
Source file src/edge-infra.dev/test/f2/framework.go

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/test/f2

     1  package f2
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"math/rand"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"runtime/debug"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"testing"
    14  	"slices"
    16  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/lib/fog"
    17  )
    19  type Framework interface {
    20  	Setup(...FrameworkFn) Framework
    21  	Teardown(...FrameworkFn) Framework
    23  	BeforeEachFeature(...FeatureFn) Framework
    24  	AfterEachFeature(...FeatureFn) Framework
    26  	BeforeEachTest(...FrameworkTestFn) Framework
    27  	AfterEachTest(...FrameworkTestFn) Framework
    29  	// Test executes features from a standard Go test function.
    30  	Test(*testing.T, ...Feature)
    32  	// TestInParallel executes features in parallel.
    33  	TestInParallel(*testing.T, ...Feature)
    35  	// Run executes the collection of tests from TestMain.
    36  	Run(*testing.M) int
    38  	// WithLabel adds framework-level labels for skipping or categorizing entire
    39  	// test suites. Use [FeatureBuilder.WithLabel] to label individual features
    40  	// within a suite.
    41  	WithLabel(k string, v ...string) Framework
    42  	Component(c ...string) Framework
    43  	Priviledged(c ...string) Framework
    44  	WithID(c ...string) Framework
    45  	Slow() Framework
    46  	Disruptive() Framework
    47  	Serial() Framework
    48  	Flaky() Framework
    49  }
    51  type framework struct {
    52  	ctx     Context
    53  	actions []action
    54  	labels  map[string]string
    55  	exts    []Extension
    56  }
    58  func New(ctx context.Context, opts ...Option) Framework {
    59  	options := makeOptions(opts...)
    61  	// inject logger into context
    62  	ctx = fog.IntoContext(ctx, fog.New().WithName("f2"))
    64  	f := &framework{
    65  		actions: []action{
    66  			{
    67  				fns: []FrameworkFn{
    68  					func(ctx Context) (Context, error) {
    69  						// #nosec G404 - random string is cosmetic
    70  						ctx.RunID = fmt.Sprintf("%08x", rand.Int31())
    71  						return ctx, nil
    72  					},
    73  				},
    74  				phase: phaseSetup,
    75  			},
    76  		},
    77  		ctx:    Context{Context: ctx},
    78  		labels: make(map[string]string),
    79  		exts:   options.extensions,
    80  	}
    82  	// check if any extensions want to configure flags before the framework parses
    83  	// them
    84  	for _, e := range f.exts {
    85  		if b, ok := e.(FlagBinder); ok {
    86  			b.BindFlags(Flags)
    87  		}
    88  	}
    90  	if err := handleFlags(); err != nil {
    91  		// TODO: panic is bad
    92  		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to parse flags: %w", err))
    93  	}
    95  	// Call each extension to setup lifecycle hooks, add itself to the test context,
    96  	// and add labels now that flags have been parsed and config is computed.
    97  	for _, e := range f.exts {
    98  		e.RegisterFns(f)
    99  		f.ctx = e.IntoContext(f.ctx)
   100  		// if the extension also implements Labeler, let it label the framework
   101  		if l, ok := e.(Labeler); ok {
   102  			for k, v := range l.Labels() {
   103  				f.labels[k] = v
   104  			}
   105  		}
   106  	}
   108  	return f
   109  }
   111  func (f *framework) Run(m *testing.M) int {
   112  	return f.run(m)
   113  }
   115  func (f *framework) run(m TestingMain) (exitCode int) {
   116  	// fail fast on setup, upon err exit
   117  	var err error
   118  	log := fog.FromContext(f.ctx)
   120  	// recover from any panics, print the stack and set a failing exit code
   121  	defer func() {
   122  		if rErr := recover(); rErr != nil {
   123  			exitCode = 1
   124  			log.V(0).Info("Recovering from panic and running finish actions", "err", rErr, "stacktrace", string(debug.Stack()))
   125  		}
   126  	}()
   128  	// attempt to teardown
   129  	defer func() {
   130  		// attempt to gracefully clean up.
