVersion:
    31            description: |-
    32              APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.
    33              Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and
    34              may reject unrecognized values.
    35              More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources
    36            type: string
    37          kind:
    38            description: |-
    39              Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents.
    40              Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to.
    41              Cannot be updated.
    42              In CamelCase.
    43              More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds
    44            type: string
    45          metadata:
    46            type: object
    47          spec:
    48            description: PushSecretSpec configures the behavior of the PushSecret.
    49            properties:
    50              data:
    51                description: Secret Data that should be pushed to providers
    52                items:
    53                  properties:
    54                    conversionStrategy:
    55                      default: None
    56                      description: Used to define a conversion Strategy for the secret
    57                        keys
    58                      enum:
    59                      - None
    60                      - ReverseUnicode
    61                      type: string
    62                    match:
    63                      description: Match a given Secret Key to be pushed to the provider.
    64                      properties:
    65                        remoteRef:
    66                          description: Remote Refs to push to providers.
    67                          properties:
    68                            property:
    69                              description: Name of the property in the resulting secret
    70                              type: string
    71                            remoteKey:
    72                              description: Name of the resulting provider secret.
    73                              type: string
    74                          required:
    75                          - remoteKey
    76                          type: object
    77                        secretKey:
    78                          description: Secret Key to be pushed
    79                          type: string
    80                      required:
    81                      - remoteRef
    82                      type: object
    83                    metadata:
    84                      description: |-
    85                        Metadata is metadata attached to the secret.
    86                        The structure of metadata is provider specific, please look it up in the provider documentation.
    87                      x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    88                  required:
    89                  - match
    90                  type: object
    91                type: array
    92              deletionPolicy:
    93                default: None
    94                description: 'Deletion Policy to handle Secrets in the provider. Possible
    95                  Values: "Delete/None". Defaults to "None".'
    96                enum:
    97                - Delete
    98                - None
    99                type: string
   100              refreshInterval:
   101                description: The Interval to which External Secrets will try to push
   102                  a secret definition
   103                type: string
   104              secretStoreRefs:
   105                items:
   106                  properties:
   107                    kind:
   108                      default: SecretStore
   109                      description: |-
   110                        Kind of the SecretStore resource (SecretStore or ClusterSecretStore)
   111                        Defaults to `SecretStore`
   112                      type: string
   113                    labelSelector:
   114                      description: Optionally, sync to secret stores with label selector
   115                      properties:
   116                        matchExpressions:
   117                          description: matchExpressions is a list of label selector
   118                            requirements. The requirements are ANDed.
   119                          items:
   120                            description: |-
   121                              A label selector requirement is a selector that contains values, a key, and an operator that
   122                              relates the key and values.
   123                            properties:
   124                              key:
   125                                description: key is the label key that the selector
   126                                  applies to.
   127                                type: string
   128                              operator:
   129                                description: |-
   130                                  operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
   131                                  Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
   132                                type: string
   133                              values:
   134                                description: |-
   135                                  values is an array of string values. If the operator is In or NotIn,
   136                                  the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is Exists or DoesNotExist,
   137                                  the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic
   138                                  merge patch.
   139                                items:
   140                                  type: string
   141                                type: array
   142                                x-kubernetes-list-type: atomic
   143                            required:
   144                            - key
   145                            - operator
   146                            type: object
   147                          type: array
   148                          x-kubernetes-list-type: atomic
   149                        matchLabels:
   150                          additionalProperties:
   151                            type: string
   152                          description: |-
   153                            matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels
   154                            map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the
   155                            operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed.
   156                          type: object
   157                      type: object
   158                      x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
   159                    name:
   160                      description: Optionally, sync to the SecretStore of the given
   161                        name
   162                      type: string
   163                  type: object
   164                type: array
   165              selector:
   166                description: The Secret Selector (k8s source) for the Push Secret
   167                properties:
   168                  secret:
   169                    description: Select a Secret to Push.
   170                    properties:
   171                      name:
   172                        description: Name of the Secret. The Secret must exist in
   173                          the same namespace as the PushSecret manifest.
   174                        type: string
   175                    required:
   176                    - name
   177                    type: object
   178                required:
   179                - secret
   180                type: object
   181              template:
   182                description: Template defines a blueprint for the created Secret resource.
   183                properties:
   184                  data:
   185                    additionalProperties:
   186                      type: string
   187                    type: object
   188                  engineVersion:
   189                    default: v2
   190                    description: |-
   191                      EngineVersion specifies the template engine version
   192                      that should be used to compile/execute the
   193                      template specified in .data and .templateFrom[].
