package conditions import ( "testing" fuzz "" . "" //nolint:revive // TODO(aw185176): remove metav1 "" "" "" ) var ( nil1 *metav1.Condition true1 = TrueCondition("true1", "reason true1", "message true1") unknown1 = UnknownCondition("unknown1", "reason unknown1", "message unknown1") false1 = FalseCondition("false1", "reason false1", "message false1") readyTrue = TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason readyTrue", "message readyTrue") readyFalse = FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason readyFalse", "message readyFalse") stalledTrue = TrueCondition(status.StalledCondition, "reason stalledTrue", "message stalledTrue") stalledFalse = FalseCondition(status.StalledCondition, "reason stalledFalse", "message stalledFalse") reconcilingTrue = TrueCondition(status.ReconcilingCondition, "reason reconcilingTrue", "message reconcilingTrue") ) func TestGetAndHas(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) obj := &fobject.Fake{} g.Expect(Has(obj, "conditionBaz")).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(Get(obj, "conditionBaz")).To(BeNil()) obj.SetConditions(conditionList(TrueCondition("conditionBaz", "", ""))) g.Expect(Has(obj, "conditionBaz")).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(Get(obj, "conditionBaz")).To(HaveSameStateOf(TrueCondition("conditionBaz", "", ""))) Set(obj, FalseCondition("conditionFoo", "", "")) g.Expect(HasAny(obj, []string{"conditionFoo", "conditionX"})).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(HasAny(obj, []string{"conditionY", "conditionBaz"})).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(HasAny(obj, []string{"conditionX", "conditionY"})).To(BeFalse()) } func TestIsMethods(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) false2 := false1.DeepCopy() false2.Type = "false2" false2.ObservedGeneration = 1 obj := getterWithConditions(nil1, true1, unknown1, false1, false2) // test isTrue g.Expect(IsTrue(obj, "nil1")).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsTrue(obj, "true1")).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(IsTrue(obj, "false1")).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsTrue(obj, "unknown1")).To(BeFalse()) // test isFalse g.Expect(IsFalse(obj, "nil1")).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsFalse(obj, "true1")).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsFalse(obj, "false1")).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(IsFalse(obj, "unknown1")).To(BeFalse()) // test isUnknown g.Expect(IsUnknown(obj, "nil1")).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(IsUnknown(obj, "true1")).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsUnknown(obj, "false1")).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsUnknown(obj, "unknown1")).To(BeTrue()) // test GetReason g.Expect(GetReason(obj, "nil1")).To(Equal("")) g.Expect(GetReason(obj, "false1")).To(Equal("reason false1")) // test GetMessage g.Expect(GetMessage(obj, "nil1")).To(Equal("")) g.Expect(GetMessage(obj, "false1")).To(Equal("message false1")) // test GetLastTransitionTime g.Expect(GetLastTransitionTime(obj, "nil1")).To(BeNil()) g.Expect(GetLastTransitionTime(obj, "false1")).ToNot(BeNil()) // test GetObservedGeneration g.Expect(GetObservedGeneration(obj, "nil1")).To(BeZero()) g.Expect(GetObservedGeneration(obj, "false2")).ToNot(BeZero()) } func TestIsReadyStalledReconciling(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) readyObj := getterWithConditions(readyTrue, stalledFalse) stalledObj := getterWithConditions(stalledTrue, readyFalse) reconcilingObj := getterWithConditions(reconcilingTrue, stalledFalse) // test IsReady g.Expect(IsReady(readyObj)).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(IsReady(stalledObj)).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsReady(reconcilingObj)).To(BeFalse()) // test IsStalled g.Expect(IsStalled(stalledObj)).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(IsStalled(readyObj)).