package ini import ( "bytes" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" ) type testNested struct { Cities []string `delim:"|"` Visits []time.Time Years []int Numbers []int64 Ages []uint Populations []uint64 Coordinates []float64 Flags []bool Note string Unused int `ini:"-"` } type TestEmbeded struct { GPA float64 } type testStruct struct { Name string `ini:"NAME"` Age int Male bool Money float64 Born time.Time Time time.Duration `ini:"Duration"` OldVersionTime time.Duration Others testNested OthersPtr *testNested NilPtr *testNested *TestEmbeded `ini:"grade"` Unused int `ini:"-"` Unsigned uint Omitted bool `ini:"omitthis,omitempty"` Shadows []string `ini:",allowshadow"` ShadowInts []int `ini:"Shadows,allowshadow"` BoolPtr *bool BoolPtrNil *bool FloatPtr *float64 FloatPtrNil *float64 IntPtr *int IntPtrNil *int UintPtr *uint UintPtrNil *uint StringPtr *string StringPtrNil *string TimePtr *time.Time TimePtrNil *time.Time DurationPtr *time.Duration DurationPtrNil *time.Duration } type testInterface struct { Address string ListenPort int PrivateKey string } type testPeer struct { PublicKey string PresharedKey string AllowedIPs []string `delim:","` } type testNonUniqueSectionsStruct struct { Interface testInterface Peer []testPeer `ini:",nonunique"` } type BaseStruct struct { Base bool } type testExtend struct { BaseStruct `ini:",extends"` Extend bool } const confDataStruct = ` NAME = Unknwon Age = 21 Male = true Money = 1.25 Born = 1993-10-07T20:17:05Z Duration = 2h45m OldVersionTime = 30 Unsigned = 3 omitthis = true Shadows = 1, 2 Shadows = 3, 4 BoolPtr = false FloatPtr = 0 IntPtr = 0 UintPtr = 0 StringPtr = "" TimePtr = 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z DurationPtr = 0s [Others] Cities = HangZhou|Boston Visits = 1993-10-07T20:17:05Z, 1993-10-07T20:17:05Z Years = 1993,1994 Numbers = 10010,10086 Ages = 18,19 Populations = 12345678,98765432 Coordinates = 192.168,10.11 Flags = true,false Note = Hello world! [OthersPtr] Cities = HangZhou|Boston Visits = 1993-10-07T20:17:05Z, 1993-10-07T20:17:05Z Years = 1993,1994 Numbers = 10010,10086 Ages = 18,19 Populations = 12345678,98765432 Coordinates = 192.168,10.11 Flags = true,false Note = Hello world! [grade] GPA = 2.8 [] Here = there When = then [extended] Base = true Extend = true ` const confNonUniqueSectionDataStruct = `[Interface] Address = ListenPort = 34777 PrivateKey = privServerKey [Peer] PublicKey = pubClientKey PresharedKey = psKey AllowedIPs =,fd00:2::2/128 [Peer] PublicKey = pubClientKey2 PresharedKey = psKey2 AllowedIPs =,fd00:2::3/128 ` type unsupport struct { Byte byte } type unsupport2 struct { Others struct { Cities byte } } type Unsupport3 struct { Cities byte } type unsupport4 struct { *Unsupport3 `ini:"Others"` } type defaultValue struct { Name string Age int Male bool Optional *bool Money float64 Born time.Time Cities []string } type fooBar struct { Here, When string } const invalidDataConfStruct = ` Name = Age = age Male = 123 Money = money Born = nil Cities = ` func Test_MapToStruct(t *testing.T) { t.Run("map to struct", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("map file to struct", func(t *testing.T) { ts := new(testStruct) assert.NoError(t, MapTo(ts, []byte(confDataStruct))) assert.Equal(t, "Unknwon", ts.Name) assert.Equal(t, 21, ts.Age) assert.True(t, ts.Male) assert.Equal(t, 