1 package metrics
3 import (
4 "encoding/json"
5 "text/template"
7 "edge-infra.dev/pkg/lib/gcp/monitoring/monutil"
8 )
10 const (
11 metricDescriptor = `{{ "Metric Descriptor" | white }}
12 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
13 {{ "Name :" | white }} {{ .Name | green }}
14 {{ "Type :" | white }} {{ .Type | cyan }}
15 {{ "Metric Kind :" | white }} {{ .MetricKind | magenta }}
16 {{ "Value Type :" | white }} {{ .ValueType | blue }}
17 {{ "Labels :" | white }} {{ range .Labels }}{{ . | yellow }}
18 {{ end }}
19 `
21 metricList = `{{ "Metric Descriptors Listed by Metric Type" | white }}
22 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
23 {{ range . }}
24 {{ "Metric Type :" | white | bold }} {{ .Type | cyan }}
25 {{ "Projects" | white }}{{ range .Projects }}
26 {{ " - Project :" | white }} {{ .ID | green }}
27 {{ " Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .Labels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | yellow }}{{ end }}
28 {{ end }}
29 {{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
30 {{ end }}
31 `
33 projectList = `{{ "Metric Descriptors Listed by Project ID" | white }}
34 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
35 {{ range . }}
36 {{ "Project ID :" | white | bold }} {{ .ID | green }}
37 {{ "Metric Types" | white }}{{ range .Metrics }}
38 {{ " - Type :" | white }} {{ .Type | cyan }}
39 {{ " Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .Labels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | yellow }}{{ end }}
40 {{ end }}
41 {{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
42 {{ end }}
43 `
45 labelList = `{{ range . }}
46 {{ "Label Name :" | white | bold }} {{ .Name | yellow }}
47 {{ "Metric Types" | white }}{{ range .Metrics }}
48 {{ " - Type :" | white }} {{ .Type | cyan }}
49 {{ " Projects :" | white }} {{ range .Projects }}{{ .ID | green }}
50 {{ end }}
51 {{ end }}
52 {{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
53 {{ end }}
54 `
56 descriptorList = `{{ "Metric Descriptors List" | white }}
57 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
58 {{ range .Descriptor }}
59 {{ "Name :" | white }} {{ .Name | green }}
60 {{ "Type :" | white }} {{ .Type | cyan }}
61 {{ "Metric Kind :" | white }} {{ .MetricKind | magenta }}
62 {{ "Value Type :" | white }} {{ .ValueType | blue }}
63 {{ "Labels :" | white }} {{ range .Labels }}{{ . | yellow }}
64 {{ end }}
65 {{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
66 {{ end }}
67 `
69 metricCompare = `{{ "Metric Descriptors Compared by Metric Type" | white }}
70 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
71 {{ range . }}
72 {{ "Metric Type :" | white | bold }} {{ .Type | cyan }}{{ if .CommonLabels }}
73 {{ "Common Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .CommonLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | yellow }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
74 {{ "Diff Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .DiffLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | red }}{{ end }}
75 {{ "Projects" | white }}{{ range .Projects }}
76 {{ " - Project ID :" | white }} {{ .ID | green }}{{ if .DiffLabels }}
77 {{ " Diff Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .DiffLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | red }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
78 {{ end }}
79 {{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
80 {{ end }}
81 `
83 projectCompare = `{{ "Metric Descriptors Compared by Project ID" | white }}
84 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
85 {{ range . }}
86 {{ "Project ID :" | white | bold }} {{ .ID | green }}
87 {{ "Metric Types" | white }}{{ range .Metrics }}
88 {{ " - Type :" | white }} {{ .Type | cyan }}{{ if .CommonLabels }}
89 {{ " Common Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .CommonLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | yellow }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ if .DiffLabels }}
90 {{ " Diff Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .DiffLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | red }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
91 {{ end }}
92 {{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
93 {{ end }}
94 `
96 descriptorCompare = `{{ "Metric Descriptors Compared" | white }}
97 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
98 {{ range .Descriptor }}
99 {{ "Name :" | white }} {{ .Name | green }}
100 {{ "Type :" | white }} {{ .Type | cyan }}
101 {{ "Metric Kind :" | white }} {{ .MetricKind | magenta }}
102 {{ "Value Type :" | white }} {{ .ValueType | blue }}{{ if .CommonLabels }}
