1diff --git a/tools/deps/go.bzl b/tools/deps/go.bzl
2index 24366cfe..e327868f 100644
3--- a/tools/deps/go.bzl
4+++ b/tools/deps/go.bzl
5@@ -1,6025 +1,6063 @@
6 """Defines our Golang dependencies for Bazel"""
8 load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "go_repository")
10 def go_repositories():
11 """Macro function loaded into WORKSPACE to define our Golang deps"""
12 go_repository(
13 name = "ag_pack_amqp",
14 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
15 importpath = "pack.ag/amqp",
16 sum = "h1:cuNDWLUTbKRtEZwhB0WQBXf9pGbm87pUBXQhvcFxBWg=",
17 version = "v0.11.2",
18 )
19 go_repository(
20 name = "cc_mvdan_interfacer",
21 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
22 importpath = "mvdan.cc/interfacer",
23 sum = "h1:WX1yoOaKQfddO/mLzdV4wptyWgoH/6hwLs7QHTixo0I=",
24 version = "v0.0.0-20180901003855-c20040233aed",
25 )
26 go_repository(
27 name = "cc_mvdan_lint",
28 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
29 importpath = "mvdan.cc/lint",
30 sum = "h1:DxJ5nJdkhDlLok9K6qO+5290kphDJbHOQO1DFFFTeBo=",
31 version = "v0.0.0-20170908181259-adc824a0674b",
32 )
33 go_repository(
34 name = "cc_mvdan_unparam",
35 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
36 importpath = "mvdan.cc/unparam",
37 sum = "h1:kAREL6MPwpsk1/PQPFD3Eg7WAQR5mPTWZJaBiG5LDbY=",
38 version = "v0.0.0-20200501210554-b37ab49443f7",
39 )
41 go_repository(
42 name = "co_honnef_go_tools",
43 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
44 importpath = "honnef.co/go/tools",
45 sum = "h1:SadWOkti5uVN1FAMgxn165+Mw00fuQKyk4Gyn/inxNQ=",
46 version = "v0.1.4",
47 )
48 go_repository(
49 name = "com_github_99designs_gqlgen",
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51 importpath = "github.com/99designs/gqlgen",
52 sum = "h1:haLTcUp3Vwp80xMVEg5KRNwzfUrgFdRmtBY8fuB8scA=",
53 version = "v0.13.0",
54 )
56 go_repository(
57 name = "com_github_afex_hystrix_go",
58 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
59 importpath = "github.com/afex/hystrix-go",
60 sum = "h1:rFw4nCn9iMW+Vajsk51NtYIcwSTkXr+JGrMd36kTDJw=",
61 version = "v0.0.0-20180502004556-fa1af6a1f4f5",
62 )
63 go_repository(
64 name = "com_github_agnivade_levenshtein",
65 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
66 importpath = "github.com/agnivade/levenshtein",
67 sum = "h1:M5ZnqLOoZR8ygVq0FfkXsNOKzMCk0xRiow0R5+5VkQ0=",
68 version = "v1.0.3",
69 )
70 go_repository(
71 name = "com_github_akihirosuda_containerd_fuse_overlayfs",
72 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
73 importpath = "github.com/AkihiroSuda/containerd-fuse-overlayfs",
74 sum = "h1:LhS8BiMh7ULa6zkkF5XI6piLV5XVTR7mSm9j3hTUB/k=",
75 version = "v1.0.0",
76 )
77 go_repository(
78 name = "com_github_alcortesm_tgz",
79 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
80 importpath = "github.com/alcortesm/tgz",
81 sum = "h1:uSoVVbwJiQipAclBbw+8quDsfcvFjOpI5iCf4p/cqCs=",
82 version = "v0.0.0-20161220082320-9c5fe88206d7",
83 )
84 go_repository(
85 name = "com_github_alecaivazis_survey_v2",
86 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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88 sum = "h1:5NbxkF4RSKmpywYdcRgUmos1o+roJY8duCLZXbVjoig=",
89 version = "v2.2.7",
90 )
91 go_repository(
92 name = "com_github_alecthomas_kingpin",
93 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
94 importpath = "github.com/alecthomas/kingpin",
95 sum = "h1:5svnBTFgJjZvGKyYBtMB0+m5wvrbUHiqye8wRJMlnYI=",
96 version = "v2.2.6+incompatible",
97 )
99 go_repository(
100 name = "com_github_alecthomas_template",
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103 sum = "h1:JYp7IbQjafoB+tBA3gMyHYHrpOtNuDiK/uB5uXxq5wM=",
104 version = "v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751",
105 )
106 go_repository(
107 name = "com_github_alecthomas_units",
108 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
109 importpath = "github.com/alecthomas/units",
