
Source file src/edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/controllers/clusterctl/config.go

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/controllers/clusterctl

     1  package clusterctl
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"database/sql"
     6  	"flag"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"time"
    10  	"github.com/peterbourgon/ff/v3"
    12  	bsltypes "edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/api/bsl/types"
    13  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/api/services"
    14  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/api/services/artifacts"
    15  	clustersvc "edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/api/services/cluster"
    16  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/bsl"
    17  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/k8objectsutils"
    18  	ipranger "edge-infra.dev/pkg/f8n/ipranger/server"
    19  	"edge-infra.dev/pkg/lib/gcp/cloudsql"
    20  )
    22  type Config struct {
    23  	CreateClient            ContainerClusterClientFunc
    24  	EdgeAPI                 string
    25  	TopLevelProjectID       string
    26  	IPRangerClient          *ipranger.Client
    27  	DefaultRequeue          time.Duration
    28  	TopLevelCNRMSA          string
    29  	TotpSecret              string
    30  	Domain                  string
    31  	DatasyncDNSName         string
    32  	DatasyncDNSZone         string
    33  	LDKey                   string
    34  	GCPRegion               string
    35  	GCPZone                 string
    36  	GCPForemanProjectNumber string
    38  	// How long WaitForSet checks for shipment readiness. When zero, WaitForSet is skipped.
    39  	WaitForSetTimeout               time.Duration
    40  	ClusterReconcilerConcurrency    int
    41  	GKEClusterReconcilerConcurrency int
    43  	// DB is used to create a dbinfrastatus.EdgeDB wrapper. Infra status recording is disabled when DB is nil.
    44  	DB *sql.DB
    46  	// DatabaseName is passed into the cluster-infra shipment.
    47  	DatabaseName           string
    48  	DatabaseUser           string
    49  	DatabaseConnectionName string
    50  	GCPService             services.GCPService
    51  	BSLClient              *bsl.Client
    52  	BSLAccessKey           bsl.AccessKey
    53  	BSLConfig              bsltypes.BSPConfig
    54  	ArtifactsService       artifacts.Service
    56  	// Configuration for Plugins
    57  	PluginConcurrency int
    59  	// Configuration for number waitforset concurrent threads
    60  	BackgroundWaitForSetConcurrency int
    62  	// Helm cache maximum limit
    63  	HelmCacheLimit int
    65  	// Edge Security Compliance Settings
    66  	EdgeSecMaxLeasePeriod    string
    67  	EdgeSecMaxValidityPeriod string
    68  }
    70  func NewConfig(args []string) (*Config, error) {
    71  	fs := flag.NewFlagSet("clusterctl", flag.ExitOnError)
    72  	cfg := &Config{}
    73  	cfg.bind(fs)
    74  	if err := ff.Parse(fs, args, ff.WithEnvVarNoPrefix()); err != nil {
    75  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse configuration: %w", err)
    76  	}
    77  	return cfg, nil
    78  }
    80  func (c *Config) bind(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
    81  	fs.StringVar(&c.EdgeAPI, "edge-api", "", "The URL for the Edge API")
    82  	fs.StringVar(&c.TopLevelProjectID, "top-level-project-id", "", "The Foreman Project ID")
    83  	fs.DurationVar(&c.DefaultRequeue, "default-requeue", 30*time.Second, "The default requeue interval")
    84  	fs.StringVar(&c.TopLevelCNRMSA, "top-level-cnrm-sa", "", "The top level cnrm service account")
