
Source file src/edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/constants/secrets.go

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/constants

     1  package constants
     3  // Defines the names of the platform secrets required to get Edge up
     4  // and running. These values correspond to the expected secret name in
     5  // GCP SecretManager, but the values could be used anywhere secrets are stored.
     6  const (
     7  	// DataSynPubSubSAKey is the secret with the SA key for data sync to publish message to public topic
     8  	DataSynPubSubSAKey = "data-sync-connector-key"
     9  	// ChariotGitHubAppID is the App ID that GH generates when setting up the Chariot GitHub App
    10  	ChariotGitHubAppID = "chariot-gh-app-id"
    11  	// ChariotGitHubAppKey is the private key that GH generates when setting up the Chariot GitHub App
    12  	ChariotGitHubAppKey = "chariot-gh-app-private-key"
    13  	// DockerPullCfg is the pull creds for the NCR image repo(s)
    14  	DockerPullCfg = "platform-docker-pull-cfg"
    15  	// EdgeAPIOAauth2ClientID is the name fo the secret containing the IAP OAuth2
    16  	// Client ID used to auth to the Edge API.
    17  	EdgeAPIOAuth2ClientID = "edge-api-iap-oauth2-client-id"
    18  	// HelmRead is the username used for reading from the NCR Helm repo
    19  	HelmRead = "platform-helm-read"
    20  	// LaunchDarklySecretKey is the sdk key for edge launch darkly config
    21  	LaunchDarklySecretKey = "edge-backend-launch-darkly-sdk-key" //nolint
    22  	// EdgeTotpSecretKey is a totp secret key using to validate totp token
    23  	EdgeTotpSecretKey = "edge-backend-totp-secret"
    24  	// DefaultOwnerFilter is the default filter for when an owner is not passed in to secretManagerSecrets api
    25  	DefaultOwnerFilter = "tenant"
    27  	// not platform secret manager secret names
    28  	// TODO(alex): move these to a more appropriate place
    30  	//HelmRepositorySecretType is the constant for secrets that are type helm repository
    31  	HelmRepositorySecretType = "helm-repository"
    32  	//HelmURL is the url field of the helm secret
    33  	HelmURL = "helmUrl"
    34  	//HelmRepoName is name of the helm repo this secret belongs to
    35  	HelmRepoName = "helm_repo_name"
    36  	//HelmPassword is the helm password field
    37  	HelmPassword = "password"
    38  	//HelmUsername is the helm username field
    39  	HelmUsername = "username"
    40  	// BffAuth auth info needed for bsp and jwt token
    41  	BffAuth = "bff-auth"
    42  	//EdgeSecretTypeLabel is the label key for edge secret types
    43  	EdgeSecretTypeLabel = "secret-type-edge-ncr-com"
    44  	//EdgeWorkloadTypeLabel is the label key for edge workload types
    45  	EdgeWorkloadTypeLabel = "workload-edge-ncr-com"
    46  	//PlatformWorkloadType is the label value for edge platform workloads
    47  	PlatformWorkloadType = "platform"
    48  	KubeSystemNamespace  = "kube-system"
    49  )
    51  // PlatformSecretIDs contains the names of secrets assumed to exist in the top-level Foreman GCP Project's
    52  // Secret Manager. The values of these secrets will be replicated from the Foreman Secret Manager to
    53  // all banner/tenant projects upon creation
    54  var PlatformSecretIDs = []string{
    55  	HelmRead,
    56  	LaunchDarklySecretKey,
    57  	EdgeTotpSecretKey,
    58  }
    60  var PlatformHelmRepositories = map[string]bool{
    61  	NCRCharts: true,
    62  }

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