
Source file src/edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/warehouse/k8s/controllers/lumperctl/integration/unpacked_pallet_controller_test.go

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/warehouse/k8s/controllers/lumperctl/integration

     1  package integration
     3  import (
     4  	_ "embed"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	"github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
     9  	"gotest.tools/v3/assert"
    10  	"gotest.tools/v3/assert/cmp"
    11  	"gotest.tools/v3/poll"
    12  	appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
    13  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    14  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
    15  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client"
    16  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/controller/controllerutil"
    18  	whv1 "edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/warehouse/k8s/apis/v1alpha2"
    19  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/warehouse/oci/layer"
    20  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/k8s/meta/status"
    21  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/k8s/runtime/conditions"
    22  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/k8s/testing/kmp"
    23  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/k8s/unstructured"
    24  	"edge-infra.dev/test/f2"
    25  	"edge-infra.dev/test/f2/x/ktest"
    26  )
    28  func TestUnpackedPalletController_Inventory(t *testing.T) {
    29  	var (
    30  		id string
    31  		v1 testPallet
    32  		v2 testPallet
    33  		u  = &whv1.UnpackedPallet{}
    34  	)
    36  	inv := f2.NewFeature("Inventories reconciled objects").
    37  		Setup("Create and push test packages", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
    38  			id = fmt.Sprintf("inv-%s", ctx.RunID)
    39  			v1 = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, id, "v1", createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1))
    40  			v2 = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, id, "v2", createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv2))
    41  			return ctx
    42  		}).
    43  		Test("Creates inventory", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
    44  			var (
    45  				u = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, v1.name, v1.pallet, whv1.WithPrune())
    46  				k = ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
    47  			)
    49  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, u))
    50  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasInventory(v1.inv)))
    51  			k.WaitOn(t, k.InventoryExists(v1.inv))
    53  			return ctx
    54  		}).
    55  		Test("Handles inventory changes", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
    56  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
    58  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Get(
    59  				ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: v1.name, Namespace: k.Namespace}, u,
    60  			))
    62  			patch := client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
    63  			u.Spec.Digest = v2.digest
    64  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
    66  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasInventory(v2.inv)))
    67  			k.WaitOn(t, k.InventoryExists(v2.inv))
    68  			k.WaitOn(t, k.InventoryPruned(v2.inv, v1.inv))
    69  			assert.Equal(t, u.Status.ObservedGeneration, int64(2),
    70  				"inventory was updated without updating status.observedGeneration")
    72  			return ctx
    73  		}).
    74  		Test("With pruning disabled", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
    75  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
    77  			// Disable pruning on object already syncing v2, and configure it to sync v1
    78  			// instead
    79  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Get(
    80  				ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: v1.name, Namespace: k.Namespace}, u,
    81  			))
    83  			patch := client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
    84  			u.Spec.Prune = false
    85  			u.Spec.Digest = v1.digest
    86  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
    88  			// Wait for re-reconciliation to complete to v1 digest, verify that
    89  			// inv matches v1 and those objects were actually applied
    90  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasInventory(v1.inv)))
    91  			k.WaitOn(t, k.InventoryExists(v1.inv))
    92  			// Ensure that we have finished reconciling, which means pruning should
    93  			// have happened
    94  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, unpackedPalletReady))
    95  			// Ensure nothing was deleted
    96  			diff, err := v2.inv.Diff(v1.inv)
    97  			assert.NilError(t, err)
    98  			k.WaitOn(t, k.ObjsExist(unstructured.ToClientObjArray(diff...)))
   100  			return ctx
   101  		}).
   102  		Feature()
   104  	f.Test(t, inv)
   105  }
   107  func TestUnpackedPalletController_Status(t *testing.T) {
   108  	var (
   109  		id string
   110  		v1 testPallet
   111  		u  *whv1.UnpackedPallet
   112  	)
   114  	status := f2.NewFeature("Reconciles its Status").
