kind := "bazel run --config=quiet //hack/tools:kind --" kubectl := "bazel run --config=quiet //hack/tools:kubectl --" kustomize := "bazel run --config=quiet //hack/tools:kustomize --" # kind cluster name name := "edge" # registry information registry_name := "kind-registry" registry_port := "21700" up: registry {{kind}} create cluster --config $(pwd)/config.yaml --name {{name}} --wait 5m # make our local registry available to our kind cluster if [ "$(docker inspect -f='{{{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks.kind}}' "{{registry_name}}")" = 'null' ]; then \ docker network connect "kind" "{{registry_name}}"; \ fi {{kubectl}} apply -f local-registry-config.yaml down: {{kind}} delete cluster --name {{name}} reset: down up install-kcc infra-cluster-id infra-project-id: ensure-kind echo "dumping cluster info..." {{kubectl}} cluster-info echo "installing and configuring kcc..." bazel run --config=quiet //cmd/lift -- setup konfig-konnector --cluster-id={{infra-cluster-id}} --cluster-project-id={{infra-project-id}} --cluster-type=generic ensure-kind: ./ "{{kubectl}}" registry: #!/usr/bin/env bash if [ "$(docker inspect -f '{{{{.State.Running}}' "{{registry_name}}" 2>/dev/null || true)" != "true" ]; then docker run \ -d --restart=always \ -p "{{registry_port}}:5000" \ --name "{{registry_name}}" \ registry:2 fi