110 sum = "h1:UQZhZ2O0vMHr2cI+DC1Mbh0TJxzA3RcLoMsFw+aXw7E=",
111 version = "v0.0.0-20190924025748-f65c72e2690d",
112 )
113 go_repository(
114 name = "com_github_alexedwards_scs",
115 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
116 importpath = "github.com/alexedwards/scs",
117 sum = "h1:/5L5a07IlqApODcEfZyMsu8Smd1S7Q4nBjEyKxIRTp0=",
118 version = "v1.4.1",
119 )
120 go_repository(
121 name = "com_github_alexflint_go_filemutex",
122 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
123 importpath = "github.com/alexflint/go-filemutex",
124 sum = "h1:AMzIhMUqU3jMrZiTuW0zkYeKlKDAFD+DG20IoO421/Y=",
125 version = "v0.0.0-20171022225611-72bdc8eae2ae",
126 )
127 go_repository(
128 name = "com_github_andreaskoch_go_fswatch",
129 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
130 importpath = "github.com/andreaskoch/go-fswatch",
131 sum = "h1:la8nP/HiaFCxP2IM6NZNUCoxgLWuyNFgH0RligBbnJU=",
132 version = "v1.0.0",
133 )
135 go_repository(
136 name = "com_github_andreyvit_diff",
137 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
138 importpath = "github.com/andreyvit/diff",
139 sum = "h1:bvNMNQO63//z+xNgfBlViaCIJKLlCJ6/fmUseuG0wVQ=",
140 version = "v0.0.0-20170406064948-c7f18ee00883",
141 )
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143 name = "com_github_anmitsu_go_shlex",
144 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
145 importpath = "github.com/anmitsu/go-shlex",
146 sum = "h1:kFOfPq6dUM1hTo4JG6LR5AXSUEsOjtdm0kw0FtQtMJA=",
147 version = "v0.0.0-20161002113705-648efa622239",
148 )
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157 go_repository(
158 name = "com_github_apache_thrift",
159 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
160 importpath = "github.com/apache/thrift",
161 sum = "h1:5hryIiq9gtn+MiLVn0wP37kb/uTeRZgN08WoCsAhIhI=",
162 version = "v0.13.0",
163 )
164 go_repository(
165 name = "com_github_apex_log",
166 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
167 importpath = "github.com/apex/log",
168 sum = "h1:1fyfbPvUwD10nMoh3hY6MXzvZShJQn9/ck7ATgAt5pA=",
169 version = "v1.3.0",
170 )
171 go_repository(
172 name = "com_github_apex_logs",
173 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
174 importpath = "github.com/apex/logs",
175 sum = "h1:KmEBVwfDUOTFcBO8cfkJYwdQ5487UZSN+GteOGPmiro=",
176 version = "v0.0.4",
177 )
178 go_repository(
179 name = "com_github_aphistic_golf",
180 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
181 importpath = "github.com/aphistic/golf",
182 sum = "h1:2KLQMJ8msqoPHIPDufkxVcoTtcmE5+1sL9950m4R9Pk=",
183 version = "v0.0.0-20180712155816-02c07f170c5a",
184 )
185 go_repository(
186 name = "com_github_aphistic_sweet",
187 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
188 importpath = "github.com/aphistic/sweet",
189 sum = "h1:I4z+fAUqvKfvZV/CHi5dV0QuwbmIvYYFDjG0Ss5QpAs=",
190 version = "v0.2.0",
191 )
193 go_repository(
194 name = "com_github_arbovm_levenshtein",
195 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
196 importpath = "github.com/arbovm/levenshtein",
197 sum = "h1:jfIu9sQUG6Ig+0+Ap1h4unLjW6YQJpKZVmUzxsD4E/Q=",
198 version = "v0.0.0-20160628152529-48b4e1c0c4d0",
199 )
201 go_repository(
202 name = "com_github_armon_circbuf",
203 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
204 importpath = "github.com/armon/circbuf",
205 sum = "h1:QEF07wC0T1rKkctt1RINW/+RMTVmiwxETico2l3gxJA=",
206 version = "v0.0.0-20150827004946-bbbad097214e",
207 )
209 go_repository(
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211 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
212 importpath = "github.com/armon/consul-api",
213 sum = "h1:G1bPvciwNyF7IUmKXNt9Ak3m6u9DE1rF+RmtIkBpVdA=",
214 version = "v0.0.0-20180202201655-eb2c6b5be1b6",
215 )
216 go_repository(
217 name = "com_github_armon_go_metrics",
218 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
219 importpath = "github.com/armon/go-metrics",
