extend type Mutation { """ addTerminalLabel add a new mapping of label to terminal """ addTerminalLabel(terminalLabelParameters: NewTerminalLabelInput!): Boolean! @hasRole(roles: [EDGE_ORG_ADMIN, EDGE_BANNER_ADMIN, EDGE_BANNER_OPERATOR]) """ addTerminalLabels add a list of labels to terminals """ addTerminalLabels( terminalId: String! @hasTerminalAccess(field: "terminalId") labelEdgeIds: [String!]! @hasLabelAccess(field: "labelEdgeIds") ): Boolean! @hasRole(roles: [EDGE_ORG_ADMIN, EDGE_BANNER_ADMIN, EDGE_BANNER_OPERATOR]) } extend type Query { """ terminalLabels gets the mappings of labels to terminals """ terminalLabels( """ terminalLabelParameters is the optional paramaeters for get cluster label mappings """ terminalLabelParameters: SearchTerminalLabelInput! ): [TerminalLabel]! @hasRole( roles: [ EDGE_ORG_ADMIN EDGE_BANNER_ADMIN EDGE_BANNER_OPERATOR EDGE_BANNER_VIEWER ] ) } extend type Mutation { """ deleteTerminalLabel deletes a terminal label mapping by either terminal id, terminal_label_id or both """ deleteTerminalLabel( terminalLabelParameters: SearchTerminalLabelInput! ): Boolean! @hasRole(roles: [EDGE_ORG_ADMIN, EDGE_BANNER_ADMIN, EDGE_BANNER_OPERATOR]) }