# using this data locally install this for simplicity https://postgresapp.com/downloads.html be sure to follow the instructions here as well https://postgresapp.com/documentation/cli-tools.html open the app and double click the postgres database and it should open a terminal ``` # update the postgres password with something you'll remember (using postgres makes life a lot easier) \password postgres # quit postgres \q # export the password export DB_PASS=whateverthepasswordis ``` ``` # create the database psql "host= user=postgres" -c 'create database test_infra;' # create the schema psql -U postgres -h -d postgres -a -f pkg/f8n/devinfra/testinfra/sql/schema/schema.sql # add test data psql -U postgres -h -d postgres -a -f pkg/f8n/devinfra/testinfra/sql/schema/all.sql ```