
Source file src/edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/devinfra/jack/plugin/list/handler_test.go

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/devinfra/jack/plugin/list

     1  //nolint:goconst // TODO: IDEK
     2  package list
     4  import (
     5  	"context"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"reflect"
     8  	"testing"
    10  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/lib/logging"
    12  	"github.com/google/go-github/v47/github"
    14  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/devinfra/jack/constants"
    15  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/devinfra/jack/plugin"
    16  )
    18  var c = &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{}}
    19  var hp = &plugin.HandlerParams{
    20  	Ctx:    context.Background(),
    21  	Client: c,
    22  	Org:    "some-org",
    23  	Repo:   "some-repo",
    24  	Log:    *logging.NewLogger(),
    25  }
    27  var relatedIssue = github.Issue{
    28  	Assignees: []*github.User{},
    29  	Body:      github.String("Related Issue"),
    30  	Number:    github.Int(999),
    31  	Labels:    []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
    32  	Repository: &github.Repository{
    33  		Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
    34  		Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
    35  		ID:    github.Int64(1234),
    36  	},
    37  }
    39  const pcBody = "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->"
    41  func TestHandleNewIssue(t *testing.T) {
    42  	// Test if the new issue body is empty
    43  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{Labels: []string{string(constants.Epic)}}
    44  	ie := github.IssuesEvent{
    45  		Action: github.String("opened"),
    46  		Issue: &github.Issue{
    47  			Body:   github.String(""),
    48  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Epic))}},
    49  			Number: github.Int(1),
    50  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
    51  		},
    52  		Repo: &github.Repository{
    53  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
    54  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
    55  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
    56  		},
    57  	}
    59  	handleIssue(*hp, ie)
    61  	ct := &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{Labels: []string{string(constants.Epic)}}}
    62  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
    63  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleNewIssue -> Test if the new issue body is empty.")
    64  	}
    66  	// Test if the new issue body has NO jack commands
    67  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{Labels: []string{string(constants.Epic)}}
    68  	ie = github.IssuesEvent{
    69  		Action: github.String("opened"),
    70  		Issue: &github.Issue{
    71  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here"),
    72  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Epic))}},
    73  			Number: github.Int(1),
    74  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
    75  		},
    76  		Repo: &github.Repository{
    77  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
    78  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
    79  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
    80  		},
    81  	}
    83  	handleIssue(*hp, ie)
    85  	ct = &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{Labels: []string{string(constants.Epic)}}}
    86  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
    87  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleNewIssue -> Test if the new issue body has NO jack commands.")
    88  	}
    90  	// Test if the new issue body has both /child and /parent commands
    91  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{Labels: []string{string(constants.Epic)}}
    92  	ie = github.IssuesEvent{
    93  		Action: github.String("opened"),
    94  		Issue: &github.Issue{
    95  			Body:   github.String("/child #1 /parent #1"),
    96  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Epic))}},
    97  			Number: github.Int(1),
    98  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
    99  		},
   100  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   101  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   102  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   103  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   104  		},
   105  	}
   107  	handleIssue(*hp, ie)
   109  	ct = &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   110  		Comments: 1,
   111  		Labels:   []string{string(constants.Epic)},
   112  	}}
   113  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   114  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleNewIssue -> Test if the new issue body has both /child and /parent commands.")
   115  	}
   117  	// Test if the new issue is a parent
   118  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   119  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   120  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   121  	}
   122  	ie = github.IssuesEvent{
   123  		Action: github.String("opened"),
   124  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   125  			Body:   github.String("/child #2"),
   126  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   127  			Number: github.Int(1),
   128  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   129  		},
   130  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   131  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   132  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   133  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   134  		},
   135  	}
   137  	handleIssue(*hp, ie)
   139  	ct = &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   140  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("/child #2\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->", constants.Postamble),
   141  		Comments:     0,
   142  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   143  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   144  	}}
   145  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   146  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleNewIssue -> Test if the new issue is a parent.")
   147  	}
   149  	// Test if the new issue is a child
   150  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   151  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Task)},
   152  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   153  	}
   154  	ie = github.IssuesEvent{
   155  		Action: github.String("opened"),
   156  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   157  			Body:   github.String("/parent #2"),
   158  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Task))}},
   159  			Number: github.Int(1),
   160  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   161  		},
   162  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   163  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   164  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   165  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   166  		},
   167  	}
   169  	handleIssue(*hp, ie)
   171  	ct = &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   172  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("/parent #2\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->", constants.Postamble),
   173  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Task)},
   174  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   175  	}}
   176  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   177  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleNewIssue -> Test if the new issue is a child.")
