
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/config/pallets/sds/nodeagent/dsds/daemonset-patch.yaml

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/config/pallets/sds/nodeagent/dsds

     1apiVersion: apps/v1
     2kind: DaemonSet
     4  name: node-agent
     5  namespace: sds
     6  labels:
     7    platform.edge.ncr.com/component: nodeagent
     9  selector:
    10    matchLabels:
    11      platform.edge.ncr.com/component: nodeagent
    12  template:
    13    metadata:
    14      labels:
    15        platform.edge.ncr.com/component: nodeagent
    16    spec:
    17      hostNetwork: true
    18      hostPID: true
    19      initContainers:
    20      - name: control-plane-guardian-image-init
    21        image: bzl://cmd/sds/controlplaneguardian:container_push
    22        args: ["version"]
    23      - name: control-plane-promoter-image-init
    24        image: bzl://cmd/sds/controlplanepromoter:container_push
    25        args: ["version"]
    26      - name: device-agent
    27        image: bzl://cmd/sds/devices/device-agent:container_push
    28        args:
    29        - --start=false
    30      - name: etcd-manager-image-init
    31        image: bzl://cmd/sds/etcd/manager:container_push
    32        args: ["version"]
    33      - name: k8s-admission
    34        image: bzl://cmd/sds/admission/controller:container_push
    35        args: ["version"]
    36      - name: k8s-admission-init
    37        image: bzl://cmd/sds/admission/init:container_push
    38        args: ["version"]
    39      - name: lan-outage-detector-image-init
    40        image: bzl://cmd/sds/lanoutage/detector:container_push
    41        args: ["version"]
    42      - name: lan-outage-scheduler-image-init
    43        image: bzl://cmd/sds/lanoutage/scheduler:container_push
    44        args: ["version"]
    45      containers:
    46      - name: nodeagent
    47        image: bzl://cmd/sds/nodeagent:container_push
    48        envFrom: []
    49        env:
    50        - name: CONTROL_PLANE_GUARDIAN_IMAGE
    51          value: bzl://cmd/sds/controlplaneguardian:container_push
    52        - name: CONTROL_PLANE_PROMOTER_IMAGE
    53          value: bzl://cmd/sds/controlplanepromoter:container_push
    54        - name: LAN_OUTAGE_DETECTOR_IMAGE
    55          value: bzl://cmd/sds/lanoutage/detector:container_push
    56        - name: LAN_OUTAGE_SCHEDULER_IMAGE
    57          value: bzl://cmd/sds/lanoutage/scheduler:container_push
    58        - name: ETCD_MANAGER_IMAGE
    59          value: bzl://cmd/sds/etcd/manager:container_push
    60        - name: K8S_ADMISSION_IMAGE
    61          value: bzl://cmd/sds/admission/controller:container_push
    62        - name: K8S_ADMISSION_INIT_IMAGE
    63          value: bzl://cmd/sds/admission/init:container_push
    64        - name: ADMISSION_WEBHOOK_NAME
    65          value: admission
    66        - name: DEVICE_AGENT_IMAGE
    67          value: bzl://cmd/sds/devices/device-agent:container_push
    68        volumeMounts:
    69        - name: root
    70          readOnly: true # Mount root system as read only
    71          mountPath: /host
    72        - name: etc-volume
    73          mountPath: /host-etc
    74        - name: rofs-volume
    75          readOnly: true
    76          mountPath: /host-rofs
    77        - name: network-service-ips
    78          readOnly: true
    79          mountPath: /run/network-service-ips
    80        - name: gateway-cni-script
    81          readOnly: false
    82          mountPath: /opt/cni/bin/gateway
    83        - name: calico-config-list
    84          readOnly: false
    85          mountPath: /etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conflist
    86        - name: fw-dir
    87          readOnly: false
    88          mountPath: /etc/ien-fw/ipv4/dynamic
    89        - name: xtables-lock
    90          mountPath: /run/xtables.lock
    91        - name: dhcp-dir
    92          readOnly: false
    93          mountPath: /etc/dhcp/
    94        - name: boot
    95          readOnly: false
    96          mountPath: /host-boot
    97        - name: bin-dir
    98          readOnly: true
    99          mountPath: /usr/local/bin
   100        - name: data-volume
   101          mountPath: /host-data
   102        - name: dbus-socket
   103          mountPath: /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
   104        - name: kubernetes-manifests
   105          mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/manifests
   106        - name: zynstra-config
   107          mountPath: /zynstra/config
   108        - name: run-systemd
   109          mountPath: /run/systemd
   110        securityContext:
   111          capabilities:
   112            add:
   113            - CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE # Root permissions to read/write to files on IEN
   114            # TODO: we should look to replace chroot with dbus - https://github.com/ncrvoyix-swt-retail/edge-infra/pull/6348
   115            - CAP_SYS_CHROOT # Allows chroot (for use by os.exec commands)
   116            - CAP_NET_ADMIN # required for tc and netlink
   117            drop:
   118            - all # Drop all linux capabilities
   119          privileged: true
   120      volumes:
   121      - name: bin-dir
   122        hostPath:
   123          type: Directory
   124          path: /usr/local/bin
   125      - name: boot
   126        hostPath:
   127          type: DirectoryOrCreate
   128          path: /boot
   129      - name: calico-config-list
   130        hostPath:
   131          type: File
   132          path: /etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conflist
   133      - name: data-volume
   134        hostPath:
   135          type: DirectoryOrCreate
   136          path: /data
   137      - name: dbus-socket
   138        hostPath:
   139          type: Socket
   140          path: /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
   141      - name: dhcp-dir
   142        hostPath:
   143          type: ""
   144          path: /etc/dhcp/
   145      - name: etc-volume
   146        hostPath:
   147          type: Directory
   148          path: /etc
   149      - name: fw-dir
   150        hostPath:
   151          type: DirectoryOrCreate
   152          path: /etc/ien-fw/ipv4/dynamic
   153      - name: gateway-cni-script
   154        hostPath:
   155          type: FileOrCreate
   156          path: /opt/cni/bin/gateway
   157      - name: kubernetes-manifests
   158        hostPath:
   159          type: Directory
   160          path: /etc/kubernetes/manifests
   161      - name: network-service-ips
   162        configMap:
   163          name: network-service-ips
   164          optional: true
   165      - name: rofs-volume
   166        hostPath:
   167          type: Directory
   168          path: /rofs
   169      - name: root
   170        hostPath:
   171          path: /
   172      - name: run-systemd
   173        hostPath:
   174          type: Directory
   175          path: /run/systemd
   176      - name: xtables-lock
   177        hostPath:
   178          type: FileOrCreate
   179          path: /run/xtables.lock
   180      - name: zynstra-config
   181        hostPath:
   182          type: Directory
   183          path: /zynstra/config

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