1.25, ts.Money) assert.Equal(t, uint(3), ts.Unsigned) ti, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "1993-10-07T20:17:05Z") require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, ti.String(), ts.Born.String()) dur, err := time.ParseDuration("2h45m") require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, dur.Seconds(), ts.Time.Seconds()) assert.Equal(t, 30*time.Second, ts.OldVersionTime*time.Second) assert.Equal(t, "HangZhou,Boston", strings.Join(ts.Others.Cities, ",")) assert.Equal(t, ti.String(), ts.Others.Visits[0].String()) assert.Equal(t, "[1993 1994]", fmt.Sprint(ts.Others.Years)) assert.Equal(t, "[10010 10086]", fmt.Sprint(ts.Others.Numbers)) assert.Equal(t, "[18 19]", fmt.Sprint(ts.Others.Ages)) assert.Equal(t, "[12345678 98765432]", fmt.Sprint(ts.Others.Populations)) assert.Equal(t, "[192.168 10.11]", fmt.Sprint(ts.Others.Coordinates)) assert.Equal(t, "[true false]", fmt.Sprint(ts.Others.Flags)) assert.Equal(t, "Hello world!", ts.Others.Note) assert.Equal(t, 2.8, ts.TestEmbeded.GPA) assert.Equal(t, "HangZhou,Boston", strings.Join(ts.OthersPtr.Cities, ",")) assert.Equal(t, ti.String(), ts.OthersPtr.Visits[0].String()) assert.Equal(t, "[1993 1994]", fmt.Sprint(ts.OthersPtr.Years)) assert.Equal(t, "[10010 10086]", fmt.Sprint(ts.OthersPtr.Numbers)) assert.Equal(t, "[18 19]", fmt.Sprint(ts.OthersPtr.Ages)) assert.Equal(t, "[12345678 98765432]", fmt.Sprint(ts.OthersPtr.Populations)) assert.Equal(t, "[192.168 10.11]", fmt.Sprint(ts.OthersPtr.Coordinates)) assert.Equal(t, "[true false]", fmt.Sprint(ts.OthersPtr.Flags)) assert.Equal(t, "Hello world!", ts.OthersPtr.Note) assert.Nil(t, ts.NilPtr) assert.Equal(t, false, *ts.BoolPtr) assert.Nil(t, ts.BoolPtrNil) assert.Equal(t, float64(0), *ts.FloatPtr) assert.Nil(t, ts.FloatPtrNil) assert.Equal(t, 0, *ts.IntPtr) assert.Nil(t, ts.IntPtrNil) assert.Equal(t, uint(0), *ts.UintPtr) assert.Nil(t, ts.UintPtrNil) assert.Equal(t, "", *ts.StringPtr) assert.Nil(t, ts.StringPtrNil) assert.NotNil(t, *ts.TimePtr) assert.Nil(t, ts.TimePtrNil) assert.Equal(t, time.Duration(0), *ts.DurationPtr) assert.Nil(t, ts.DurationPtrNil) }) t.Run("map section to struct", func(t *testing.T) { foobar := new(fooBar) f, err := Load([]byte(confDataStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) assert.NoError(t, f.Section("").MapTo(foobar)) assert.Equal(t, "there", foobar.Here) assert.Equal(t, "then", foobar.When) }) t.Run("map to non-pointer struct", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := Load([]byte(confDataStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, f) assert.Error(t, f.MapTo(testStruct{})) }) t.Run("map to unsupported type", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := Load([]byte(confDataStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, f) f.NameMapper = func(raw string) string { if raw == "Byte" { return "NAME" } return raw } assert.Error(t, f.MapTo(&unsupport{})) assert.Error(t, f.MapTo(&unsupport2{})) assert.Error(t, f.MapTo(&unsupport4{})) }) t.Run("map to omitempty field", func(t *testing.T) { ts := new(testStruct) assert.NoError(t, MapTo(ts, []byte(confDataStruct))) assert.Equal(t, true, ts.Omitted) }) t.Run("map with shadows", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{AllowShadows: true}, []byte(confDataStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) ts := new(testStruct) assert.NoError(t, f.MapTo(ts)) assert.Equal(t, "1 2 3 4", strings.Join(ts.Shadows, " ")) assert.Equal(t, "[1 2 3 4]", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ts.ShadowInts)) }) t.Run("map from