   115  		Setup("Create and push test packages", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   116  			id = fmt.Sprintf("status-%s", ctx.RunID)
   117  			v1 = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, id, "v1",
   118  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1),
   119  				fakeInfraLayer(t),
   120  				fakeL5dLayer(t),
   121  			)
   122  			u = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, v1.name, v1.pallet,
   123  				whv1.WithInfra(),
   124  				whv1.WithCapabilities(string(l5dCap)),
   125  				whv1.WithPrune(),
   126  			)
   128  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   130  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, u))
   131  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, unpackedPalletReady))
   133  			return ctx
   134  		}).
   135  		Test("Package digest is persisted on status", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   136  			assert.Equal(t, v1.digest, u.Status.LastAttempted)
   137  			assert.Equal(t, int64(1), u.Status.ObservedGeneration)
   138  			return ctx
   139  		}).
   140  		Test("Updates Conditions Based on Layers", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   141  			var (
   142  				k = ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   144  				healthy      = conditions.TrueCondition(whv1.HealthyCondition, status.SucceededReason, "Objects reconciled")
   145  				fetched      = conditions.TrueCondition(whv1.FetchedArtifactCondition, whv1.FetchSucceededReason, "Successfully retrieved artifact")
   146  				runtimeReady = conditions.TrueCondition(whv1.RuntimeReadyCondition, status.SucceededReason, "Objects reconciled")
   147  				runCapsReady = conditions.TrueCondition(whv1.RuntimeCapabilitiesReadyCondition, status.SucceededReason, "Objects reconciled")
   148  				infraReady   = conditions.TrueCondition(whv1.InfraReadyCondition, status.SucceededReason, "Objects reconciled")
   149  				ready        = conditions.TrueCondition(status.ReadyCondition, status.SucceededReason, "Objects reconciled")
   150  				reconciling  = conditions.TrueCondition(status.ReconcilingCondition, status.ProgressingWithRetryReason, "")
   151  				notReady     = conditions.FalseCondition(status.ReadyCondition, whv1.FetchFailedReason, "404")
   152  				fetchFail    = conditions.FalseCondition(whv1.FetchedArtifactCondition, whv1.FetchFailedReason, "404")
   153  			)
   155  			// Should initially have all 3 specialized Ready conditions + overall
   156  			// healthy condition
   157  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasEqualConditions([]metav1.Condition{
   158  				*ready,
   159  				*fetched,
   160  				*healthy,
   161  				*infraReady,
   162  				*runCapsReady,
   163  				*runtimeReady,
   164  			})))
   166  			// Remove InfraReady when its not appropriate
   167  			patch := client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   168  			u.Spec.UnpackOptions.Infra = false
   169  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   170  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasEqualConditions([]metav1.Condition{
   171  				*ready,
   172  				*fetched,
   173  				*healthy,
   174  				*runCapsReady,
   175  				*runtimeReady,
   176  			})))
   178  			// Remove RuntimeCapabilityReady when its not appropriate
   179  			patch = client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   180  			u.Spec.UnpackOptions.Capabilities = []string{}
   181  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   182  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasEqualConditions([]metav1.Condition{
   183  				*ready,
   184  				*fetched,
   185  				*healthy,
   186  				*runtimeReady,
   187  			})))
   189  			// Infra only should still end up with a healthy / Ready pallet
   190  			patch = client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   191  			u.Spec.UnpackOptions.Runtime = false
   192  			u.Spec.UnpackOptions.Infra = true
   193  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   194  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasEqualConditions([]metav1.Condition{
   195  				*ready,
   196  				*fetched,
   197  				*healthy,
   198  				*infraReady,
   199  			})))
   201  			// Updating to a missing tag or digest causes Fetch to fail
   202  			oldTag := u.Spec.Tag
   203  			oldDigest := u.Spec.Digest
   204  			patch = client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   205  			u.Spec.Digest = ""
   206  			u.Spec.Tag = "not-found"
   207  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   208  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasEqualConditions([]metav1.Condition{
   209  				*reconciling,
   210  				*notReady,
   211  				*fetchFail,
   212  				*healthy,
   213  				*infraReady,
   214  			})))
   216  			// Reverting to a correct tag should reconcile and update conditions
   217  			patch = client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   218  			u.Spec.Digest = oldDigest
   219  			u.Spec.Tag = oldTag
   220  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   221  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasEqualConditions([]metav1.Condition{
   222  				*ready,
   223  				*fetched,
   224  				*healthy,
   225  				*infraReady,
   226  			})))
   228  			return ctx
   229  		}).