   194                    enum:
   195                    - v1
   196                    - v2
   197                    type: string
   198                  mergePolicy:
   199                    default: Replace
   200                    enum:
   201                    - Replace
   202                    - Merge
   203                    type: string
   204                  metadata:
   205                    description: ExternalSecretTemplateMetadata defines metadata fields
   206                      for the Secret blueprint.
   207                    properties:
   208                      annotations:
   209                        additionalProperties:
   210                          type: string
   211                        type: object
   212                      labels:
   213                        additionalProperties:
   214                          type: string
   215                        type: object
   216                    type: object
   217                  templateFrom:
   218                    items:
   219                      properties:
   220                        configMap:
   221                          properties:
   222                            items:
   223                              items:
   224                                properties:
   225                                  key:
   226                                    type: string
   227                                  templateAs:
   228                                    default: Values
   229                                    enum:
   230                                    - Values
   231                                    - KeysAndValues
   232                                    type: string
   233                                required:
   234                                - key
   235                                type: object
   236                              type: array
   237                            name:
   238                              type: string
   239                          required:
   240                          - items
   241                          - name
   242                          type: object
   243                        literal:
   244                          type: string
   245                        secret:
   246                          properties:
   247                            items:
   248                              items:
   249                                properties:
   250                                  key:
   251                                    type: string
   252                                  templateAs:
   253                                    default: Values
   254                                    enum:
   255                                    - Values
   256                                    - KeysAndValues
   257                                    type: string
   258                                required:
   259                                - key
   260                                type: object
   261                              type: array
   262                            name:
   263                              type: string
   264                          required:
   265                          - items
   266                          - name
   267                          type: object
   268                        target:
   269                          default: Data
   270                          enum:
   271                          - Data
   272                          - Annotations
   273                          - Labels
   274                          type: string
   275                      type: object
   276                    type: array
   277                  type:
   278                    type: string
   279                type: object
   280              updatePolicy:
   281                default: Replace
   282                description: 'UpdatePolicy to handle Secrets in the provider. Possible
   283                  Values: "Replace/IfNotExists". Defaults to "Replace".'
   284                enum:
   285                - Replace
   286                - IfNotExists
   287                type: string
   288            required:
   289            - secretStoreRefs
   290            - selector
   291            type: object
   292          status:
   293            description: PushSecretStatus indicates the history of the status of PushSecret.
   294            properties:
   295              conditions:
   296                items:
   297                  description: PushSecretStatusCondition indicates the status of the
   298                    PushSecret.
   299                  properties:
   300                    lastTransitionTime:
   301                      format: date-time
   302                      type: string
   303                    message:
   304                      type: string
   305                    reason:
   306                      type: string
   307                    status:
   308                      type: string
   309                    type:
   310                      description: PushSecretConditionType indicates the condition
   311                        of the PushSecret.
   312                      type: string
   313                  required:
   314                  - status
   315                  - type
   316                  type: object
   317                type: array
   318              refreshTime:
   319                description: |-
   320                  refreshTime is the time and date the external secret was fetched and
   321                  the target secret updated
   322                format: date-time
   323                nullable: true
   324                type: string
   325              syncedPushSecrets:
   326                additionalProperties:
   327                  additionalProperties:
   328                    properties:
   329                      conversionStrategy:
   330                        default: None
   331                        description: Used to define a conversion Strategy for the
   332                          secret keys
   333                        enum:
   334                        - None
   335                        - ReverseUnicode
   336                        type: string
   337                      match:
   338                        description: Match a given Secret Key to be pushed to the
   339                          provider.
   340                        properties:
   341                          remoteRef:
   342                            description: Remote Refs to push to providers.
   343                            properties:
   344                              property:
   345                                description: Name of the property in the resulting
   346                                  secret
   347                                type: string
   348                              remoteKey:
   349                                description: Name of the resulting provider secret.
   350                                type: string
   351                            required:
   352                            - remoteKey
   353                            type: object
   354                          secretKey:
   355                            description: Secret Key to be pushed
   356                            type: string
   357                        required:
   358                        - remoteRef
   359                        type: object
   360                      metadata:
   361                        description: |-
   362                          Metadata is metadata attached to the secret.
   363                          The structure of metadata is provider specific, please look it up in the provider documentation.
   364                        x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   365                    required:
   366                    - match
   367                    type: object
   368                  type: object
   369                description: |-
   370                  Synced PushSecrets, including secrets that already exist in provider.
   371                  Matches secret stores to PushSecretData that was stored to that secret store.
   372                type: object
   373              syncedResourceVersion:
   374                description: SyncedResourceVersion keeps track of the last synced
   375                  version.
   376                type: string
   377            type: object
   378        type: object
   379    served: true
   380    storage: true
   381    subresources:
   382      status: {}

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