invalid data source", func(t *testing.T) { assert.Error(t, MapTo(&testStruct{}, "hi")) }) t.Run("map to wrong types and gain default values", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := Load([]byte(invalidDataConfStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) ti, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "1993-10-07T20:17:05Z") require.NoError(t, err) dv := &defaultValue{"Joe", 10, true, nil, 1.25, ti, []string{"HangZhou", "Boston"}} assert.NoError(t, f.MapTo(dv)) assert.Equal(t, "Joe", dv.Name) assert.Equal(t, 10, dv.Age) assert.True(t, dv.Male) assert.Equal(t, 1.25, dv.Money) assert.Equal(t, ti.String(), dv.Born.String()) assert.Equal(t, "HangZhou,Boston", strings.Join(dv.Cities, ",")) }) t.Run("map to extended base", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := Load([]byte(confDataStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, f) te := testExtend{} assert.NoError(t, f.Section("extended").MapTo(&te)) assert.True(t, te.Base) assert.True(t, te.Extend) }) }) t.Run("map to struct in strict mode", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := Load([]byte(` name=bruce age=a30`)) require.NoError(t, err) type Strict struct { Name string `ini:"name"` Age int `ini:"age"` } s := new(Strict) assert.Error(t, f.Section("").StrictMapTo(s)) }) t.Run("map slice in strict mode", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := Load([]byte(` names=alice, bruce`)) require.NoError(t, err) type Strict struct { Names []string `ini:"names"` } s := new(Strict) assert.NoError(t, f.Section("").StrictMapTo(s)) assert.Equal(t, "[alice bruce]", fmt.Sprint(s.Names)) }) } func Test_MapToStructNonUniqueSections(t *testing.T) { t.Run("map to struct non unique", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("map file to struct non unique", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{AllowNonUniqueSections: true}, []byte(confNonUniqueSectionDataStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) ts := new(testNonUniqueSectionsStruct) assert.NoError(t, f.MapTo(ts)) assert.Equal(t, "", ts.Interface.Address) assert.Equal(t, 34777, ts.Interface.ListenPort) assert.Equal(t, "privServerKey", ts.Interface.PrivateKey) assert.Equal(t, "pubClientKey", ts.Peer[0].PublicKey) assert.Equal(t, "psKey", ts.Peer[0].PresharedKey) assert.Equal(t, "", ts.Peer[0].AllowedIPs[0]) assert.Equal(t, "fd00:2::2/128", ts.Peer[0].AllowedIPs[1]) assert.Equal(t, "pubClientKey2", ts.Peer[1].PublicKey) assert.Equal(t, "psKey2", ts.Peer[1].PresharedKey) assert.Equal(t, "", ts.Peer[1].AllowedIPs[0]) assert.Equal(t, "fd00:2::3/128", ts.Peer[1].AllowedIPs[1]) }) t.Run("map non unique section to struct", func(t *testing.T) { newPeer := new(testPeer) newPeerSlice := make([]testPeer, 0) f, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{AllowNonUniqueSections: true}, []byte(confNonUniqueSectionDataStruct)) require.NoError(t, err) // try only first one assert.NoError(t, f.Section("Peer").MapTo(newPeer)) assert.Equal(t, "pubClientKey", newPeer.PublicKey) assert.Equal(t, "psKey", newPeer.PresharedKey) assert.Equal(t, "", newPeer.AllowedIPs[0]) assert.Equal(t, "fd00:2::2/128", newPeer.AllowedIPs[1]) // try all assert.NoError(t, f.Section("Peer").MapTo(&newPeerSlice)) assert.Equal(t, "pubClientKey", newPeerSlice[0].PublicKey) assert.Equal(t, "psKey", newPeerSlice[0].PresharedKey) assert.Equal(t, "", newPeerSlice[0].AllowedIPs[0]) assert.Equal(t, "fd00:2::2/128", newPeerSlice[0].AllowedIPs[1]) assert.Equal(t, "pubClientKey2", newPeerSlice[1].PublicKey) assert.Equal(t, "psKey2", newPeerSlice[1].PresharedKey) assert.Equal(t, "", newPeerSlice[1].AllowedIPs[0]) assert.Equal(t, "fd00:2::3/128", newPeerSlice[1].AllowedIPs[1]) }) t.Run("map