package controllers /* Package controllers provides K8s controllers for managing a Linkerd installation and service mesh. It does this by reconciling the Linkerd CRD type defined in pkg/edge/linkerd/apis. Examples kind: Linkerd apiVersion: metadata: name: spec: {} Reconciliation Befor rendering the Linkerd installation manifests and applying them to the cluster, the controller attempts to reconcile the preconditions for installation, based on the official documentation for automating TLS certificate renewal: - Creating the trust anchor certificate keypair. Because the content of the key is included in the Linkerd installation manifests, the controller will prefer to read an existing secret and only create one if it does not exist. This avoids churning the Linkerd installation more than necessary across restarts. - Creating the cert-manager Issuer & Certificate resources referencing the generated trust anchor. Once these preconditions are met, manifests will be rendered using the official Linkerd Helm Chart using third_party/k8s/linkerd/helm and apply the appropriate values based on the Spec of the Linkerd object and some required defaults. */