   131  		// Upon error, log and continue.
   132  		// TODO: allow disabling graceful teardown
   133  		// 	if f.cfg.DisableGracefulTeardown() {
   134  		// 		return
   135  		// 	}
   136  		for _, fin := range f.getActionsInPhase(phaseTeardown) {
   137  			if f.ctx, err = fin.run(f.ctx); err != nil {
   138  				exitCode = 1
   139  				log.V(0).Error(err, "Cleanup failed", "action", fin.phase)
   140  			}
   141  		}
   142  	}()
   144  	for _, setup := range f.getActionsInPhase(phaseSetup) {
   145  		f.ctx, err = setup.run(f.ctx)
   146  		switch {
   147  		case errors.Is(err, ErrSkip):
   148  			log.V(1).Info("Skip detected")
   149  			os.Exit(0)
   150  		case err != nil:
   151  			log.V(0).Info("Failure during phase", "phase", setup.phase, "err", err)
   152  			panic(err)
   153  		}
   154  	}
   156  	// Execute the test suite
   157  	exitCode = m.Run()
   158  	return
   159  }
   161  func (f *framework) Setup(fns ...FrameworkFn) Framework {
   162  	f.actions = append(f.actions, action{phase: phaseSetup, fns: fns})
   163  	return f
   164  }
   166  func (f *framework) Teardown(fns ...FrameworkFn) Framework {
   167  	f.actions = append(f.actions, action{phase: phaseTeardown, fns: fns})
   168  	return f
   169  }
   171  func (f *framework) BeforeEachFeature(fns ...FeatureFn) Framework {
   172  	f.actions = append(f.actions, action{phase: phaseBeforeFeature, featureFns: fns})
   173  	return f
   174  }
   176  func (f *framework) AfterEachFeature(fns ...FeatureFn) Framework {
   177  	f.actions = append(f.actions, action{phase: phaseAfterFeature, featureFns: fns})
   178  	return f
   179  }
   181  func (f *framework) BeforeEachTest(fns ...FrameworkTestFn) Framework {
   182  	f.actions = append(f.actions, action{phase: phaseBeforeTest, testFns: fns})
   183  	return f
   184  }
   186  func (f *framework) AfterEachTest(fns ...FrameworkTestFn) Framework {
   187  	f.actions = append(f.actions, action{phase: phaseAfterTest, testFns: fns})
   188  	return f
   189  }
   191  func (f *framework) TestInParallel(t *testing.T, features ...Feature) {
   192  	// TODO: all tests should really run in parallel by default, but need some
   193  	// mechanism for signaling Serial where necessary
   194  	// TODO: make sure that framework submodules like K8s can handle parallel execution of lifecycle funcs
   195  	f.processTests(t, true, features...)
   196  }
   198  func (f *framework) Test(t *testing.T, features ...Feature) {
   199  	f.processTests(t, false, features...)