   230  		Feature()
   232  	f.Test(t, status)
   233  }
   235  func TestUnpackedPalletController_Finalizer(t *testing.T) {
   236  	var (
   237  		p testPallet
   238  		u = &whv1.UnpackedPallet{}
   239  	)
   241  	finalizer := f2.NewFeature("Finalizers").
   242  		Setup("Setup UnpackedPallet", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   243  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   245  			p = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, fmt.Sprintf("fin-%s", ctx.RunID), "v1",
   246  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1))
   247  			u = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, p.name, p.pallet, whv1.WithPrune())
   249  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, u))
   250  			// Make sure that objects actually exist before testing finalizer behavior
   251  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasInventory(p.inv)))
   252  			k.WaitOn(t, k.InventoryExists(p.inv))
   254  			return ctx
   255  		}).
   256  		Test("Finalizer is added", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   257  			if !controllerutil.ContainsFinalizer(u, whv1.WarehouseFinalizer) {
   258  				t.Error("finalizer not added to unpackedpallet", spew.Sprintln(u))
   259  			}
   261  			return ctx
   262  		}).
   263  		Test("Garbage is collected on delete", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   264  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   266  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Delete(ctx, u))
   267  			// Object being deleted means that finalizer was successfully removed.
   268  			k.WaitOn(t, k.ObjDeleted(u))
   270  			objs, err := p.inv.ListObjects()
   271  			assert.NilError(t, err)
   272  			k.WaitOn(t, k.ObjsDeleted(unstructured.ToClientObjArray(objs...)))
   274  			return ctx
   275  		}).
   276  		Test("Honors spec.prune", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   277  			var (
   278  				k  = ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   279  				id = fmt.Sprintf("fin-prune-%s", ctx.RunID)
   280  				v1 = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, id, "v1", createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1))
   281  				u  = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, v1.name, v1.pallet)
   282  			)
   284  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, u))
   285  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasInventory(v1.inv)))
   286  			k.WaitOn(t, k.InventoryExists(v1.inv))
   287  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Delete(ctx, u))
   289  			objs, err := p.inv.ListObjects()
   290  			assert.NilError(t, err)
   291  			k.WaitOn(t, k.ObjsExist(unstructured.ToClientObjArray(objs...)))
   293  			return ctx
   294  		}).Feature()
   296  	f.Test(t, finalizer)
   297  }
   299  func TestUnpackedPalletController_Suspend(t *testing.T) {
   300  	var (
   301  		id string
   302  		v1 testPallet
   303  		v2 testPallet
   304  		u  = &whv1.UnpackedPallet{}
   305  	)
   307  	sus := f2.NewFeature("UnpackedPallet.spec.suspend").
   308  		Setup("Setup UnpackedPallet", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   309  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   311  			id = fmt.Sprintf("suspend-%s", ctx.RunID)
   312  			v1 = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, id, "v1", createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1))
   313  			v2 = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, id, "v2", createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv2))
   314  			u = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, v1.name, v1.pallet)
   316  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, u))
   317  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, kmp.HasInventory(v1.inv)))
   318  			k.WaitOn(t, k.InventoryExists(v1.inv))
   320  			return ctx
   321  		}).
   322  		Test("Becomes ready after setting spec.suspend", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   323  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   325  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Get(
   326  				ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: v1.name}, u,
   327  			))
   329  			patch := client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   330  			u.Spec.Suspend = true
   331  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   333  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, unpackedPalletReady))
   335  			return ctx
   336  		}).
