
Text file src/edge-infra.dev/config/pallets/sds/interlock/base/daemonset.yaml

Documentation: edge-infra.dev/config/pallets/sds/interlock/base

     1apiVersion: apps/v1
     2kind: DaemonSet
     4  name: interlock
     6  template:
     7    metadata:
     8      annotations:
     9        kubectl.kubernetes.io/default-container: interlock
    10    spec:
    11      # SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME will be substituted by kustomize
    12      serviceAccountName: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME
    13      hostname: interlock
    14      priorityClassName: edge-p3-workload-services
    15      containers:
    16      - name: interlock
    17        image: bzl://cmd/sds/interlock:container_push
    18        ports:
    19        - name: interlock-api
    20          protocol: TCP
    21          hostPort: 31058
    22          containerPort: 80
    23        - name: metrics
    24          protocol: TCP
    25          containerPort: 8080
    26        env:
    27        ## GIN_MODE can be one of 'debug' or 'release'
    28        - name: GIN_MODE
    29          value: debug
    30        - name: NODE_NAME
    31          valueFrom:
    32            fieldRef:
    33              fieldPath: spec.nodeName
    34        - name: HOSTIP
    35          valueFrom:
    36            fieldRef:
    37              fieldPath: status.hostIP
    38        - name: NAMESPACE
    39          valueFrom:
    40            fieldRef:
    41              apiVersion: v1
    42              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
    43        resources:
    44          limits:
    45            cpu: "100m"
    46            memory: 150Mi
    47          requests:
    48            cpu: 10m
    49            memory: 25Mi
    50        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    51      imagePullSecrets:
    52      - name: edge-docker-pull-secret

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