package linkerd import ( "context" "embed" "fmt" "io/fs" "os" "slices" "strconv" "testing" certmgr "" serverv1beta1 "" serverauthv1beta1 "" "" "" "" appsv1 "" metav1 "" "" utilruntime "" clientgoscheme "" ctrl "" "" l5dv1alpha1 "" "" corev1 "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //go:embed manifests var manifests embed.FS var linkerdCRDManifests []byte var linkerdControllerManifests []byte var f f2.Framework var ( linkerdCRName = "" expectedSecrets = []string{ "edge-docker-pull-secret", "linkerd-identity-issuer", "linkerd-policy-validator-k8s-tls", "linkerd-proxy-injector-k8s-tls", "linkerd-sp-validator-k8s-tls", "linkerd-trust-anchor", } ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { ctrl.SetLogger(fog.New()) f = f2.New(context.Background(), f2.WithExtensions( ktest.New( ktest.SkipNamespaceCreation(), ktest.WithCtrlManager(createManager), ), ), ). Setup(func(ctx f2.Context) (f2.Context, error) { // Load linkerd manifests var err error linkerdCRDManifests, err = fs.ReadFile(manifests, "manifests/linkerd-crds_manifests.yaml") if err != nil { return ctx, err } linkerdControllerManifests, err = fs.ReadFile(manifests, "manifests/linkerd-controller-generic_manifests.yaml") if err != nil { return ctx, err } return ctx, nil }). WithLabel("dsds", "true") os.Exit(f.Run(m)) } func TestLinkerdHealthcheck(t *testing.T) { var ( k *ktest.K8s numNodes int thickPOS bool certDuration int renewBefore int err error injected []string ) healthcheck := f2.NewFeature("linkerd healthcheck"). Setup("setup", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { k = ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t) nodes := &corev1.NodeList{} require.NoError(t, k.Client.List(ctx, nodes)) numNodes = len(nodes.Items) cm := &corev1.ConfigMap{} assert.NoError(t, k.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: "topology-info", Namespace: "kube-public"}, cm)) thickPOS, err = strconv.ParseBool(cm.Data["thick_pos"]) certDuration, err = strconv.Atoi(cm.Data["linkerd_identity_issuer_cert_duration"]) require.NoError(t, err) renewBefore, err = strconv.Atoi(cm.Data["linkerd_identity_issuer_cert_renew_before"]) require.NoError(t, err) return ctx }). Test("verify linkerdctl pod status", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { pods := corev1.PodList{} assert.NoError(t, k.Client.List(ctx, &pods, client.MatchingFields{"metadata.namespace": "linkerdctl"})) assert.Equal(t, 1, len(pods.Items)) assert.Equal(t, corev1.PodRunning, pods.Items[0].Status.Phase) return ctx }). Test("verify linkerdctl manifests exist", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { deploymentList := &appsv1.DeploymentList{} assert.NoError(t, k.Client.List(ctx, deploymentList, client.MatchingFields{"metadata.namespace": linkerd.Namespace})) for _, deployment := range deploymentList.Items { assert.True(t, isDeploymentReady(deployment, thickPOS, numNodes)) } daemonsetList := &appsv1.DaemonSetList{} assert.NoError(t, k.Client.List(ctx, daemonsetList, client.MatchingFields{"metadata.namespace": linkerd.Namespace})) for _, daemonset := range daemonsetList.Items { assert.True(t, isDaemonsetReady(daemonset, thickPOS, numNodes)) } return ctx }). Test("verify certmanager resources exist", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { issuer := &certmgr.Issuer{} require.NoError(t, k.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: linkerd.TrustAnchorName, Namespace: linkerd.Namespace}, issuer)) assert.Equal(t, linkerd.TrustAnchorName, issuer.Spec.IssuerConfig.CA.SecretName) cert := &certmgr.Certificate{} require.NoError(t, k.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: linkerd.IssuerName, Namespace: linkerd.Namespace}, cert)) assert.Equal(t, linkerd.TrustAnchorName, cert.Spec.IssuerRef.Name) assert.Equal(t, certmgr.IssuerKind, cert.Spec.IssuerRef.Kind) assert.Equal(t, certDuration, int(cert.Spec.Duration.Hours())) assert.Equal(t, renewBefore, int(cert.Spec.RenewBefore.Hours())) return ctx }). Test("verify required secrets exist", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { secretList := &corev1.SecretList{} require.NoError(t, k.Client.List(ctx, secretList, client.MatchingFields{"metadata.namespace": linkerd.Namespace})) secretNames := []string{} for _, secret := range secretList.Items { secretNames = append(secretNames, secret.Name) } assert.ElementsMatch(t, expectedSecrets, secretNames) return ctx }). Test("verify linkerd CR status", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { l5d := &l5dv1alpha1.Linkerd{} assert.NoError(t, k.