220 sum = "h1:B7AQgHi8QSEi4uHu7Sbsga+IJDU+CENgjxoo81vDUqU=",
221 version = "v0.3.0",
222 )
223 go_repository(
224 name = "com_github_armon_go_radix",
225 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
226 importpath = "github.com/armon/go-radix",
227 sum = "h1:BUAU3CGlLvorLI26FmByPp2eC2qla6E1Tw+scpcg/to=",
228 version = "v0.0.0-20180808171621-7fddfc383310",
229 )
230 go_repository(
231 name = "com_github_armon_go_socks5",
232 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
233 importpath = "github.com/armon/go-socks5",
234 sum = "h1:0CwZNZbxp69SHPdPJAN/hZIm0C4OItdklCFmMRWYpio=",
235 version = "v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5",
236 )
238 go_repository(
239 name = "com_github_aryann_difflib",
240 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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242 sum = "h1:pv34s756C4pEXnjgPfGYgdhg/ZdajGhyOvzx8k+23nw=",
243 version = "v0.0.0-20170710044230-e206f873d14a",
244 )
246 go_repository(
247 name = "com_github_asaskevich_govalidator",
248 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
249 importpath = "github.com/asaskevich/govalidator",
250 sum = "h1:46PFijGLmAjMPwCCCo7Jf0W6f9slllCkkv7vyc1yOSg=",
251 version = "v0.0.0-20200907205600-7a23bdc65eef",
252 )
253 go_repository(
254 name = "com_github_aws_aws_lambda_go",
255 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
256 importpath = "github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go",
257 sum = "h1:SuCy7H3NLyp+1Mrfp+m80jcbi9KYWAs9/BXwppwRDzY=",
258 version = "v1.13.3",
259 )
261 go_repository(
262 name = "com_github_aws_aws_sdk_go",
263 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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265 sum = "h1:h0AKIaz/A1kEJ50HxCv7tL1GW+KbxYbp75+lZ/nvFOI=",
266 version = "v1.38.6",
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272 sum = "h1:qZ+woO4SamnH/eEbjM2IDLhRNwIwND/RQyVlBLp3Jqg=",
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282 go_repository(
283 name = "com_github_azure_azure_amqp_common_go_v2",
284 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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286 sum = "h1:+QbFgmWCnPzdaRMfsI0Yb6GrRdBj5jVL8N3EXuEUcBQ=",
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292 importpath = "github.com/Azure/azure-pipeline-go",
293 sum = "h1:6oiIS9yaG6XCCzhgAgKFfIWyo4LLCiDhZot6ltoThhY=",
294 version = "v0.2.2",
295 )
297 go_repository(
298 name = "com_github_azure_azure_sdk_for_go",
299 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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302 version = "v54.1.0+incompatible",
303 )
304 go_repository(
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306 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
307 importpath = "github.com/Azure/azure-service-bus-go",
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309 version = "v0.9.1",
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311 go_repository(
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313 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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316 version = "v0.8.0",
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321 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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323 sum = "h1:w+iIsaOQNcT7OZ575w+acHgRric5iCyQh+xv+KJ4HB8=",
324 version = "v0.0.0-20170929234023-d6e3b3328b78",
325 )
326 go_repository(
327 name = "com_github_azure_go_autorest",
328 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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330 sum = "h1:V5VMDjClD3GiElqLWO7mz2MxNAK/vTfRHdAubSIPRgs=",
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334 go_repository(