   178  	}
   180  	// Test if the new issue is an epic and has a parent
   181  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   182  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Epic)},
   183  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   184  	}
   185  	ie = github.IssuesEvent{
   186  		Action: github.String("opened"),
   187  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   188  			Body:   github.String("/parent #2"),
   189  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Epic))}},
   190  			Number: github.Int(1),
   191  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   192  		},
   193  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   194  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   195  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   196  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   197  		},
   198  	}
   200  	handleIssue(*hp, ie)
   202  	ct = &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   203  		Comments:     1,
   204  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Epic)},
   205  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   206  	}}
   207  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   208  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleNewIssue -> Test if the new issue is an epic and has a parent.")
   209  	}
   211  	// Test adding epic to parent
   212  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{Labels: []string{}}
   213  	ie = github.IssuesEvent{
   214  		Action: github.String("opened"),
   215  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   216  			Body:   github.String("/child #12"),
   217  			Labels: []*github.Label{},
   218  			Number: github.Int(1),
   219  			Title:  github.String("Test adding epic"),
   220  		},
   221  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   222  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   223  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   224  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   225  		},
   226  	}
   227  	handleIssue(*hp, ie)
   229  	ct = &plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   230  		Body:     fmt.Sprintf("/child #12\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, "<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #0\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->", constants.Postamble),
   231  		Comments: 0,
   232  		Labels:   []string{string(constants.Epic)},
   233  	}}
   235  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   236  		t.Error("Failed test: handleIssue -> Test adding epic to parent")
   237  	}
   238  }
   240  func TestHandleIssueComment(t *testing.T) {
   241  	// Test if action is NOT created
   242  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{}
   243  	ice := github.IssueCommentEvent{
   244  		Action: github.String("edited"),
   245  	}
   247  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   249  	ct := plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{}}
   250  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   251  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test if action is NOT created.")
   252  	}
   254  	// Test if no commands are found in the comment
   255  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   256  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   257  		Issue:   &github.Issue{},
   258  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("No relevant commands here.")},
   259  	}
   261  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   263  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   264  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test if no commands are found in the comment.")
   265  	}
   267  	// Test if comment has child commands while issue is not a parent
   268  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   269  		Comments: 0,
   270  		Labels:   []string{string(constants.Task)},
   271  	}
   272  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   273  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   274  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/child #2")},
   275  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   276  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here"),
   277  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Task))}},
   278  			Number: github.Int(1),
   279  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   280  		},
   281  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   282  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   283  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   284  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   285  		},
   286  	}
   288  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   290  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   291  		Comments: 1,
   292  		Labels:   []string{string(constants.Task)}},
   293  	}
   294  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   295  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test if comment has child commands while issue is not a parent.")
   296  	}
   298  	// Test child removal
   299  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   300  		Comments:     0,
   301  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   302  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   303  	}
   304  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   305  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   306  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/child -#2")},
   307  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   308  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here"),
   309  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   310  			Number: github.Int(1),
   311  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   312  		},
   313  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   314  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   315  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   316  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   317  		},
   318  	}
   320  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   322  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   323  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("Nothing to see here\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, pcBody, constants.Postamble),
   324  		Comments:     0,
   325  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   326  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   327  	}}
   329  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   330  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test child removal.")
   331  	}
   333  	// Test parent removal
   334  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   335  		Comments:     0,
   336  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   337  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   338  	}
   339  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   340  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   341  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/parent -#2")},
   342  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   343  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here"),
   344  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   345  			Number: github.Int(1),
   346  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   347  		},
   348  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   349  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   350  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   351  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   352  		},
   353  	}
   355  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   357  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   358  		// Body:         "Nothing to see here" + pcBody,
   359  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("Nothing to see here\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, pcBody, constants.Postamble),
   360  		Comments:     0,
   361  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   362  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   363  	}}
   364  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   365  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test parent removal.")
   366  	}
   368  	// Test child addition
   369  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   370  		Comments:     0,
   371  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   372  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   373  	}
   374  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   375  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   376  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/child #2")},
   377  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   378  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here"),
   379  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   380  			Number: github.Int(1),
   381  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   382  		},
   383  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   384  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   385  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   386  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   387  		},
   388  	}
   390  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   392  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   393  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("Nothing to see here\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->", constants.Postamble),
   394  		Comments:     0,
   395  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   396  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   397  	}}
   398  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   399  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test child addition.")
