
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/pkg/sds/emergencyaccess/ea_integration/v2/README.md

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/pkg/sds/emergencyaccess/ea_integration/v2

     1## Running the tests on a kind cluster
     2Following are the instructions for running the test on a local kind cluster
     41. Ensure your kubectl context is set to `kind-edge`
     51. Ensure you have a postgres service accessible with configuration for connection from within k8s https://wiki.edge-infra.dev/dev/testing/running
     61. Add the following flags to your `test/f2/config.json` file. This step will only need to be done once.
     7    ```json
     8    {
     9        "integration-level": 2,
    10    }
    11    ```
    131. Push gcloud sdk to local registry. This step will only need to be done once
    14    ```bash
    15    just push --bazel-configs=local //hack/deps:gcloud_container_push
    16    ```
    181. Push services to local registry:
    20    ```bash
    21    just push  -v=100 --bazel-configs=local cmd/sds/emergencyaccess/userservice/...
    22    just push  -v=100 --bazel-configs=local cmd/sds/emergencyaccess/authservice/...
    23    just push  -v=100 --bazel-configs=local cmd/sds/emergencyaccess/rulesengine/...
    24    just push  -v=100 --bazel-configs=local cmd/sds/emergencyaccess/eagateway/...
    25    just push --bazel-configs=local pkg/sds/emergencyaccess/ea_integration/v2/mockbffserver:container_push
    26    just push --bazel-configs=local cmd/edge/auth-proxy:container_push
    27    ```
    291. Run the tests:
    30    ```bash
    31    rosa --config test/f2/config.json pkg/sds/emergencyaccess/ea_integration/v2/... --workloads_repo=localhost:21700
    32    ```

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