   337  		Test("New digests are not reconciled", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   338  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   340  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Get(
   341  				ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: v1.name}, u,
   342  			))
   344  			patch := client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   345  			u.Spec.Digest = v2.digest
   346  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   348  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, func(o client.Object) cmp.Result {
   349  				u := o.(*whv1.UnpackedPallet)
   350  				if u.Status.LastApplied == v2.digest && u.Status.LastAttempted == v2.digest {
   351  					return cmp.ResultFailure("new digest was reconciled for suspended pallet")
   352  				}
   353  				return cmp.ResultSuccess
   354  			}), poll.WithTimeout(k.Timeout/2))
   356  			assert.Assert(t, kmp.HasInventory(v1.inv)(u).Success(),
   357  				"inventory should not have changed for suspended pallet")
   359  			objs, err := v1.inv.ListObjects()
   360  			assert.NilError(t, err)
   361  			for _, o := range objs {
   362  				assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Delete(ctx, o))
   363  			}
   364  			// Objects should stay deleted
   365  			k.WaitOn(t, k.ObjsDeleted(unstructured.ToClientObjArray(objs...)))
   367  			return ctx
   368  		}).Feature()
   370  	f.Test(t, sus)
   371  }
   373  func TestUnpackedPalletController_Dependencies(t *testing.T) {
   374  	var (
   375  		infraOnly  = "infra-only"
   376  		rtOnly     = "rt-only"
   377  		rtInfra    = "rt-infra"
   378  		rtCap      = "rt-cap"
   379  		rtInfraCap = "rt-infra-cap"
   380  		rootObj    *whv1.UnpackedPallet
   381  		objs       = make(map[string]*whv1.UnpackedPallet)
   382  		pkgs       = make(map[string]testPallet)
   383  	)
   385  	deps := f2.NewFeature("UnpackedPallet.spec.dependsOn").
   386  		Setup("Test Fixtures", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   387  			infraOnly = id(ctx, infraOnly)
   388  			rtOnly = id(ctx, rtOnly)
   389  			rtInfra = id(ctx, rtInfra)
   390  			rtCap = id(ctx, rtCap)
   391  			rtInfraCap = id(ctx, rtInfraCap)
   392  			root := id(ctx, "root")
   394  			pkgs[infraOnly] = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, infraOnly, "v1", fakeInfraLayer(t))
   395  			objs[infraOnly] = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, infraOnly, pkgs[infraOnly].pallet,
   396  				whv1.WithUnpackOpts(whv1.UnpackOptions{Infra: true}))
   398  			pkgs[rtOnly] = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, rtOnly, "v1",
   399  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1))
   400  			objs[rtOnly] = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, rtOnly, pkgs[rtOnly].pallet)
   402  			pkgs[rtInfra] = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, rtInfra, "v1",
   403  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1),
   404  				fakeInfraLayer(t),
   405  			)
   406  			objs[rtInfra] = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, rtInfra, pkgs[rtInfra].pallet,
   407  				whv1.WithInfra(),
   408  				whv1.WithDeps(rtOnly),
   409  			)
   411  			pkgs[rtCap] = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, rtCap, "v1",
   412  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1),
   413  				fakeL5dLayer(t),
   414  			)
   415  			objs[rtCap] = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, rtCap, pkgs[rtCap].pallet,
   416  				whv1.WithCapabilities(string(l5dCap)),
   417  				whv1.WithDeps(rtOnly, rtInfra),
   418  			)
   420  			pkgs[rtInfraCap] = createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, rtInfraCap, "v1",
   421  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1),
   422  				fakeInfraLayer(t),
   423  				fakeL5dLayer(t),
   424  			)
   425  			objs[rtInfraCap] = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, rtInfraCap, pkgs[rtInfraCap].pallet,
   426  				whv1.WithInfra(),
   427  				whv1.WithCapabilities(string(l5dCap)),
   428  				whv1.WithDeps(infraOnly, rtInfra),
   429  			)
   431  			rootPkg := createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, root, "v1",
   432  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, minimalv1))
   433  			rootObj = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, root, rootPkg.pallet,
   434  				whv1.WithDeps(infraOnly, rtCap, rtOnly, rtInfra, rtInfraCap))
   436  			return ctx
   437  		}).Test("Dependency Analysis", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   438  		k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   440  		// Create root object first to intentionally make things harder on the
   441  		// reconciler.
