test/ contains tests outside the normal unit tests which part of the package that they test these tests should NOT run when bazel test //... is invoked, and shouldn't be a dep of anything else, eg running bazel X //... shouldnt run these # Folder structure defines the hierarchy of the folders, files under them see individual folders for more details, how to contribute, run, etc ## e2e Standalone e2e test runner. runs against an instance of the edge product/platform - An independently distributable, runnable, versioned binary or container with all test code or data compiled in. can be run with flags controlling which tests are executed, against which environment, passing in additional test data / configuration, etc - Similar to "system-level" or acceptance tests of the product ## framework Test framework for common configuration that can be consumed in any other type of test. provides: - Access and auth to a full test Edge environment, or individual internal/external services for integration testing see [rfc](https://docs.edge-infra.dev/rfc/archived/testing/#framework) for more information