# gridbug > This isn't going to be easy. If those gridbugs get us, we've had it. ## Local Development In order to view and test changes to Gridbug locally, you will need a running local instance of Postgres with a populated table, review the [sql package](../testinfra/sql/README.md) to set this up. Gridbug can be run locally by running `ibazel run //cmd/f8n/rebar/gridbug`, which will leverage your local Postgres DB and include all of the changes present on your branch. You can visit this instance of gridbug on your browser by navigating to `http://localhost:8080/`. ## AlloyDB Studio The real database Gridbug's live instance uses can be found using AlloyDB Studio in the `ret-edge-pltf-infra` GCP Project. AlloyDB Studio can be used to run SQL queries against this database in the same way Gridbug's backend does.