package conditions import ( "testing" "time" . "" //nolint:revive // TODO(aw185176): remove "" "" "" metav1 "" "" "" ) func TestHasSameState(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) // same condition true2 := true1.DeepCopy() g.Expect(hasSameState(true1, true2)).To(BeTrue()) // different LastTransitionTime does not impact state true2 = true1.DeepCopy() true2.LastTransitionTime = metav1.NewTime(time.Date(1900, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)) g.Expect(hasSameState(true1, true2)).To(BeTrue()) // different ObservedGeneration does not impact state true2 = true1.DeepCopy() true2.ObservedGeneration = 1 g.Expect(hasSameState(true1, true2)).To(BeTrue()) // different Type, Status, Reason, and Message determine // different state true2 = true1.DeepCopy() true2.Type = "another type" g.Expect(hasSameState(true1, true2)).To(BeFalse()) true2 = true1.DeepCopy() true2.Status = metav1.ConditionFalse g.Expect(hasSameState(true1, true2)).To(BeFalse()) true2 = true1.DeepCopy() true2.Message = "another message" g.Expect(hasSameState(true1, true2)).To(BeFalse()) } func TestLexicographicLess(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) // alphabetical order of Type is respected a := TrueCondition("A", "", "") b := TrueCondition("B", "", "") g.Expect(lexicographicLess(a, b)).To(BeTrue()) a = TrueCondition("B", "", "") b = TrueCondition("A", "", "") g.Expect(lexicographicLess(a, b)).To(BeFalse()) // observed generation is respected a = TrueCondition("A", "", "") a.ObservedGeneration = 2 b = TrueCondition("B", "", "") b.ObservedGeneration = 2 g.Expect(lexicographicLess(a, b)).To(BeTrue()) a = TrueCondition("A", "", "") a.ObservedGeneration = 1 b = TrueCondition("B", "", "") b.ObservedGeneration = 2 g.Expect(lexicographicLess(a, b)).To(BeFalse()) a = TrueCondition("A", "", "") a.ObservedGeneration = 1 b = TrueCondition("B", "", "") b.ObservedGeneration = 0 g.Expect(lexicographicLess(a, b)).To(BeTrue()) // Disregard Type when observed generations aren't equal. c := TrueCondition("C", "", "") c.ObservedGeneration = 1 b = TrueCondition("B", "", "") b.ObservedGeneration = 0 g.Expect(lexicographicLess(c, b)).To(BeTrue()) // Stalled, Ready, and Reconciling conditions are threaded as an // exception and always go first. stalled := TrueCondition(status.StalledCondition, "", "") ready := FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "", "") reconciling := TrueCondition(status.ReconcilingCondition, "", "") g.Expect(lexicographicLess(stalled, ready)).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(lexicographicLess(ready, stalled)).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(lexicographicLess(reconciling, ready)).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(lexicographicLess(ready, reconciling)).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(lexicographicLess(stalled, reconciling)).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(lexicographicLess(reconciling, stalled)).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(lexicographicLess(ready, b)).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(lexicographicLess(b, ready)).To(BeFalse()) ready.ObservedGeneration = 1 b.ObservedGeneration = 2 g.Expect(lexicographicLess(ready, b)).To(BeTrue()) } func TestSet(t *testing.T) { a := TrueCondition("a", "", "") b := TrueCondition("b", "", "") ready := TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "", "") tests := []struct { name string to Setter condition *metav1.Condition want []metav1.Condition }{ { name: "Set adds a condition", to: setterWithConditions(), condition: a, want: conditionList(a), }, { name: "Set adds more conditions", to: setterWithConditions(a), condition: b, want: conditionList(a, b), }, { name: "Set does not duplicate existing conditions", to: setterWithConditions(a, b), condition: a, want: conditionList(a, b), }, { name: "Set sorts conditions in lexicographic order", to: setterWithConditions(b, a), condition: ready, want: conditionList(ready, a, b), }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) Set(, tt.condition) g.Expect( }) } } func TestSetLastTransitionTime(t *testing.T) { x := metav1.Date(2012, time.January, 1, 12, 15, 30, 5e8, time.UTC) foo := FalseCondition("foo", "reason foo", "message foo") fooWithLastTransitionTime := FalseCondition("foo", "reason foo", "message foo") fooWithLastTransitionTime.LastTransitionTime = x fooWithAnotherState := TrueCondition("foo", "", "") tests := []struct { name string to Setter new *metav1.Condition LastTransitionTimeCheck func(*WithT, metav1.Time) }{ { name: "Set a condition that does not exists should set the last transition time if not defined", to: setterWithConditions(), new: foo, LastTransitionTimeCheck: func(g *WithT, lastTransitionTime metav1.Time) { g.Expect(lastTransitionTime).ToNot(BeZero()) }, }, { name: "Set a condition that does not exists should preserve the last transition time if defined", to: setterWithConditions(), new: fooWithLastTransitionTime, LastTransitionTimeCheck: func(g *WithT, lastTransitionTime metav1.Time) { g.Expect(lastTransitionTime).To(Equal(x)) }, }, { name: "Set a condition that already exists with the same state should preserves the last transition time", to: setterWithConditions(fooWithLastTransitionTime), new: foo, LastTransitionTimeCheck: func(g *WithT, lastTransitionTime metav1.Time) { g.Expect(lastTransitionTime).To(Equal(x)) }, }, { name: "Set a condition that already exists but with different state should changes the last transition time", to: setterWithConditions(fooWithLastTransitionTime), new: fooWithAnotherState, LastTransitionTimeCheck: func(g *WithT, lastTransitionTime metav1.Time) { g.Expect(lastTransitionTime).ToNot(Equal(x)) }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) Set(, tt.LastTransitionTimeCheck(g, Get(, "foo").LastTransitionTime) }) } } func TestSetObservedGeneration(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) obj := &fobject.Fake{} x := metav1.Date(2012, time.January, 1, 12, 15, 30, 5e8, time.UTC) // Conditions with stale observed generation. foo1 := FalseCondition("foo1", "reasonFoo1", "messageFoo1") foo1.ObservedGeneration = 2 foo1.LastTransitionTime = x foo2 := TrueCondition("foo2", "reasonFoo2", "messageFoo2") foo2.ObservedGeneration = 3 foo2.LastTransitionTime = x // Object with higher generation and stale conditions. obj.Generation = 4 obj.SetConditions([]metav1.Condition{*foo1, *foo2}) // Ensure the conditions haven't updated. g.Expect(Get(obj, "foo1").ObservedGeneration).To(BeEquivalentTo(2)) g.Expect(Get(obj, "foo2").ObservedGeneration).To(BeEquivalentTo(3)) // Update the object's generation and Set the conditions without any state // change. obj.Generation = 5 Set(obj, foo1) Set(obj, foo2) // ObservedGeneration is updated but not the LastTransitionTime. g.Expect(Get(obj, "foo1").ObservedGeneration).To(BeEquivalentTo(5)) g.Expect(Get(obj, "foo1").LastTransitionTime).To(Equal(x)) g.Expect(Get(obj, "foo2").ObservedGeneration).To(BeEquivalentTo(5)) g.Expect(Get(obj, "foo2").LastTransitionTime).To(Equal(x)) } func TestMarkMethods(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) obj := &fobject.Fake{} // test MarkTrue MarkTrue(obj, "conditionFoo", "reasonFoo", "messageFoo") g.Expect(Get(obj, "conditionFoo")).To(HaveSameStateOf(&metav1.Condition{ Type: "conditionFoo", Status: metav1.ConditionTrue, Reason: "reasonFoo", Message: "messageFoo", })) // test MarkFalse MarkFalse(obj, "conditionBar", "reasonBar", "messageBar") g.Expect(Get(obj, "conditionBar")).To(HaveSameStateOf(&metav1.Condition{ Type: "conditionBar", Status: metav1.ConditionFalse, Reason: "reasonBar", Message: "messageBar", })) // test MarkUnknown MarkUnknown(obj, "conditionBaz", "reasonBaz", "messageBaz") g.Expect(Get(obj, "conditionBaz")).To(HaveSameStateOf(&metav1.Condition{ Type: "conditionBaz", Status: metav1.ConditionUnknown, Reason: "reasonBaz", Message: "messageBaz", })) // test MarkReconciling MarkTrue(obj, status.StalledCondition, "reasonStalled", "messageStalled") MarkReconciling(obj, "reasonReconciling", "messageReconciling") g.Expect(Get(obj, status.ReconcilingCondition)).To(HaveSameStateOf(&metav1.Condition{ Type: status.ReconcilingCondition, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue, Reason: "reasonReconciling", Message: "messageReconciling", })) g.Expect(IsUnknown(obj, status.StalledCondition)).To(BeTrue()) // test MarkStalled MarkTrue(obj, status.ReconcilingCondition, "reasonReconciling", "messageReconciling") MarkStalled(obj, "reasonStalled", "messageStalled") g.Expect(Get(obj, status.StalledCondition)).To(HaveSameStateOf(&metav1.Condition{ Type: status.StalledCondition, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue, Reason: "reasonStalled", Message: "messageStalled", })) g.Expect(IsUnknown(obj, status.ReconcilingCondition)).To(BeTrue()) } func TestSetSummary(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) target := setterWithConditions(TrueCondition("foo", "", "")) SetSummary(target, "test") g.Expect(Has(target, "test")).To(BeTrue()) } func TestSetMirror(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) source := getterWithConditions(TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "", "")) target := setterWithConditions() SetMirror(target, "foo", source) g.Expect(Has(target, "foo")).To(BeTrue()) } func TestSetAggregate(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) source1 := getterWithConditions(TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "", "")) source2 := getterWithConditions(TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "", "")) target := setterWithConditions() SetAggregate(target, "foo", []Getter{source1, source2}) g.Expect(Has(target, "foo")).To(BeTrue()) } func setterWithConditions(conditions ...*metav1.Condition) Setter { obj := &fobject.Fake{} obj.SetConditions(conditionList(conditions...)) return obj } func haveSameConditionsOf(expected []metav1.Condition) types.GomegaMatcher { return &ConditionsMatcher{ Expected: expected, } } type ConditionsMatcher struct { Expected []metav1.Condition } func (matcher *ConditionsMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error) { actualConditions, ok := actual.([]metav1.Condition) if !ok { return false, errors.New("Value should be a conditions list") } if len(actualConditions) != len(matcher.Expected) { return false, nil } for i := range actualConditions { if !hasSameState(&actualConditions[i], &matcher.Expected[i]) { return false, nil } } return true, nil } func (matcher *ConditionsMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { return format.Message(actual, "to have the same conditions of", matcher.Expected) } func (matcher *ConditionsMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string) { return format.Message(actual, "not to have the same conditions of", matcher.Expected) }