   200  }
   202  func (f *framework) processTests(t *testing.T, parallel bool, features ...Feature) {
   203  	if len(features) == 0 {
   204  		t.Log("No test features provided, skipping")
   205  		return
   206  	}
   208  	f.processTestActions(t, f.getActionsInPhase(phaseBeforeTest))
   210  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   211  	for _, feature := range features {
   212  		fcopy := feature // capture copy of feature in closure
   213  		switch parallel {
   214  		case true:
   215  			wg.Add(1)
   216  			go func(w *sync.WaitGroup, feat Feature) {
   217  				defer w.Done()
   218  				f.processTestFeature(t, feat)
   219  			}(&wg, fcopy)
   220  		case false:
   221  			f.processTestFeature(t, fcopy)
   222  		}
   223  	}
   225  	if parallel {
   226  		wg.Wait()
   227  	}
   229  	f.processTestActions(t, f.getActionsInPhase(phaseAfterTest))
   230  }
   232  func (f *framework) processTestActions(t *testing.T, actions []action) {
   233  	var err error
   234  	for _, action := range actions {
   235  		if f.ctx, err = action.runWithT(f.ctx, t); err != nil {
   236  			t.Fatalf("%s failure: %s", action.phase, err)
   237  		}
   238  	}
   239  }
   241  func (f *framework) processFeatureActions(t *testing.T, feat Feature, actions []action) {
   242  	var err error
   243  	for _, action := range actions {
   244  		if f.ctx, err = action.runWithFeature(f.ctx, t, deepCopyFeature(feat)); err != nil {
   245  			t.Fatalf("%s failure: %s", action.phase, err)
   246  		}
   247  	}
   248  }
   250  func (f *framework) processTestFeature(t *testing.T, feat Feature) {
   251  	f.processFeatureActions(t, feat, f.getActionsInPhase(phaseBeforeFeature))
   253  	f.ctx = f.execFeature(f.ctx, t, feat.Name(), feat)
   255  	f.processFeatureActions(t, feat, f.getActionsInPhase(phaseAfterFeature))
   256  }
   258  func (f *framework) execFeature(ctx Context, t *testing.T, name string, feat Feature) Context {
   259  	t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
   260  		// check if feature needs to be skipped
   261  		mergedLabels, skippedLabels := mergeLabels(f.labels, feat.Labels())
   262  		if len(skippedLabels) > 0 {
   263  			t.Logf("ignoring the following framework labels because they're duplicated on the feature: %s", strings.Join(skippedLabels[:], ", "))
   264  		}
   266  		skip, msg := SkipBasedOnLabels(mergedLabels, Labels, SkipLabels)
   267  		if skip {
   268  			t.Skipf("skipping: %s", msg)
   269  		}
   271  		setupSteps := getStepsInPhase(feat, phaseBeforeFeature)
   272  		ctx = f.execSteps(ctx, t, setupSteps)
   274  		tests := getStepsInPhase(feat, phaseTest)
   275  		for _, test := range tests {
   276  			t.Run(test.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
   277  				ctx = f.execSteps(ctx, t, []Step{test})
   278  			})
   279  			// TODO: fail fast via config
   280  		}
   282  		teardownSteps := getStepsInPhase(feat, phaseAfterFeature)
   283  		ctx = f.execSteps(ctx, t, teardownSteps)
   284  	})
   286  	return ctx
   287  }
   289  func (f *framework) execSteps(ctx Context, t *testing.T, steps []Step) Context {
   290  	for _, s := range steps {
   291  		ctx = s.Fn(ctx, t)
   292  	}
   293  	return ctx
   294  }
   296  func (f *framework) getActionsInPhase(p Phase) []action {
   297  	if f.actions == nil {
   298  		return nil
   299  	}
   301  	result := make([]action, 0)
   302  	for _, a := range f.actions {
   303  		if a.phase == p {
   304  			result = append(result, a)
   305  		}
   306  	}
   308  	return result
   309  }
   311  // you can find a list of labels here:
   312  // https://docs.edge-infra.dev/dev/contributing/testing/conventions/
   314  // WithLabel adds a label with one or more values to the framework to describe the block of tests
   315  // the framework instance will be used for. Returns a pointer to itself so it
   316  // can be chained together to add multiple labels:
   317  //
   318  // f = f2.New().WithLabel("foo", "bar", "baz", "boo").Flaky().
   319  func (f *framework) WithLabel(key string, values ...string) Framework {
   320  	if f.labels == nil {
   321  		f.labels = map[string]string{}
   322  	}
   323  	f.labels[key] = commaSepList(values...)
   325  	return f
   326  }
   328  // WithID is a label used to associate Tests with specific user-facing features.
   329  // Should be identified by unique identifier (GitHub issue number or JIRA ticket)
   330  // Can have multiple values, separated by comma.
   331  func (f *framework) WithID(feat ...string) Framework {
   332  	return f.WithLabel("id", feat...)
