1load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_test")
4 name = "namespaces_test",
5 srcs = ["namespaces_test.go"],
6 args = [
7 # force t.Log to print even if the test passes
8 # dont use this in production
9 "--test.v",
10 ],
11 data = [
12 "//hack/tools:etcd",
13 "//hack/tools:kube-apiserver",
14 "//hack/tools:kubectl",
15 ],
16 tags = [
17 "f2-example", # dont use outside f2/examples, stops deps test from failing
18 "integration",
19 ],
20 visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
21 deps = [
22 "//test/f2",
23 "//test/f2/x/ktest",
24 "//test/f2/x/ktest/envtest",
25 "@io_k8s_api//core/v1:core",
26 "@tools_gotest_v3//assert",
27 ],
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