   400  	}
   402  	// Test parent addition
   403  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   404  		Comments:     0,
   405  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   406  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   407  	}
   408  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   409  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   410  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/parent #2")},
   411  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   412  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here"),
   413  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   414  			Number: github.Int(1),
   415  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   416  		},
   417  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   418  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   419  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   420  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   421  		},
   422  	}
   424  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   426  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   427  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("Nothing to see here\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->", constants.Postamble),
   428  		Comments:     0,
   429  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   430  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   431  	}}
   432  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   433  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test parent addition.")
   434  	}
   436  	// Test adding an issue to itself
   437  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   438  		Comments:     0,
   439  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   440  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   441  	}
   442  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   443  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   444  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/parent #1")},
   445  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   446  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here"),
   447  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   448  			Number: github.Int(1),
   449  			Title:  github.String("List Test Issue"),
   450  		},
   451  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   452  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   453  			Name:  github.String(hp.Repo),
   454  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   455  		},
   456  	}
   458  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   460  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   461  		// Body:         "Nothing to see here" + pcBody,
   462  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("Nothing to see here\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, pcBody, constants.Postamble),
   463  		Comments:     1,
   464  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   465  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   466  	}}
   467  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   468  		t.Error("Failed: TestHandleIssueComment -> Test adding an issue to itself.")
   469  	}
   471  	// Test SwapChildToParent
   472  	// Setting test issue
   473  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   474  		Comments:     0,
   475  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   476  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   477  		Body:         "Nothing to see here\n### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->",
   478  	}
   479  	// Setting environment
   480  	// Once passed thru handleIssueCmt, will store in c.GithubIssues and compare to ct.GithubIssues
   481  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   482  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   483  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/child #999")},
   484  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   485  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here\n<!-- JACKBOT -->\n___\n\n<!-- LIST -->\n### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->\n<!-- ENDLIST -->\n To add to this list use the commands: \n`/child #{child_number}` to add a child or `/parent #{parent_number}` to add a parent.\n[Click here to find out more about jackbot](https://docs.edge-infra.dev/edge-dev/process/bots/jackbot/)\n___\n<!-- ENDJACKBOT -->"),
   486  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   487  			Number: github.Int(1),
   488  			Title:  github.String("Test Swappie"),
   489  		},
   490  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   491  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   492  			Name:  github.String(hp.Org),
   493  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   494  		},
   495  	}
   496  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   498  	// Expected result
   499  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   500  		Body:         fmt.Sprintf("Nothing to see here\n%s%s%s", constants.Preamble, "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->", constants.Postamble),
   501  		Comments:     0,
   502  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   503  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   504  	}}
   506  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.GithubIssues, ct.GithubIssues) {
   507  		t.Error("Failed: TestIssueComment ==> Swap child to parent")
   508  	}
   510  	// Test SwapParentToChild
   511  	c.GithubIssues = &plugin.MockIssueService{
   512  		Comments:     0,
   513  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   514  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   515  		Body:         "Nothing to see here\n" + constants.Preamble + "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->" + constants.Postamble,
   516  	}
   517  	ice = github.IssueCommentEvent{
   518  		Action:  github.String("created"),
   519  		Comment: &github.IssueComment{Body: github.String("/parent #999")},
   520  		Issue: &github.Issue{
   521  			Body:   github.String("Nothing to see here\n" + constants.Preamble + "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->" + constants.Postamble),
   522  			Labels: []*github.Label{{Name: github.String(string(constants.Feature))}},
   523  			Number: github.Int(1),
   524  			Title:  github.String("Test Swip Swap"),
   525  		},
   526  		Repo: &github.Repository{
   527  			Owner: &github.User{Login: github.String(hp.Org)},
   528  			Name:  github.String(hp.Org),
   529  			ID:    github.Int64(1234),
   530  		},
   531  	}
   532  	handleIssueComment(*hp, ice)
   534  	ct = plugin.MockGithubClient{GithubIssues: &plugin.MockIssueService{
   536  		Body:         "Nothing to see here\n" + constants.Preamble + "### parents\n<!-- PARENTLIST -->\n- <!-- REPOID=1234 --> #999\n<!-- ENDPARENTLIST -->\n### children\n<!-- CHILDLIST -->\n*No Issues added yet*\n<!-- ENDCHILDLIST -->" + constants.Postamble,
   537  		Comments:     0,
   538  		Labels:       []string{string(constants.Feature)},
   539  		RelatedIssue: relatedIssue,
   540  	}}
   542  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.GithubIssues, c.GithubIssues) {
   543  		t.Error("Failed: TestIssueComment ==> Swap parent to child")
   544  	}
   545  }

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