1apiVersion: apps/v1
2kind: Deployment
4 name: triage-party
6 template:
7 spec:
8 containers:
9 - name: triage-party
10 # manually pushed to workloads until they cut a release
11 # aj18259 update: manually pushed update with jquery version updated per security's
12 # request.
13 image: us-east1-docker.pkg.dev/ret-edge-pltf-infra/workloads/triageparty/triage-party:jquery-update
14 ports:
15 - name: http
16 containerPort: 8080
17 env:
18 - name: GITHUB_TOKEN
19 valueFrom:
20 secretKeyRef:
21 name: triage-party-github-token
22 key: token
23 volumeMounts:
24 - name: config
25 mountPath: /app/config
26 readinessProbe:
27 failureThreshold: 3
28 httpGet:
29 port: http
30 path: /healthz
31 scheme: HTTP
32 initialDelaySeconds: 5
33 periodSeconds: 5
34 successThreshold: 1
35 timeoutSeconds: 1
36 imagePullPolicy: Always
37 volumes:
38 - name: config
39 configMap:
40 name: triage-party-config
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