
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/hack/observability/fluent-bit/jarvis/parsers.conf

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/hack/observability/fluent-bit/jarvis

     2    # aero logs are "|" separated with 10 fields 
     3    # Date|Time|PID|TID|Log Type|Component|Module|Source File|Source Line|Free Text
     4    # https://confluence.ncr.com/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=Aero&title=Aero+Logging
     5    Name   aero
     6    Format regex
     7    Regex  ^(?<date>[^ ]+)\|(?<time>[^ ]+)\|(?<PID>[^ ]+)\|(?<TID>[^ ]+)\|(?<level>[^ ]+)\|(?<component>[^ ]+)\|(?<module>[^ ]+)\|(?<sourcefile>[^ ]+)\|(?<sourceline>[^ ]+)\|(?<message>.*)$
    10    Name        json
    11    Format      json
    13# ===
    14# multi-line parsing
    15# ===
    16# SSCODeviceServer.log contains multi line log messages like this:
    17# 2021-11-24 16:40:18.172 [RxComputationThreadPool-2] INFO  c.n.s.d.s.BrokerCommunicationServiceImpl - Successfully sent message to broker. message:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    18# <Keylock xmlns="http://www.ncr.com/ssc/devserver/xmlpos/Keylock/">
    19#     <ARTSHeader ActionCode="Update" MessageType="Response">
    20#         <MessageID>44f9786f-e4c6-4873-b21d-ebcccfbf51e9</MessageID>
    21#         <DateTime>2021-11-24T16:39:40.918Z</DateTime>
    22#         <Response ResponseCode="OK">
    23#            <ResponseTimestamp>2021-11-24T16:40:18.168Z</ResponseTimestamp>
    24#        </Response>
    25#        <SensorID UnifiedPOS="Keylock">1</SensorID>
    26#    </ARTSHeader>
    27#    <KeylockBody>
    28#        <SetProperty>
    29#            <Response ResponseCode="OK"/>
    30#            <DeviceEnabled>true</DeviceEnabled>
    31#        </SetProperty>
    32#    </KeylockBody>
    34#, topic:scox/v1/retailer1/store2/2052434e-0000-0000-0000-057055590556/device/keylock/44f9786f-e4c6-4873-b21d-ebcccfbf51e9
    37    # https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/administration/configuring-fluent-bit/multiline-parsing#configurable-multiline-parsers
    38    name          sco-device-server-regex
    39    type          regex
    40    flush_timeout 1000
    41    #
    42    # Regex rules for multiline parsing
    43    # ---------------------------------
    44    #
    45    # configuration hints:
    46    #
    47    #  - first state always has the name: start_state
    48    #  - every field in the rule must be inside double quotes
    49    #
    50    # rules |   state name  | regex pattern                  | next state
    51    # ------|---------------|--------------------------------------------
    52    rule      "start_state"   "/(<\?xml)(.*)/"  "cont"
    53    rule      "cont"          "/^\s+<.*/"        "cont"
    54    rule      "cont"          "/^<.*/"        "cont"
    55    rule      "cont"          "/^,.*/"        "cont"

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