Feature: Linkerdctl applies the linkerd control plane manifests Scenario: Linkerd Install Given the linkerdctl is in a healthy state And linkerd is not currently installed on the cluster When a linkerd CR is created Then the linkerd namespace will be created And the trust anchor secret will be created And the certmanager resources will be created And the linkerd manifests will be applied to the cluster as a daemonset(thickPOS)/deployment(thinPOS) And the linkerd destination/identity/proxy-injector pods are healthy And the linkerd CR Ready condition status is true Scenario: Linkerd Upgrade Given a cluster with an older version of Linkerd And the linkerdctl is in a healthy state When an upgrade of linkerd is performed Then the newer versions of the linkerd manifests are applied to the cluster as a daemonset(thickPOS)/deployment(thinPOS) And the linkerd destination/identity/proxy-injector pods are healthy And the linkerd CR Ready condition status is true