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: linkerdCRName}, l5d)) assert.True(t, isReady(l5d.Status.Conditions)) assert.NotNil(t, l5d.Status.Version) injected = l5d.Status.InjectedNamespaces return ctx }). Test("verify linkerdworkloadinjection CR status", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { workloadinjection := &l5dv1alpha1.LinkerdWorkloadInjection{} assert.NoError(t, k.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: linkerd.Namespace, Namespace: linkerd.Namespace}, workloadinjection)) assert.True(t, isReady(workloadinjection.Status.Conditions)) return ctx }). Test("verify injected workloads are meshed successfully", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { podList := &corev1.PodList{} require.NoError(t, k.Client.List(ctx, podList)) for _, pod := range podList.Items { if pod.Status.Phase == corev1.PodRunning && isInjected(injected, pod.Namespace) && !pod.Spec.HostNetwork && !isLinkerdDisabled(pod) { assert.True(t, isMeshed(pod) && proxyReady(pod), pod.Name) } } return ctx }). Test("verify disabled namespaces are not meshed", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context { podList := &corev1.PodList{} require.NoError(t, k.Client.List(ctx, podList)) l5d := &l5dv1alpha1.Linkerd{} require.NoError(t, k.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: linkerdCRName}, l5d)) excluded := []string{} for keys := range l5d.ExcludedNamespacesMap() { excluded = append(excluded, keys) } for _, pod := range podList.Items { if slices.Contains(excluded, pod.Namespace) && pod.Namespace != linkerd.Namespace { assert.True(t, pod.Status.Phase == corev1.PodRunning, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s should be running", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) assert.False(t, isInjected(injected, pod.Namespace), fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s should not be marked for injection", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) assert.False(t, isMeshed(pod), fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s should not be meshed", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) } } return ctx }).Feature() f.Test(t, healthcheck) } func isLinkerdDisabled(pod corev1.Pod) bool { if inject, found := pod.GetAnnotations()[linkerd.InjectionAnnotation]; found && inject == "disabled" { return true } return false } func isReady(conditions []metav1.Condition) bool { for _, condition := range conditions { if condition.Type == "Ready" && condition.Status == metav1.ConditionTrue { return true } } return false } func isDeploymentReady(deployment appsv1.Deployment, thickPOS bool, numNodes int) bool { if thickPOS { return deployment.Status.ReadyReplicas == int32(0) } return deployment.Status.ReadyReplicas == int32(numNodes) /* #nosec G115 */ } func isDaemonsetReady(daemonset appsv1.DaemonSet, thickPOS bool, numNodes int) bool { if thickPOS { return daemonset.Status.NumberReady == int32(numNodes) /* #nosec G115 */ } return daemonset.Status.NumberReady == int32(0) } func isInjected(injected []string, namespace string) bool { for _, i := range injected { if i == namespace { return true } } return false } func isMeshed(pod corev1.Pod) bool { for _, initContainer := range pod.Spec.InitContainers { if initContainer.Name == k8s.ProxyContainerName { return true } } return false } func proxyReady(pod corev1.Pod) bool { for _, initContainerStatus := range pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses { if initContainerStatus.Name == k8s.ProxyContainerName { return initContainerStatus.Ready } } return false } func createManager(opts ...controller.Option) (ctrl.Manager, error) { mgrCfg, mgrOpts := controller.ProcessOptions(opts...) mgrOpts.Scheme = createScheme() return ctrl.NewManager(mgrCfg, mgrOpts) } func createScheme() *runtime.Scheme { scheme := runtime.NewScheme() utilruntime.Must(clientgoscheme.AddToScheme(scheme)) utilruntime.Must(l5dv1alpha1.AddToScheme(scheme)) utilruntime.Must(certmgr.AddToScheme(scheme)) utilruntime.Must(serverv1beta1.AddToScheme(scheme)) utilruntime.Must(serverauthv1beta1.AddToScheme(scheme)) return scheme }