
Source file src/edge-infra.dev/pkg/sds/emergencyaccess/msgsvc/interfaces.go

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/pkg/sds/emergencyaccess/msgsvc

     1  package msgsvc
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"time"
     6  )
     8  // This file defines a set of interfaces that wrap the actual pub sub implementation
     9  // This enables much easier unit testing of msgsvc public functions, without
    10  // depending on the actual pub sub implementation
    12  // Each type from pubsub that we require should have an associated interface
    13  // defined in this file. Methods associated with these interfaces should always
    14  // return an interface defined in here or a stdlib type.
    15  // msgsvc.go should never directly depend on pubsub types.
    16  // Once an interface is defined in this file, an associated struct should be
    17  // created in pubsub.go, which wraps the associated pubsub type and implements
    18  // the interface defined here. Only pubsub.go should depend on the pubsub library
    19  // If access to fields on pubsub types is required, a getter/setter should be
    20  // added to the interface definition here, and implemented in the wrapper struct
    21  // in pubsub.go, e.g. the SetOrdering method on topicInt interface
    22  // Interfaces should be named `<unexported pubsub type>Itfc`, and the associated
    23  // wrapper struct should be named <unexported pubsub type>, e.g. for the pubsub
    24  // type `Client` the interface should be `clientInt` and the struct should be
    25  // `client`
    27  // struct wrappers in pubsub.go should be as simple as possible as only msgsvc.go
    28  // is unit tested, wrappers in pubsub.go should depend on integration testing to
    29  // verify their behaviour
    31  type publishResultItfc interface {
    32  	Get(ctx context.Context) (serverID string, err error)
    33  }
    35  type topicItfc interface {
    36  	Publish(ctx context.Context, msg messageItfc) publishResultItfc
    37  	SetOrdering(bool)
    38  	ID() string
    39  	Stop()
    40  }
    42  type subscriptionItfc interface {
    43  	Receive(context.Context, func(ctx context.Context, msg messageItfc)) error
    44  	Delete(context.Context) error
    45  }
    47  type subscriptionInProjecter interface {
    48  	SubscriptionInProject(id string, projectID string) subscriptionItfc
    49  }
    51  type topicInProjecter interface {
    52  	TopicInProject(id string, projectID string) topicItfc
    53  }
    55  type clientItfc interface {
    56  	subscriptionInProjecter
    57  	topicInProjecter
    58  	CreateSubscription(context.Context, string, subscriptionCfg) (subscriptionItfc, error)
    59  }
    61  type messageItfc interface {
    62  	Ack()
    63  	Nack()
    64  	ID() string
    65  	Data() []byte
    66  	Attributes() map[string]string
    67  	OrderingKey() string
    68  	SetOrderingKey(key string)
    69  }
    71  type subscriptionCfg struct {
    72  	topicName         string
    73  	projectID         string
    74  	retentionDuration time.Duration
    75  	expirationPolicy  time.Duration
    76  	filter            string
    77  }

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