extend type Mutation { """ registerCluster registers the cluster with edge. The cluster will not be setup until bootstrap api is called and the manifests created are applied. """ registerCluster(payload: RegistrationPayload!): RegistrationResponse! @hasRole( roles: [ EDGE_ORG_ADMIN EDGE_BANNER_ADMIN EDGE_BANNER_OPERATOR TOTP_ROLE ] ) """ resetCluster refreshes all activation codes for terminals in this cluster, and marks the cluster as in-active note: must be forced (i.e., force: true) as this is a destructive operation """ resetCluster( clusterEdgeId: String! @hasClusterAccess(field: "clusterEdgeId") force: Boolean! ): Boolean! @hasRole( roles: [ EDGE_ORG_ADMIN EDGE_BANNER_ADMIN ] ) }