
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/hack/build/rules/d2/d2.bzl

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/hack/build/rules/d2

     1"""Implementation for rules that render d2 diagrams (https://d2lang.org)"""
     3load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:write_source_files.bzl", _write_source_file = "write_source_file")
     5def _d2_impl(ctx):
     6    out = ctx.actions.declare_file("{0}.{1}".format(ctx.label.name, ctx.attr.format))
     8    args = ctx.actions.args()
     9    args.add_all([
    10        "--layout",
    11        ctx.attr.layout,
    12        "--theme",
    13        ctx.attr.theme,
    14        "--browser",
    15        "0",
    16    ] + ctx.attr.args, uniquify = True)
    17    args.add(ctx.file.src.path)
    18    args.add(out)
    20    ctx.actions.run(
    21        outputs = [out],
    22        inputs = depset([ctx.file.src] + ctx.files.deps),
    23        executable = ctx.executable._d2,
    24        arguments = [args],
    25        mnemonic = "D2Render",
    26    )
    28    return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]))]
    30_d2 = rule(
    31    implementation = _d2_impl,
    32    attrs = {
    33        "src": attr.label(
    34            doc = ".d2 file to render",
    35            allow_single_file = True,
    36            mandatory = True,
    37        ),
    38        "deps": attr.label_list(
    39            doc = ".d2 files imported by this diagram",
    40            allow_files = True,
    41        ),
    42        "format": attr.string(
    43            doc = "Image format to render",
    44            default = "svg",
    45            values = ["svg", "png"],
    46        ),
    47        "theme": attr.int(
    48            doc = "D2 theme to use",
    49            default = 300,
    50        ),
    51        "layout": attr.string(
    52            doc = "D2 layout engine",
    53            default = "dagre",
    54            values = ["dagre", "elk"],
    55        ),
    56        "args": attr.string_list(
    57            doc = "Additional args to pass to the d2 binary",
    58            default = [],
    59        ),
    60        "_d2": attr.label(
    61            default = Label("@com_terrastruct_oss_d2//:d2"),
    62            allow_single_file = True,
    63            executable = True,
    64            cfg = "exec",
    65        ),
    66    },
    69def d2(
    70        name,
    71        deps = None,
    72        format = "svg",
    73        theme = None,
    74        layout = None,
    75        args = [],
    76        write_to_tree = True,
    77        **kwargs):
    78    _d2(
    79        name = name,
    80        deps = deps,
    81        format = format,
    82        theme = theme,
    83        layout = layout,
    84        args = args,
    85        **kwargs
    86    )
    88    if write_to_tree:
    89        _write_source_file(
    90            name = "write_{0}_{1}".format(name, format),
    91            in_file = name,
    92            out_file = "{0}.{1}".format(name, format),
    93        )

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