   333  }
   335  // Priviledged is a label that defines tests that require escalted privileges in various contexts.
   336  // Examples: FolderAdmin, BillingAdmin, ProjectAdmin describe GCP privileges that tests may need.
   337  func (f *framework) Priviledged(p ...string) Framework {
   338  	return f.WithLabel("priviledged", p...)
   339  }
   341  // Component is syntactic sugar for adding a component label to the test block.
   342  // Returns a pointer to itself for function chaining.
   343  func (f *framework) Component(c ...string) Framework {
   344  	return f.WithLabel("component", c...)
   345  }
   347  // Slow is a label that should be applied to all test suites which take longer
   348  // than 5 minutes to execute.
   349  func (f *framework) Slow() Framework {
   350  	return f.WithLabel("slow", "true")
   351  }
   353  // Disruptive is a label that should be applied to all test suites that are
   354  // likely to disrupt other test cases being ran at the same time.
   355  func (f *framework) Disruptive() Framework {
   356  	return f.WithLabel("disruptive", "true")
   357  }
   359  // Serial is a label that should be applied to all test suites that can't be
   360  // run in parallel.
   361  func (f *framework) Serial() Framework {
   362  	return f.WithLabel("serial", "true")
   363  }
   365  // Flaky is a label that should be applied to tests with inconsistent results.
   366  func (f *framework) Flaky() Framework {
   367  	return f.WithLabel("flaky", "true")
   368  }
   370  // SkipBasedOnLabels determines if a test should be skipped based on label maps
   371  // which should be executed and labels that should be skipped.
   372  func SkipBasedOnLabels(test, labels, skip map[string]string) (bool, string) {
   373  	// handle test block with no labels, dont run it if -labels is provided
   374  	if len(test) == 0 && len(labels) != 0 {
   375  		return true, "test without labels skipped due to -labels flag being provided"
   376  	}
   378  	// evalute skip labels first bc we should exit sooner on average
   379  	if skip != nil && len(test) != 0 {
   380  		for k := range test {
   381  			if v, ok := skip[k]; ok && checkLabelList(test[k], v) {
   382  				return true, fmt.Sprintf("test with label %s=%s skipped due to -skip-labels flag", k, test[k])
   383  			}
   384  		}
   385  	}
   387  	if len(labels) != 0 {
   388  		matches := map[string]bool{}
   389  		// match all labels
   390  		for k := range labels {
   391  			matches[k] = false
   392  			if v, ok := test[k]; ok && checkLabelList(v, labels[k]) {
   393  				matches[k] = true
   394  			}
   395  		}
   396  		skip := false
   397  		for _, match := range matches {
   398  			if !match {
   399  				skip = true
   400  			}
   401  		}
   402  		if skip {
   403  			return true, fmt.Sprintf("test without labels skipped due to -labels flag: %v", labels)
   404  		}
   405  	}
   407  	return false, ""
   408  }
   410  // if the framework and feature both have the same label only use the feature label
   411  func mergeLabels(framework, feat map[string]string) (map[string]string, []string) {
   412  	// if theres no features just return the framework labels
   413  	if len(feat) == 0 {
   414  		return framework, nil
   415  	}
   417  	skipped := []string{}
   418  	for k, v := range framework {
   419  		// if the key already exists in the feature map add to skipped and continue
   420  		if _, ok := feat[k]; ok {
   421  			skipped = append(skipped, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", k, v))
   422  			continue
   423  		}
   424  		feat[k] = v
   425  	}
   427  	return feat, skipped
   428  }
   430  // checkLabelList checks if the test labels has at least one of the input labels
   431  func checkLabelList(testLabels, inputLabels string) bool {
   432  	test := strings.Split(testLabels, ",")
   433  	for _, val := range strings.Split(inputLabels, ",") {
   434  		if slices.Contains(test, val) {
   435  			return true
   436  		}
   437  	}
   438  	return false
   439  }

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