   442  		assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, rootObj))
   443  		// Create objects root depends on
   444  		for _, obj := range objs {
   445  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, obj))
   446  		}
   448  		// If the root object reconciles, that means the rest of the chain should
   449  		// too.
   450  		k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(rootObj, unpackedPalletReady), poll.WithTimeout(k.Timeout*2))
   451  		// Double check our dependent objects actually reconciled.
   452  		for _, obj := range objs {
   453  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(obj, unpackedPalletReady))
   454  		}
   456  		return ctx
   457  	}).Feature()
   459  	f.Test(t, deps)
   460  }
   462  func TestUnpackedPalletController_ObjectPatching(t *testing.T) {
   463  	var u = &whv1.UnpackedPallet{}
   465  	finalizer := f2.NewFeature("Apply removes deleted  fields").
   466  		Setup("Set up UnpackedPallet", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   467  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   468  			v1 := createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, fmt.Sprintf("patch-%s", ctx.RunID), "0.1.0",
   469  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, sapInitial))
   470  			u = unpackedPallet(ctx, t, v1.name, v1.pallet)
   471  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Create(ctx, u))
   473  			// pallet contains a single daemonset initially containing an envFrom field
   474  			ds := &appsv1.DaemonSet{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "nodeagent", Namespace: k.Namespace}}
   475  			k.WaitOn(t, k.ObjExists(ds))
   476  			envFrom := ds.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].EnvFrom
   477  			if envFrom[0].SecretRef.Name != "ldkey" {
   478  				t.FailNow()
   479  			}
   481  			return ctx
   482  		}).
   483  		Test("Empty fields are removed when object is patched", func(ctx f2.Context, t *testing.T) f2.Context {
   484  			k := ktest.FromContextT(ctx, t)
   486  			// v2 removes the envFrom
   487  			v2 := createAndPushPallet(ctx, t, fmt.Sprintf("patch-%s", ctx.RunID), "0.2.0",
   488  				createLayer(t, layer.Runtime, sapFinal))
   489  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Get(
   490  				ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: u.Name, Namespace: u.Namespace}, u,
   491  			))
   492  			patch := client.MergeFrom(u.DeepCopy())
   493  			u.Spec.Digest = v2.digest
   494  			assert.NilError(t, k.Client.Patch(ctx, u, patch))
   495  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(u, func(o client.Object) cmp.Result {
   496  				u := o.(*whv1.UnpackedPallet)
   497  				a := u.Spec.Artifact
   498  				if a.Digest != v2.digest {
   499  					return cmp.ResultFailure(fmt.Sprintf("digest should be %s. actual: %s", v2.digest, a.Digest))
   500  				}
   501  				return cmp.ResultSuccess
   502  			}))
   504  			ds := &appsv1.DaemonSet{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "nodeagent", Namespace: k.Namespace}}
   505  			k.WaitOn(t, k.Check(ds, func(o client.Object) cmp.Result {
   506  				ds := o.(*appsv1.DaemonSet)
   507  				envFrom := ds.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].EnvFrom
   508  				if envFrom != nil {
   509  					return cmp.ResultFailure(fmt.Sprintf("envfrom should be removed. actual: %+v", envFrom))
   510  				}
   511  				return cmp.ResultSuccess
   512  			}))
   514  			return ctx
   515  		}).Feature()
   517  	f.Test(t, finalizer)
   518  }

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