103 {{ "Common Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .CommonLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | yellow }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ if .DiffLabels }}
104 {{ "Diff Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .DiffLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | red }}{{ end }}
105 {{ end }}
106 {{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
107 {{ end }}
108 `
110 alignReport = `{{ "Metric Descriptor Align - Post Action Report" | white }}
111 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
112 {{ "Misaligned :" | white }} {{ .Misaligned | yellow }}
113 {{ "Attempted :" | white }} {{ .Attempted | blue }}
114 {{ "Completed :" | white }} {{ .Completed | green }}
116 {{ if .Skipped }}{{ "Skipped : " | white }}{{ range .Skipped }}{{ . | yellow }}
117 {{ end }}{{ end }}
118 {{ if .Aligned }}{{ "Aligned : " | white }}{{ range .Aligned }}{{ . | green }}
119 {{ end }}{{ end }}
120 {{ if .Failed }}{{ "Failed : " | white }}{{ range .Failed }}{{ . | red }}
121 {{ end }}{{ end }}
122 `
124 deleteReport = `{{ "Metric Descriptor Delete - Post Action Report" | white }}
125 {{ "================================================================================" | white }}
126 {{ "Attempted :" | white }} {{ .Attempted | cyan }}
127 {{ "Completed :" | white }} {{ .Completed | green }}
128 {{ if .Skipped }}{{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
129 {{ "Skipped : " }}{{ range .Skipped }}{{ . | yellow }}
130 {{ end }}{{ end }}
131 {{ if .Deleted }}{{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
132 {{ "Deleted : " }}{{ range .Deleted }}{{ . | green }}
133 {{ end }}{{ end }}
134 {{ if .Failed }}{{ "--------------------------------------------------" | magenta }}
135 {{ "Failed : " }}{{ range .Failed }}{{ . | red }}
136 {{ end }}{{ end }}
137 `
139 alignConfirm = `
140 {{ "Descriptor :" | white }} {{ .Name | cyan }}
141 {{ "Common Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .CommonLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | yellow }}{{ end }}
142 {{ "Add Labels :" | white }} {{ $s := separator ", " }}{{ range .DiffLabels }}{{ call $s | white }}{{ . | green }}{{ end }}
144 {{"Do you wish to create a timeSeries entry to align above metric descriptor with the additional labels listed? " | white }}`
145 )
147 var (
148 tFuncMap = template.FuncMap{
149 "bold": monutil.Bold,
150 "italic": monutil.Italic,
151 "underline": monutil.Underline,
152 "white": monutil.White,
153 "red": monutil.Red,
154 "blue": monutil.Blue,
155 "green": monutil.Green,
156 "yellow": monutil.Yellow,
157 "cyan": monutil.Cyan,
158 "magenta": monutil.Magenta,
159 "separator": separator,
160 "jsonFormat": jsonFormat,
161 }
164 TmplJSON = template.Must(template.
165 New("templateJSON").
166 Funcs(tFuncMap).
167 Parse(`{{ . | jsonFormat }}`))
169 TmplDesc = template.Must(template.
170 New("templateMetricDescriptor").
171 Funcs(tFuncMap).
172 Parse(metricDescriptor))
174 TmplMetricList = template.Must(template.
175 New("templateMetricList").
176 Funcs(tFuncMap).
177 Parse(metricList))
179 TmplProjectList = template.Must(template.
180 New("templateProjectList").
181 Funcs(tFuncMap).
182 Parse(projectList))
184 TmplLabelList = template.Must(template.
185 New("templateLabelList").
186 Funcs(tFuncMap).
187 Parse(labelList))
189 TmplDescList = template.Must(template.
190 New("templateDescriptorList").
191 Funcs(tFuncMap).
192 Parse(descriptorList))
194 TmplMetricCompare = template.Must(template.
195 New("templateMetricCompare").
196 Funcs(tFuncMap).
197 Parse(metricCompare))
199 TmplProjectCompare = template.Must(template.
200 New("templateProjectCompare").
201 Funcs(tFuncMap).
202 Parse(projectCompare))
204 TmplDescCompare = template.Must(template.
205 New("templateDescriptorCompare").
206 Funcs(tFuncMap).
207 Parse(descriptorCompare))
209 TmplAlignReport = template.Must(template.
210 New("templateAlignReport").
211 Funcs(tFuncMap).
212 Parse(alignReport))
214 TmplDeleteReport = template.Must(template.
215 New("templateDeleteReport").
216 Funcs(tFuncMap).
217 Parse(deleteReport))
219 TmplAlignConfirm = template.Must(template.
220 New("templateAlignConfirm").
221 Funcs(tFuncMap).
222 Parse(alignConfirm))
223 )
226 func separator(s string) func() string {
227 i := -1
228 return func() string {
229 i++
230 if i == 0 {
231 return ""
232 }
233 return s
234 }
235 }
238 func jsonFormat(v interface{}) (string, error) {
239 b, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
240 if err != nil {
241 return "", err
242 }
243 return string(b), nil
244 }
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