1 package golang_test
3 import (
4 "os"
5 "strings"
6 "testing"
8 golang "edge-infra.dev/hack/build/ci/leaf/pkg/go"
9 )
11 func TestDiffParsing(t *testing.T) {
12 tcs := []struct {
13 Description string
14 DiffPath string
15 Targets map[string]struct{}
16 }{
17 {
18 Description: "Simple deps.bzl diff",
19 DiffPath: "testdata/deps-bzl-diff",
20 Targets: map[string]struct{}{
21 "@com_github_sourcegraph_go_diff//...": {},
22 "@in_gopkg_yaml_v3//...": {},
23 "@com_github_pkg_errors//...": {},
24 "@com_github_mattn_go_isatty//...": {},
25 "@com_github_cpuguy83_go_md2man_v2//...": {},
26 },
27 },
28 {
29 Description: "deps.bzl diff with build_file_name",
30 DiffPath: "testdata/deps-bzl-diff-multiple-name-strings",
31 Targets: map[string]struct{}{
32 "@com_github_envoyproxy_go_control_plane//...": {},
33 "@com_github_golang_groupcache//...": {},
34 "@com_github_golang_mock//...": {},
35 "@com_github_golang_snappy//...": {},
36 "@com_github_google_martian_v3//...": {},
37 "@com_github_google_pprof//...": {},
38 "@com_github_googleapis_gax_go_v2//...": {},
39 "@com_github_grpc_ecosystem_grpc_gateway//...": {},
40 "@com_github_rogpeppe_fastuuid//...": {},
41 "@com_google_cloud_go//...": {},
42 "@com_google_cloud_go_storage//...": {},
43 "@org_golang_google_api//...": {},
44 "@org_golang_google_protobuf//...": {},
45 "@org_golang_x_lint//...": {},
46 "@org_golang_x_oauth2//...": {},
47 "@org_golang_x_sys//...": {},
48 "@org_golang_x_text//...": {},
49 "@org_golang_x_tools//...": {},
50 },
51 },
52 {
53 Description: "More complex deps.bzl diff",
54 DiffPath: "testdata/deps-bzl-diff-huge",
55 Targets: map[string]struct{}{
56 "@com_github_beorn7_perks//...": {},
57 "@com_github_coreos_bbolt//...": {},
58 "@com_github_coreos_pkg//...": {},
59 "@com_github_elazarl_goproxy//...": {},
60 "@com_github_fsnotify_fsnotify//...": {},
61 "@com_github_go_logfmt_logfmt//...": {},
62 "@com_github_gogo_protobuf//...": {},
63 "@com_github_golang_groupcache//...": {},
64 "@com_github_golang_protobuf//...": {},
65 "@com_github_google_gofuzz//...": {},
66 "@com_github_hashicorp_golang_lru//...": {},
67 "@com_github_imdario_mergo//...": {},
68 "@com_github_json_iterator_go//...": {},
69 "@com_github_onsi_ginkgo//...": {},
70 "@com_github_onsi_gomega//...": {},
71 "@com_github_prometheus_client_model//...": {},
72 "@com_github_prometheus_procfs//...": {},
73 "@com_github_spf13_cobra//...": {},
74 "@com_github_spf13_viper//...": {},
75 "@com_github_tmc_grpc_websocket_proxy//...": {},
76 "@in_gopkg_yaml_v2//...": {},
77 "@io_k8s_api//...": {},
78 "@io_k8s_apimachinery//...": {},
79 "@io_k8s_apiextensions_apiserver//...": {},
80 "@io_k8s_apiserver//...": {},
81 "@io_k8s_client_go//...": {},
82 "@io_k8s_code_generator//...": {},
83 "@io_k8s_component_base//...": {},
84 "@io_k8s_gengo//...": {},
85 "@io_k8s_kube_openapi//...": {},
86 "@io_k8s_sigs_controller_runtime//...": {},
87 "@io_k8s_sigs_controller_tools//...": {},
88 "@io_k8s_sigs_yaml//...": {},
89 "@io_k8s_utils//...": {},
90 "@org_golang_google_genproto//...": {},
91 "@org_golang_google_grpc//...": {},
92 "@org_golang_google_protobuf//...": {},
93 "@org_golang_x_net//...": {},
94 "@org_golang_x_text//...": {},
95 "@org_golang_x_tools//...": {},
96 "@org_uber_go_atomic//...": {},
97 "@org_golang_x_mod//...": {},
98 "@com_github_envoyproxy_go_control_plane//...": {},
99 "@com_github_yuin_goldmark//...": {},
100 "@com_github_cpuguy83_go_md2man_v2//...": {},
101 },
102 },
103 }
105 for _, tc := range tcs {
106 diffBytes, err := os.ReadFile(tc.DiffPath)
107 if err != nil {
108 t.Error(err)
109 }
110 results := golang.Parse(strings.Split(string(diffBytes), "\n"))
111 t.Logf("Parsed modules: %s", results)
112 if len(results) != len(tc.Targets) {
113 t.Errorf("Parse: Expected %d results, got %v", len(tc.Targets), len(results))
114 }
115 for _, result := range results {
116 if _, ok := tc.Targets[result]; !ok {
117 t.Errorf("Parse: Expected to find %s in result", result)
118 }
119 }
120 }
121 }
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