    85  	fs.StringVar(&c.TotpSecret, "totp-secret-key", "", "The totp secret for authenication to the Edge API")
    86  	fs.StringVar(&c.Domain, "domain", "", "The Edge Domain")
    87  	fs.StringVar(&c.BSLAccessKey.SharedKey, "edge-bsl-shared-key", "", "The shared key for BSL access")
    88  	fs.StringVar(&c.BSLAccessKey.SecretKey, "edge-bsl-secret-key", "", "The secret key for BSL access")
    89  	fs.StringVar(&c.BSLConfig.Endpoint, "bsl-endpoint", "", "The BSL endpoint for a specific environment")
    90  	fs.StringVar(&c.BSLConfig.Root, "bsl-root-org", "", "The BSL root org")
    91  	fs.StringVar(&c.BSLConfig.OrganizationPrefix, "bsp-organization-prefix", "", "The BSL organization prefix for a specific environment")
    92  	fs.StringVar(&c.DatasyncDNSName, "datasync-dns-name", "", "The Datasync DNS Name")
    93  	fs.StringVar(&c.DatasyncDNSZone, "datasync-dns-zone", "", "The Datasync DNS Zone")
    94  	fs.DurationVar(&c.WaitForSetTimeout, "wait-for-set-timeout", 2*time.Minute, "The Reconciler wait for set timeout duration")
    95  	fs.IntVar(&c.ClusterReconcilerConcurrency, "cluster-concurrency", 24, "The concurrency value for the cluster reconciler")
    96  	fs.IntVar(&c.GKEClusterReconcilerConcurrency, "gkecluster-concurrency", 6, "The concurrency value for the gke cluster reconciler")
    97  	fs.StringVar(&c.DatabaseName, "sql-db-name", "", "The Database Name")
    98  	fs.StringVar(&c.DatabaseUser, "sql-user", "", "The Database User")
    99  	fs.StringVar(&c.DatabaseConnectionName, "sql-connection-name", "", "The Database Connection Name")
   100  	fs.StringVar(&c.LDKey, "ld-key", "", "Launch Darkly Key")
   101  	fs.StringVar(&c.GCPRegion, "gcp-region", "", "GCP Region - eg: us-east1")
   102  	fs.StringVar(&c.GCPZone, "gcp-zone", "", "GCP Zone - eg: a/b/c")
   103  	fs.IntVar(&c.PluginConcurrency, "plugin-concurrency", 24, "The concurrency value for plugins")
   104  	fs.IntVar(&c.BackgroundWaitForSetConcurrency, "wait-for-set-concurrency", 5, "The concurrency for background waitforset processing")
   105  	fs.IntVar(&c.HelmCacheLimit, "helm-cache-limit", 1200, "The maximum entries allowed in the helm cache")
   106  	fs.StringVar(&c.EdgeSecMaxLeasePeriod, "edge-sec-max-lease-period", "", "Maximum secret lease period")
   107  	fs.StringVar(&c.EdgeSecMaxValidityPeriod, "edge-sec-max-validity-period", "", "Maximum secret validity period")
   108  	fs.StringVar(&c.GCPForemanProjectNumber, "gcp-foreman-project-number", "", "The Foreman GCP Project Number")
   109  }
   111  func (c *Config) AfterParse() error {
   112  	db, err := cloudsql.GCPPostgresConnection(c.DatabaseConnectionName).
   113  		DBName(c.DatabaseName).
   114  		Username(c.DatabaseUser).
   115  		NewConnection()
   116  	if err != nil {
   117  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create sql connection: %w", err)
   118  	}
   119  	pingCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
   120  	defer cancel()
   121  	if err := db.PingContext(pingCtx); err != nil {
   122  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to ping sql connection: %w", err)
   123  	}
   124  	c.DB = db
   125  	c.CreateClient = k8objectsutils.CreateClient
   126  	c.IPRangerClient = ipranger.NewClient(ipranger.ClusterLocalSvcHost)
   127  	gcpClientSvc := services.NewGcpClientService()
   128  	c.GCPService = services.NewGcpService(gcpClientSvc, c.TopLevelProjectID, nil)
   129  	c.BSLClient = bsl.NewBSLClient(c.BSLConfig).SetDefaultAccessKey(c.BSLAccessKey.SharedKey, c.BSLAccessKey.SecretKey)
   131  	clusterLabelSvc := clustersvc.NewLabelService(db)
   132  	c.ArtifactsService = artifacts.NewArtifactsService(db, clusterLabelSvc)
   134  	return nil
   135  }

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