# overlook home of ghosts ### how to run locally you can do this two ways: #### using a SA key - go to https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/details/105258342117336722890/keys?project=ret-edge-dev-infra and generate a new key - it should download a json file to your machine and then point the following command to it ```bash ./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=ret-edge-dev-infra:us-east1:milestone-postgres-instance=tcp:5432 -enable_iam_login -credential_file=path/to/json.json ``` #### or be a SA - follow the steps here: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/auth/activate-service-account - and then run ```bash ./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=ret-edge-dev-infra:us-east1:milestone-postgres-instance=tcp:5432 -enable_iam_login ``` #### connect to postgres in a new terminal run ```bash psql "host= dbname=milestone-database user=overlook-iam@ret-edge-dev-infra.iam sslmode=disable" ``` or start the overlook service ```bash bazel run //cmd/overlook:overlook ```