non unique sections with subsections to struct", func(t *testing.T) { iniFile, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{AllowNonUniqueSections: true}, strings.NewReader(` [Section] FieldInSubSection = 1 FieldInSubSection2 = 2 FieldInSection = 3 [Section] FieldInSubSection = 4 FieldInSubSection2 = 5 FieldInSection = 6 `)) require.NoError(t, err) type SubSection struct { FieldInSubSection string `ini:"FieldInSubSection"` } type SubSection2 struct { FieldInSubSection2 string `ini:"FieldInSubSection2"` } type Section struct { SubSection `ini:"Section"` SubSection2 `ini:"Section"` FieldInSection string `ini:"FieldInSection"` } type File struct { Sections []Section `ini:"Section,nonunique"` } f := new(File) err = iniFile.MapTo(f) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "1", f.Sections[0].FieldInSubSection) assert.Equal(t, "2", f.Sections[0].FieldInSubSection2) assert.Equal(t, "3", f.Sections[0].FieldInSection) assert.Equal(t, "4", f.Sections[1].FieldInSubSection) assert.Equal(t, "5", f.Sections[1].FieldInSubSection2) assert.Equal(t, "6", f.Sections[1].FieldInSection) }) }) } func Test_ReflectFromStruct(t *testing.T) { t.Run("reflect from struct", func(t *testing.T) { type Embeded struct { Dates []time.Time `delim:"|" comment:"Time data"` Places []string Years []int Numbers []int64 Ages []uint Populations []uint64 Coordinates []float64 Flags []bool None []int } type Author struct { Name string `ini:"NAME"` Male bool Optional *bool Age int `comment:"Author's age"` Height uint GPA float64 Date time.Time NeverMind string `ini:"-"` ignored string *Embeded `ini:"infos" comment:"Embeded section"` } ti, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "1993-10-07T20:17:05Z") require.NoError(t, err) a := &Author{"Unknwon", true, nil, 21, 100, 2.8, ti, "", "ignored", &Embeded{ []time.Time{ti, ti}, []string{"HangZhou", "Boston"}, []int{1993, 1994}, []int64{10010, 10086}, []uint{18, 19}, []uint64{12345678, 98765432}, []float64{192.168, 10.11}, []bool{true, false}, []int{}, }} cfg := Empty() assert.NoError(t, ReflectFrom(cfg, a)) var buf bytes.Buffer _, err = cfg.WriteTo(&buf) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, `NAME = Unknwon Male = true Optional = ; Author's age Age = 21 Height = 100 GPA = 2.8 Date = 1993-10-07T20:17:05Z ; Embeded section [infos] ; Time data Dates = 1993-10-07T20:17:05Z|1993-10-07T20:17:05Z Places = HangZhou,Boston Years = 1993,1994 Numbers = 10010,10086 Ages = 18,19 Populations = 12345678,98765432 Coordinates = 192.168,10.11 Flags = true,false None = `, buf.String(), ) t.Run("reflect from non-point struct", func(t *testing.T) { assert.Error(t, ReflectFrom(cfg, Author{})) }) t.Run("reflect from struct with omitempty", func(t *testing.T) { cfg := Empty() type SpecialStruct struct { FirstName string `ini:"first_name"` LastName string `ini:"last_name,omitempty"` JustOmitMe string `ini:"omitempty"` LastLogin time.Time `ini:"last_login,omitempty"` LastLogin2 time.Time `ini:",omitempty"` NotEmpty int `ini:"omitempty"` Number int64 `ini:",omitempty"` Ages uint `ini:",omitempty"` Population uint64 `ini:",omitempty"` Coordinate float64 `ini:",omitempty"` Flag bool `ini:",omitempty"` Note *string `ini:",omitempty"` } special := &SpecialStruct{ FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe", NotEmpty: 9, } assert.NoError(t, ReflectFrom(cfg, special)) var buf bytes.Buffer _, err = cfg.WriteTo(&buf) assert.Equal(t, `first_name = John last_name = Doe omitempty = 9 `, buf.String(), ) }) t.Run("reflect from struct with non-anonymous structure pointer", func(t *testing.T) { cfg := Empty() type Rpc struct { Enable bool `ini:"enable"` Type string `ini:"type"` Address string `ini:"addr"` Name string `ini:"name"` } type Cfg struct { Rpc *Rpc `ini:"rpc"` } config := &Cfg{ Rpc: &Rpc{ Enable: true, Type: "type", Address: "address", Name: "name", }, } assert.NoError(t, cfg.ReflectFrom(config)) var buf bytes.Buffer _, err = cfg.WriteTo(&buf) assert.Equal(t, `[rpc] enable = true type = type addr = address name = name `, buf.String(), ) }) }) } func Test_ReflectFromStructNonUniqueSections(t *testing.T) { t.Run("reflect from struct with non unique sections", func(t *testing.T) { nonUnique := &testNonUniqueSectionsStruct{ Interface: testInterface{ Address: "", ListenPort: 34777, PrivateKey: "privServerKey", }, Peer: []testPeer{ { PublicKey: "pubClientKey", PresharedKey: "psKey", AllowedIPs: []string{",fd00:2::2/128"}, }, { PublicKey: "pubClientKey2", PresharedKey: "psKey2", AllowedIPs: []string{",fd00:2::3/128"}, }, }, } cfg := Empty(LoadOptions{ AllowNonUniqueSections: true, }) assert.NoError(t, ReflectFrom(cfg, nonUnique)) var buf bytes.Buffer _, err := cfg.WriteTo(&buf) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, confNonUniqueSectionDataStruct, buf.String()) // note: using ReflectFrom from should overwrite the existing sections err = cfg.Section("Peer").ReflectFrom([]*testPeer{ { PublicKey: "pubClientKey3", PresharedKey: "psKey3", AllowedIPs: []string{",fd00:2::4/128"}, }, { PublicKey: "pubClientKey4", PresharedKey: "psKey4", AllowedIPs: []string{",fd00:2::5/128"}, }, }) require.NoError(t, err) buf = bytes.Buffer{} _, err = cfg.WriteTo(&buf) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, `[Interface] Address = ListenPort = 34777 PrivateKey = privServerKey [Peer] PublicKey = pubClientKey3 PresharedKey = psKey3 AllowedIPs =,fd00:2::4/128 [Peer] PublicKey = pubClientKey4 PresharedKey = psKey4 AllowedIPs =,fd00:2::5/128 `, buf.String(), ) // note: using ReflectFrom from should overwrite the existing sections err = cfg.Section("Peer").ReflectFrom(&testPeer{ PublicKey: "pubClientKey5", PresharedKey: "psKey5", AllowedIPs: []string{",fd00:2::6/128"}, }) require.NoError(t, err) buf = bytes.Buffer{} _, err = cfg.WriteTo(&buf) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, `[Interface] Address = ListenPort = 34777 PrivateKey = privServerKey [Peer] PublicKey = pubClientKey5 PresharedKey = psKey5 AllowedIPs =,fd00:2::6/128 `, buf.String(), ) }) } // Inspired by func TestMapToAndReflectFromStructWithShadows(t *testing.T) { t.Run("map to struct and then reflect with shadows should generate original config content", func(t *testing.T) { type include struct { Paths []string `ini:"path,omitempty,allowshadow"` } cfg, err := LoadSources(LoadOptions{ AllowShadows: true, }, []byte(` [include] path = /tmp/gpm-profiles/test5.profile path = /tmp/gpm-profiles/test1.profile`)) require.NoError(t, err) sec := cfg.Section("include") inc := new(include) err = sec.MapTo(inc) require.NoError(t, err) err = sec.ReflectFrom(inc) require.NoError(t, err) var buf bytes.Buffer _, err = cfg.WriteTo(&buf) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, `[include] path = /tmp/gpm-profiles/test5.profile path = /tmp/gpm-profiles/test1.profile `, buf.String(), ) t.Run("reflect from struct with shadows", func(t *testing.T) { cfg := Empty(LoadOptions{ AllowShadows: true, }) type ShadowStruct struct { StringArray []string `ini:"sa,allowshadow"` EmptyStringArrat []string `ini:"empty,omitempty,allowshadow"` Allowshadow []string `ini:"allowshadow,allowshadow"` Dates []time.Time `ini:",allowshadow"` Places []string `ini:",allowshadow"` Years []int `ini:",allowshadow"` Numbers []int64 `ini:",allowshadow"` Ages []uint `ini:",allowshadow"` Populations []uint64 `ini:",allowshadow"` Coordinates []float64 `ini:",allowshadow"` Flags []bool `ini:",allowshadow"` None []int `ini:",allowshadow"` } shadow := &ShadowStruct{ StringArray: []string{"s1", "s2"}, Allowshadow: []string{"s3", "s4"}, Dates: []time.Time{time.Date(2020, 9, 12, 00, 00, 00, 651387237, time.UTC), time.Date(2020, 9, 12, 00, 00, 00, 651387237, time.UTC)}, Places: []string{"HangZhou", "Boston"}, Years: []int{1993, 1994}, Numbers: []int64{10010, 10086}, Ages: []uint{18, 19}, Populations: []uint64{12345678, 98765432}, Coordinates: []float64{192.168, 10.11}, Flags: []bool{true, false}, None: []int{}, } assert.NoError(t, ReflectFrom(cfg, shadow)) var buf bytes.Buffer _, err := cfg.WriteTo(&buf) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, `sa = s1 sa = s2 allowshadow = s3 allowshadow = s4 Dates = 2020-09-12T00:00:00Z Places = HangZhou Places = Boston Years = 1993 Years = 1994 Numbers = 10010 Numbers = 10086 Ages = 18 Ages = 19 Populations = 12345678 Populations = 98765432 Coordinates = 192.168 Coordinates = 10.11 Flags = true Flags = false None = `, buf.String(), ) }) }) } type testMapper struct { PackageName string } func Test_NameGetter(t *testing.T) { t.Run("test name mappers", func(t *testing.T) { assert.NoError(t, MapToWithMapper(&testMapper{}, TitleUnderscore, []byte("packag_name=ini"))) cfg, err := Load([]byte("PACKAGE_NAME=ini")) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, cfg) cfg.NameMapper = SnackCase tg := new(testMapper) assert.NoError(t, cfg.MapTo(tg)) assert.Equal(t, "ini", tg.PackageName) }) } type testDurationStruct struct { Duration time.Duration `ini:"Duration"` } func Test_Duration(t *testing.T) { t.Run("duration less than 16m50s", func(t *testing.T) { ds := new(testDurationStruct) assert.NoError(t, MapTo(ds, []byte("Duration=16m49s"))) dur, err := time.ParseDuration("16m49s") require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, dur.Seconds(), ds.Duration.Seconds()) }) } type Employer struct { Name string Title string } type Employers []*Employer func (es Employers) ReflectINIStruct(f *File) error { for _, e := range es { f.Section(e.Name).Key("Title").SetValue(e.Title) } return nil } // Inspired by func Test_StructReflector(t *testing.T) { t.Run("reflect with StructReflector interface", func(t *testing.T) { p := &struct { FirstName string Employer Employers }{ FirstName: "Andrew", Employer: []*Employer{ { Name: `Employer "VMware"`, Title: "Staff II Engineer", }, { Name: `Employer "EMC"`, Title: "Consultant Engineer", }, }, } f := Empty() assert.NoError(t, f.ReflectFrom(p)) var buf bytes.Buffer _, err := f.WriteTo(&buf) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, `FirstName = Andrew [Employer "VMware"] Title = Staff II Engineer [Employer "EMC"] Title = Consultant Engineer `, buf.String(), ) }) }