1#!/usr/bin/env bash
3# This script aims to reduce the amount of time you have to spend in
4# the GCP console by allowing you to search through the current
5# project's k8s clusters and select one to add it to your kubeconfig
6# and make it active. You can use kubectx to do the same thing for
7# clusters you already have in your kubeconfig but this goes to gcloud
8# and finds them for you. Must have gcloud and fzf installed. Kubectx
9# is also a third party utility you can install that is much faster
10# than dialing out to gcloud if you have already done that before.
12gcloud container clusters list 2>/dev/null | \
13 tail -n+2 | \
14 awk '{print $1, "\t", $2}' | \
15 fzf | \
16 awk '{print "gcloud container clusters get-credentials", $1, "--zone ", $2}' | \
17 sh -s
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