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsStalled(reconcilingObj)).To(BeFalse()) // test IsReconciling g.Expect(IsReconciling(reconcilingObj)).To(BeTrue()) g.Expect(IsReconciling(stalledObj)).To(BeFalse()) g.Expect(IsReconciling(readyObj)).To(BeFalse()) } func TestMirror(t *testing.T) { foo := FalseCondition("foo", "reason foo", "message foo") ready := TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason ready", "message ready") readyBar := ready.DeepCopy() readyBar.Type = "bar" tests := []struct { name string from Getter t string want *metav1.Condition }{ { name: "Returns nil when the ready condition does not exists", from: getterWithConditions(foo), want: nil, }, { name: "Returns ready condition from source", from: getterWithConditions(ready, foo), t: "bar", want: readyBar, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) got := mirror(tt.from, tt.t) if tt.want == nil { g.Expect(got).To(BeNil()) return } g.Expect(got).To(HaveSameStateOf(tt.want)) }) } } func TestSummary(t *testing.T) { foo := TrueCondition("foo", "reason trueFoo", "message trueFoo") bar := FalseCondition("bar", "reason falseBar", "message falseBar") baz := FalseCondition("baz", "reason falseBaz", "message falseBaz") existingReady := FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseReady", "message falseReady") //NB. existing ready has higher priority than other conditions tests := []struct { name string from Getter options []MergeOption want *metav1.Condition }{ { name: "Returns nil when there are no conditions to summarize", from: getterWithConditions(), want: nil, }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of existing conditions (with default options)", from: getterWithConditions(foo, bar), want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "message falseBar"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of existing conditions (using WithStepCounter options)", from: getterWithConditions(foo, bar), options: []MergeOption{WithStepCounter()}, want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "1 of 2 completed"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of existing conditions (using WithStepCounterIf options)", from: getterWithConditions(foo, bar), options: []MergeOption{WithStepCounterIf(false)}, want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "message falseBar"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of existing conditions (using WithStepCounterIf options)", from: getterWithConditions(foo, bar), options: []MergeOption{WithStepCounterIf(true)}, want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "1 of 2 completed"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of existing conditions (using WithStepCounterIf and WithStepCounterIfOnly options)", from: getterWithConditions(bar), options: []MergeOption{WithStepCounter(), WithStepCounterIfOnly("bar")}, want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "0 of 1 completed"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of existing conditions (using WithStepCounterIf and WithStepCounterIfOnly options)", from: getterWithConditions(foo, bar), options: []MergeOption{WithStepCounter(), WithStepCounterIfOnly("foo")}, want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "message falseBar"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of selected conditions (using WithConditions options)", from: getterWithConditions(foo, bar), options: []MergeOption{WithConditions("foo")}, // bar should be ignored want: TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason trueFoo", "message trueFoo"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of selected conditions (using WithConditions and WithStepCounter options)", from: getterWithConditions(foo, bar, baz), options: []MergeOption{WithConditions("foo", "bar"), WithStepCounter()}, // baz should be ignored, total steps should be 2 want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "1 of 2 completed"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of selected conditions (using WithConditions and WithStepCounterIfOnly options)", from: getterWithConditions(bar), options: []MergeOption{WithConditions("bar", "baz"), WithStepCounter(), WithStepCounterIfOnly("bar")}, // there is only bar, the step counter should be set and counts only a subset of conditions want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "0 of 1 completed"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of selected conditions (using WithConditions and WithStepCounterIfOnly options - with inconsistent order between the two)", from: getterWithConditions(bar), options: []MergeOption{WithConditions("baz", "bar"), WithStepCounter(), WithStepCounterIfOnly("bar", "baz")}, // conditions in WithStepCounterIfOnly could be in different order than in WithConditions want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "0 of 2 completed"), }, { name: "Returns ready condition with the summary of selected conditions (using WithConditions and WithStepCounterIfOnly options)", from: getterWithConditions(bar, baz), options: []MergeOption{WithConditions("bar", "baz"), WithStepCounter(), WithStepCounterIfOnly("bar")}, // there is also baz, so the step counter should not be set want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "message falseBar"), }, { name: "Ready condition respects merge order", from: getterWithConditions(bar, baz), options: []MergeOption{WithConditions("baz", "bar")}, // baz should take precedence on bar want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBaz", "message falseBaz"), }, { name: "Ignores existing Ready condition when computing the summary", from: getterWithConditions(existingReady, foo, bar), want: FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason falseBar", "message falseBar"), }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) got := summary(tt.from, status.ReadyCondition, tt.options...) if tt.want == nil { g.Expect(got).To(BeNil()) return } g.Expect(got).To(HaveSameStateOf(tt.want)) }) } } func TestAggregate(t *testing.T) { ready1 := TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason true1", "message true1") ready2 := FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, "reason false1", "message false1") bar := FalseCondition("bar", "reason falseBar1", "message falseBar1") //NB. bar has higher priority than other conditions tests := []struct { name string from []Getter t string opts []MergeOption want *metav1.Condition }{ { name: "Returns nil when there are no conditions to aggregate", from: []Getter{}, want: nil, }, { name: "Returns foo condition with an aggregation of the object's top group conditions", from: []Getter{ getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready2, bar), getterWithConditions(), getterWithConditions(bar), }, t: "foo", want: FalseCondition("foo", "reason false1", "message false1"), }, { name: "Returns foo condition with the aggregation of object's subset conditions", from: []Getter{ getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready2, bar), getterWithConditions(), getterWithConditions(bar), }, opts: []MergeOption{ WithConditions("bar"), }, t: "foo", want: FalseCondition("foo", "reason falseBar1", "message falseBar1"), }, { name: "Returns foo condition with the aggregation of object's subset priority conditions", from: []Getter{ getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready2, bar), getterWithConditions(), getterWithConditions(bar), }, opts: []MergeOption{ WithConditions("bar", status.ReadyCondition), }, t: "foo", want: FalseCondition("foo", "reason falseBar1", "message falseBar1"), }, { name: "Returns foo condition with the aggregation of object's subset priority conditions (inverse)", from: []Getter{ getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready2, bar), getterWithConditions(), getterWithConditions(bar), }, opts: []MergeOption{ WithConditions(status.ReadyCondition, "bar"), }, t: "foo", want: FalseCondition("foo", "reason false1", "message false1"), }, { name: "Returns foo condition with source ref", from: []Getter{ getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready1), getterWithConditions(ready2, bar), getterWithConditions(), getterWithConditions(bar), }, opts: []MergeOption{ WithSourceRefIf(status.ReadyCondition), }, t: "foo", want: FalseCondition("foo", "reason false1 @ /", "message false1"), }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { g := NewWithT(t) got := aggregate(tt.from, tt.t, tt.opts...) if tt.want == nil { g.Expect(got).To(BeNil()) return } g.Expect(got).To(HaveSameStateOf(tt.want)) }) } } func Fuzz_Getter(f *testing.F) { f.Fuzz(func(_ *testing.T, data []byte) { fc := fuzz.NewConsumer(data) // Set a reproduceable amount of conditions. noOfConditions, err := fc.GetInt() if err != nil { return } maxNoOfConditions := 30 conditions := make([]metav1.Condition, 0) // Add N conditions in the slice based on a reproduceable // state provided by fc. for i := 0; i < noOfConditions%maxNoOfConditions; i++ { c := metav1.Condition{} err = fc.GenerateStruct(&c) if err != nil { return } conditions = append(conditions, c) } obj := &fobject.Fake{} obj.SetConditions(conditions) targetCondition, err := fc.GetString() if err != nil { return } SetSummary(obj, targetCondition) }) } func getterWithConditions(conditions ...*metav1.Condition) Getter { obj := &fobject.Fake{} obj.SetConditions(conditionList(conditions...)) return obj } func conditionList(conditions ...*metav1.Condition) []metav1.Condition { cs := []metav1.Condition{} for _, x := range conditions { if x != nil { cs = append(cs, *x) } } return cs }