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336 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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343 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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345 sum = "h1:L4/pmq7poLdsy41Bj1FayKvBhayuWRYkx9HU5i4Ybl0=",
346 version = "v0.9.11",
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348 go_repository(
349 name = "com_github_azure_go_autorest_autorest_azure_auth",
350 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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355 go_repository(
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357 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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363 go_repository(
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368 version = "v0.3.0",
369 )
370 go_repository(
371 name = "com_github_azure_go_autorest_autorest_mocks",
372 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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374 sum = "h1:K0laFcLE6VLTOwNgSxaGbUcLPuGXlNkbVvq4cW4nIHk=",
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377 go_repository(
378 name = "com_github_azure_go_autorest_autorest_to",
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384 go_repository(
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386 build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global",
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392 go_repository(
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399 go_repository(
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420 go_repository(
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435 go_repository(
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450 go_repository(
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3769 go_repository(
3770 name = "com_github_ncr_swt_retail_ee_bff_golang",
3771 # NOTE: Any imports that BFF makes from edge-infra must be captured here
3772 # or else the build will try to resolve edge-infra as an external repository
3773 # and log errors about `@latest` not containing the expected modules
3774 build_directives = [
3775 "gazelle:resolve go edge-infra.dev/pkg/k8s/util/gcp/iamcomponent @edge_infra//pkg/k8s/util/gcp/iamcomponent",
3776 "gazelle:resolve go edge-infra.dev/pkg/lib/logging @edge_infra//pkg/lib/logging",
3777 "gazelle:resolve go edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/gitops/fns/deletetenant @edge_infra//pkg/edge/gitops/fns/deletetenant",
3778 "gazelle:resolve go edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/constants/api/workload @edge_infra//pkg/edge/constants/api/workload",
3779 "gazelle:resolve go edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/constants/api/fleet @edge_infra//pkg/edge/constants/api/fleet",
3780 ],
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3872 "-known_import=github.com/onsi/C",
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5456 # ignore bad imports in test dir
5457 build_extra_args = [
5458 "-exclude=test/integration",
5459 ],
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5941 # ignore test dirs that contain invalid imports
5942 # see related issue here: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/issues/766
5943 "-exclude=cmd/fiximports/testdata",
5944 "-exclude=go/internal/gccgoimporter/testdata",
5945 "-exclude=go/loader/testdata",
5946 "-exclude=go/internal/gcimporter/testdata",
5947 "-exclude=go/packages/packagestest",
5948 # ignore known imports which are also used in tests
5949 # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/issues/473
5950 "-known_import=domain.name/importdecl",
5951 "-known_import=example.com/extramodule/pkg",
5952 "-known_import=nosuchpkg",
5953 "-known_import=lib",
5954 "-known_import=referrers",
5955 "-known_import=a",
5956 "-known_import=b",
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6018 importpath = "modernc.org/xc",
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View as plain text